Why are so many white men dropping out of society?
Why are so many white men dropping out of society?
Why do you care, Hans
In July 1968 four pairs of mice were introduced into the habitat. There was no shortage of food or water or nesting material. There were no predators.
The last surviving birth was on day 600, bringing the total population to a mere 2200 mice... This period between day 315 and day 600 saw a breakdown in social structure and in normal social behavior. Among the aberrations in behavior were the following: expulsion of young before weaning was complete, wounding of young, increase in homosexual behavior, inability of dominant males to maintain the defense of their territory and females, aggressive behavior of females, passivity of non-dominant males with increased attacks on each other which were not defended against. After day 600, the social breakdown continued and the population declined toward extinction. Their male counterparts withdrew completely, never engaging in courtship or fighting. They ate, drank, slept, and groomed themselves – all solitary pursuits. Sleek, healthy coats and an absence of scars characterized these males. They were dubbed "the beautiful ones." Breeding never resumed and behavior patterns were permanently changed.
...when all available space is taken and all social roles filled, competition and the stresses experienced by the individuals will result in a total breakdown in complex social behaviors, ultimately resulting in the demise of the population.
Calhoun saw the fate of the population of mice as a metaphor for the potential fate of man. He characterized the social breakdown as a "second death,” with reference to the “second death” mentioned in the Biblical book of Revelation 2:11. His study has been cited by writers such as Bill Perkins as a warning of the dangers of the living in an "increasingly crowded and impersonal world."
this guy again
You guys really got a bunch of sticks in the mud.
I don't think they're doing it by choice, I think they're doing it because there's not much in the way of opportunities
because society has dropped white people
a doe
Someone post the video
God I hate society. I'm so glad that I have a work at home job.
My race doesn't give a shit about me, so I don't give a shit about my race.\
Because our roles have been rescinded because of Affirmative action.
Now that society sees no use for us, we fuck off. It's what they wanted. However in maybe 5-10 years when things go to shit is when they will want us back to clean up their mess.
'cause they will never be as white as us
Since you faggots won't, I found it.
It's not a meritocracy anymore.
Can't lose if you don't play.
That deer needs Christ in it's life.
And you can't play if you weren't invited.
Dropped out and now I live on the NEET bucks. Now women and minorities can pay for my shit.
I remember when Scott Adams claimed affirmative action was fine because the alternative was unsustainable. Quite interesting considering meritocracies are self-correcting and robust if not antifragile. So tired of the nonsense that fuels this increasingly declining society.
Post more deer. That's all you're good for
Wew freakish. I know when feeder mice are left to breed in an enclosed terrarium only monitored by a distracted child they will soon resort to cannibalism. Not sure if there was a food shortage.
>the Beautiful ones
google it
dumb deerposter
People societies are a bit more complex than that of rats
Are you fucking that deer or somethng?
People need to stop referencing that when
Is the most applicable explanation. Society no longer favors intelligence and growth from experience. By not rewarding merit it disincentivizes white men from trying. Add divorce and men getting raked over the coals and you have complete social dissolution.
Stop shitposting, deer.
Because so many places hate white male republicans.
Literally society has become a race to the bottom for most people especially whites or educated whites.
What we do now is either get on neetbux or enlist and then double our neetbux later on. That's what everyone does.
Once they started saying bachelors degree didn't matter....ohhhh boy that was a big mistake.
that's a big dog
Bachelor's degrees literally don't matter because federal student aid means anyone and everyone can get into college
And that's the biggest Jew scam of them all. More than any other piece of policy, I think this is the main reason for the decline of the west. It creates debt slavery, it forces people into college just to come off as remotely marketable and it eliminates non service oriented jobs leaving millions trying to fill a role they're not remotely suited for.
Are we all turning Japanese then?
While utopian abundance (and overcrowding and extreme competition) took just a few generations to wipe out the rats, it would take many, many generations to ruin humans. Not happening.
On the other hand, in the Western world, our societies ALL display fringe behavior like the ones of the rats in the experiment. They are slowly going mainstream, and some Beautiful ones can be found. Competition is healthy only to a certain extent.
>when all available space is taken and all social roles filled, competition and the stresses experienced by the individuals will result in a total breakdown in complex social behaviors, ultimately resulting in the demise of the population.
