Is Trump getting increasingly nervous?

Is Trump getting increasingly nervous?

Why? He's got nothing to hide.


Fuck Trump



How does it feel to pay for the wall, Pablo?

He tweets all day like a 12-year old girl

How is that nervous?

So, is California going to prove no one voted illegally?

This is just another "EPIC DONALD DRUMPF MELTDOWN!!!" everyone will go nuts over and in a few weeks nobody will remember it, like the last one, and the one before that, etc.

He's distracting from real news i.e. massive conflicts of interest. He knows he's full of shit, don't pay attention to his tweets.

Get back to Blebit.

California doesn't require proof of citizenship/SSN to apply for a drivers license. Proof of residence like a rental agreement/utility bills suffice. And the first thing they ask you after you get the license is if you want to register to vote. It's in their interest to pad the voter rolls with illegal votes.

There's a clear reason why the left is so against voter ID laws.

Trump is the embodiment of everything wrong with American politics

Shouldn't you be doing Home Depot runs?

January 20th will be here before you know it

No. Are (You)?

Because it's a ploy to tackle a non-existent problem while disenfranchising poor and minority voters

>muh business conflicts of interest
and