We have to shut the Western world from the Third World (build huge walls), and build and engineer self-sustaining demographics. Every Western country on Earth is now overpopulated because competition is now unhealthy (college grads can't find jobs. This kind of alienation was unthinkable since the Middle Ages).
We have to engineer the new society in which a regulated free market best allocates the resources and human capital. Right now we're heading to a rat-like fate, or worse.
How do I get pet deer? This looks awesome.
it looks drugged up
he never posts context for some reason
Probably because the deerposting bumps his threads
>shoot Bambi's mom
>kidnap Bambi
The west needs to be unified under a common goal. Christianity was doing fine providing all this stuff until we got too smart for our own pants and forgot the values we built our world on. We need Christianity, the alternatives aren't feasible.
These experiments aren't about overpopulation, they never reached max capacity, it's about social dynamics of abundance.
dear k-k
My point is that they used to matter. I was gonna go to law school. That used to matter too.
Once you start saying that nothing matters for the majority of people and that education doesn't provide any social mobility, you are in for a collapse.
It's pretty much our equivalent of when they started saying in the Soviet Union that everyone including doctors was going to be paid the same pay. No one does anything because why should they try so hard for the same pay?
Now unfortunately in the U.S. spics,niggers, other pieces of shit, etc are smart enough to pay doctors high pay still which is really annoying. So what they're trying to do is basically get society by with the bear minimum. They figured out they really only have to guarantee jobs to certain people that are vital to society. Everyone else can fuck off in their minds.
The problem is, (and i'm not against this at all these idiots brought it upon themselves) we have close to 33% of people on welfare now. What happens when it reaches 50%? This is the main flaw in their system. Once you have a race to the bottom, it's not long before it becomes a big joke.
Not to mention that us white men don't have a reason to even work. All of the women are completely un-datable and fuck I could go on about this for awhile...
We need something to bring all whites together.
Had read about this when I was thirteen. Thought it was just hoax to scare people.
>Fast foward 10 years
Oh shit!
You want a big undomesticated animal in your house shitting all over the place and fucking up your stuff?
How do you define 'overpopulation' in a quasi-infinite resources context? In this case, user is referring to a kind of social overpepulation happening right here in the western world.
>all social roles are filled
hundreds of people fiercely compete for a job. One gets it, the others try elsewhere. A good proportion gets alienated and displays 'fringe' behavior, of which the zenith is being a Beautiful one.
This is the true overpopulation, the one that is driving the West into self destruction.
so fucking true
See pic related and note, as Maslow did, that achievement grows out of having good friends and intimate female companionship in your life. Today its exactly the opposite--and that's only if you're lucky. You can't get a decent women to even look at you unless you're already someone of high accomplishment in some regard. Today, a man's options for fulfilling that vital third tier of the pyramid are basically:
1. Discard all standards and dedicate your life to a toxic low-value woman for the scraps of sex and affection she'll occasionally toss your way in between bouts of using you for whatever she can
2. Grind away for years in loneliness while clinging onto the ever-slimming HOPE that once you acquire some noteworthy degree of status, wealth, or bodily aesthetics, it will allow you to earn the favor of a worthwhile longterm female companion.
3. NOPE out and retreat into the fleeting pleasures of vidya and porn to momentarily assuage these needs on a day-by-day basis
Shit is fucked.
Well I assumed it is domesticated and shits in a box or something.
Also it looks pretty smug and comfy to shitpost with.
Because now minorities are more important
It does not matter your potential is wasted. Just stay home, play videogames and watch porn. Be a good goy.
I'm telling you, this is all a result of everyone being forced through the higher education Jew
Industrial work is dead in America and Europe
Agricultural work isn't remotely feasible for anyone
All kinds of people in our country were born to create things. And no one can anymore. We are not nations that create anymore; instead we promote or exploit.
And only a select few of us do so because of the ridiculous competition in the labor market. Now everyone goes to college, making degrees worthless. Now everyone gets degrees in the same shit, ensuring that what degrees do have an open job market are very selective and basically dooming those who pursue non marketable degrees. Even high demand degrees (STEM) are a bubble threatening to pop any minute from labor surplus, and if women wanted these degrees, it would have already happened.
And of course, the liberal indoctrination that goes on in almost all colleges doesn't help things. The only way to fix these things is to remove federal student aid. It's even more important than removing welfare.
This is why they push the networking meme now.
We're heading into a Neo-Feudal society in which everyone is hyper educated but only those who know the right people get the job and the women.
We're successfully alienating everything dooming the present West to a rat-like end and endless violence.
> only Universe where any such thing happened
> clearly autistic genes in the pool
Autism killed those mice, as nature intended.
Ya the problem is 2. is becoming almost impossible to achieve for even apparently engineers now.
Honestly the media and the government spent so much time and money brainwashing people to accept less and think that minimum wage or close to it is good when they could have just created jobs. No smart white person buys it. It's just these super stupid spics in my area that buy it.
When there is no work required for anything there are no roles to be filled at all. It's not about how many rats are there it's about the fact they have nothing to guide them. Normally it's just the fight for survival that guides them, like it did us but now we need to take control of our future and create new narratives with new roles for us to fill. Humans have already been through this whole thing many times before, the most effective solution ever applied was Christianity.
Pic related, image of the future man, sits bored with wings to fly and surrounded by unused tools of science.
You mean like Israel
I don't think you can domesticate a deer.
Maslow himself also said that the hierarchy wasn't linear and that some may achieve later "needs" before earlier ones or prioritize later needs.
Even he knew that you don't need a gf to be happy.
because white men are mostly cucks who don't know how to keep women in line
I am saying don't remove welfare. They literally cannot remove it without a massive civil war. But I don't think they should. It's our only protection against slave labor jobs.
The government already knows this. They know they can never remove miltiary neetbux. Especially because a gigantic war with former military trained vets would ensue. Trump knows this too and he's gonna try and create high paying jobs to get people off of it instead of just ending everything at once without a solution.
Having neetbux ensures that they cannot force us all to work wagecuck shit. Which is good IMO.
>It's our only protection against slave labor jobs.
It's the reason we have slave labor jobs in the first place. It creates all the taxes that makes these jobs unsustainable as a lifestyle
Ya I hate this networking shit. The whole point of college was to avoid that bullshit. That's why you have these GED gangstas making like 270K a year (that's an actual figure of a janitors salary where I live).
I mean i'd be happy with 50K or even 30K to be totally honest.
I hate this idea that how many friends you have ensures what job you get. Isn't this literally like soviet union style? It also makes no sense because let us say that we have a STEM field person wanting a job and he doesn't have any family or friends in that position. Maybe he's a poor white person that is the first to go to college or whatever. How the fuck does he get a job now??? It seems like if anything this just hurts poor people even more to have the networking. It also just encourages all of the nepotism like a third world country or soviet union.
Whatever, i'm rambling.
What does this mean? How would the tools help? And why would they be unused? Don't you think they could be OVERUSED, the man abandoning them and this is why the man is sitting bored?
Should I drop out of college, Hans? I'm socially retarded and can't into networking. Also I will probably have to take 5 years of college in order to graduate.
On some level many of them know they've been betrayed by our political and economics elites (the CEO's, the growth mongers, bankers, devoted psycho consumers etc.), and most people (women in particular) aren't even capable of understanding how this can be - betrayed by the same people hell bent on destroying everything that makes the world a cool place.
If you understand a little bit of physics and economics then you flat out know this is true.
my poo was khaki colored. what does that mean. i have seen green and brown 1 time almost black brown but never khaki
i need to go on sabbatical for a year and find the meaning
>this whole thing many times before, the most effective solution ever applied was Christianity.
The present situation never happened because constant innovation and a low population meant more jobs available, thus more social roles to be filled and this has been a constant throughout History even during the hardest times.
Now innovation destroys jobs (rise of the machines) and increasing, high population means the remaining jobs are becoming more and more competitive to get.
Christianity is not a solution because it would be just another form of alienation. You mean that jobless people should become Christian hermits obsessed with the afterlife. This is not only a cruel thing but unfeasible because people are increasingly intelligent, too. Christianity has always been just a political tool to control and unite the masses like Machiavelli described in the Prince, but it's not a tool to give them purpose.
If you drop out it means less competition for me (because you would destroy your future, since a degree is one of the bases of networking together with social circles), thus I would recommend you to drop out. This is the state of things.
so in order for humans to colonize space we need perpetual war? perpetual war incoming, Praise KEK
Only if you have a plan. Here are your options outside of college
>Go to trade school, make decent living for less debt and less risk than normal college although also less pay
>Have idea for business, present to venture capital investors, fund self and struggle for years, but potentially make 6 or even 7 digits if your idea ever takes off
>Join military, live a tougher life, but have all your debts paid and living arrangements provided.
>Kill self
Hope one of these sounds appealing.
>this is the norm
>"yes of course there are exceptions"
>pic related
if the tiers weren't extremely significant he wouldn't have made it a pyramid. Maslow knew the vast majority of men need a surrogate dopamine-dealer after they outgrow their mommies.
Even if you do achieve it, it's not secure. Desirable women are always just a instagram message away from jumping on some celebrity's dick as he's passing through your town.
By propping up an elite class of hyper-valuable men (hollywood celebrities/athletes) the elites have essentially poisoned the world's supply of pussy to everybody outside of that tiny minority. Unless you have Brad Pitt tier statues, you don't get to "have" your own woman anymore. There will always be the possibility of a "better" man cucking you. This reality is always present in the back of men's minds as it's built into our lizard brain. Another reason so many men aren't even bothering investing in grils.
College to avoid networking? Since when? Who sold you that fairy tale, or di dyou just make it up? That's what college is half for - getting into people's address books, for the future. That's what Frats are for, besides date rape and alcoholism.
But, I guarantee there are more jobs that don't need that kind of thing, than are. The cool, over paid jobs at the law offices, corporations, and social media companies will have that, but most white collar entry level work? Doesn't mean dick.
Plus, if you're not aiming to be an executive, you don't need any of that.
How do you get a job? You make a thing called a resume, and you send them out. You apply for jobs you find on job search sites. If you're really striking out and just want something to pay the bills, go sign up at a bunch of temp agencies and see what they can find you - a lot of companies now will ONLY hire entry level work from an agency, they never hire off the street, they only have ads because they're required by law.
If your career goals are low, and you're good at 50k as a salary, then go apply for government work, for the state, or the Fed. It's gonna be boring, the people you work with will be boring, but it's stable, regular, and you'll have benefits.
But don't expect to work at Facebook or Google or any of the hip, rock star companies with your attitude and low expectations.
Basically unless you are doing an in-demand type of engineering or a good comp-sci program, drop out.
What they are saying right now IRL is that only doctors deserve high paying jobs and everyone that goes to college needs to become a doctor. It obviously doesn't work that way. The GED ganstas think that every degree gets you into medical school automatically I guess.
When you interview, yes interview, at jobs they will tell you to go to medical school. This is what they say at job interviews now. It's like the interviews are just lectures and pigeon-holing now. They don't even lead to jobs it's a way for the managers (GED gangstas ALWAYS) to prevent boredom at work.
It doesn't work though, everyone just goes on neetbux. Which they will also tell you to do at interviews indirectly.
Idk what to tell you. Enlist in the military and double your neetbux dude. That's what i'm doing. The government will never take military neetbux away unless they want to get beheaded tomorrow. It's awesome they cannot touch it.
You can get them to a semi-domesticated state, especially if you hand-rear them early enough.
t. used to work on a deer farm
>Who sold you that fairy tale
That fairy tale is what the greater part of the middle class is built on and believes in.
And people wonder why Trump got elected.
>By propping up an elite class of hyper-valuable men (hollywood celebrities/athletes) the elites have essentially poisoned the world's supply of pussy to everybody outside of that tiny minority. Unless you have Brad Pitt tier statues, you don't get to "have" your own woman anymore. There will always be the possibility of a "better" man cucking you. This reality is always present in the back of men's minds as it's built into our lizard brain. Another reason so many men aren't even bothering investing in grils.
These threads are the only insight available on the decadence of the Western world.
We're doomed on all fronts and still we can't see a solution that does not involve mass killings (thus unfeasible).
>Now innovation destroys jobs
This is a flawed assumption. Innovation destroys some jobs and creates new jobs. Farming use to be 75% of American jobs, now it is
Once maximum population was reached they should have tried flooding the mouse enclosure with another breed of mouse that is accustomed to much higher population densities.
You know, to maintain growth.
Dopamine's just a brain chemical, champ, anything can trigger it if you condition yourself to enjoy it enough
No one needs women for that even if they help.
You may have had a point if you'd said oxytocin
real life sucks man, i just feel alienated all the time
so adorable. are you the owner of that deer?
>Basically unless you are doing an in-demand type of engineering or a good comp-sci program, drop out.
quads of two will tell what's true (praise kek)
ok better to say the present problem was foreseen many times in history. I think they probably did occur on smaller scales but not like today.
Religion takes control of the narrative, it provides the framework to allow for meaningful sacrifice for greater ideals than survival. There is no literal afterlife, jerking off about supernatural bullshit has nothing to do with the real strength of Christianity, moving people to greatness and creativity.
Our governments are actively working against us.
>It's not a meritocracy anymore.
I know how to apply to jobs. Every job worth taking in the civilian world requires years of experience.
Maybe I'll try government jobs. Idk. I tried applying to a dispatch position and since it didn't require a degree, they had 40+ people applying for 8 jobs. I ended up not getting the job.
I've pretty much decided that i'm gonna enlist to double my neetbux. Nothing else makes any sense whatsoever to me. If it's a race to the bottom, I better get second to the last place instead of dead last. Once I found out how much military neetbux is, holy shit I am good off of that for life.
Because as a white male in my 30's life is better without a wife and kids
I stay in shape, have a decent job, my own house, car and no baggage
I can fuck 20 year old girls for fun. I'm in good shape and have money. 30 year old women are train wrecks with kids or exes or they are fat
Life was easy for them from 18-27. Then they got fat or pregnant. Now their pussy is worthless
My guy friends and I hang out but fuck women. They are by 27 complete pieces of shit. Fat, angry and with a false sense of accomplishment that slowly is being crushed by the world cause they aren't hot snymore so no one is handing them shit.
That's why I can barely stand women if prostitution was legal I wouldn't even talk to them
cute deer, hans
As someone who has accomplished 4/5 of those, being at the top of the pyramid is only the beginning. The whole point in was that, should you accomplish the first four, the last one is going to be a battle against all the odds and with the reward of being universally hated. I'm a professional, I studied so fucking hard to get where I am, I beat the shit odds with women and found a nice home wife and have great kids, but at the end of the day I'm still the evil white man and my every step up the social ladder at work requires going SO far above and beyond the non-whites and women that it's nearly heart-attack inducing to even try.
At this point I'm more than willing to coast where I am. I could be an asset to the economy for the rest of my life, but instead of that drive to build a better future I think it's more logical to just steel the kids from the hell that they're going to face and try to store up as much resources as I can away from the filthy grabbing claws of the leftist coalition.
Having said all that, society isn't going to fracture because the top of the pyramid or even the middle of the pyramid is a lost cause for most whites. It's going to fracture because in the not too distant future, basic security is going to become scarce for whites. Trump is lulling many into complacency. The media never gave up on its hate-whitey narrative. They're still ginning up a racial grievance narrative daily. Eventually its going to come to a head and whites just won't be safe in many parts of the country. That will be when the hammer drops. Either the state will go full blown police lockdown mode and curb everyone's rights to just about zero OR they will continue to let whites be hounded out of polite society until they are all herded onto self-imposed reservations on the periphery.
Everyone can instinctively see this coming. That's why they're withdrawing from society. Society HATES them and continuously heaps scorn on them. It won't end well.
>Innovation destroys some jobs and creates new jobs.
The net creation is negative. eg a few technicians and engineers are needed to create and maintain a completely automated bank telling process but a great number of bank tellers get fired. This is the first time in History innovation means the net creation of jobs is negative. Our society will reach a point when an innumerable mass of people will be totally out of the job market because their competencies and experiences became outdated in a span of 5 years. This will repeat until people will get fired overnight because a new machine is available to substitute them.
They are nused because the man has no use for them anymore, he has overcome all his struggles, the tools got him there but no further. Now he sits depressed surrounded by remnants of his great past.
>be born
>given jew name
>dick is chopped up
>soul is sold to social security
>in debt for eternity
>have to obey arbitrary laws our founders didn't intend and nobody pays attention to the natural laws they did intent society to be run on
>shit parenting, no nutrition, spiritual, or physical knowledge
>shit schooling
>shit food, water
>escape shitty world with escapism by gaming
>literally look like a fedoralord till late puberty
>leave HS with no skills because the above
>pic related explains baby boomer parenting
basically people want to laugh it off, but we were born into a 1984-brave new world hybrid that's a literal nightmare manifest, nobody seems to mention the pedophilia in governments and religions, or corrupt justice system, and or the autism tier monetary policies we have.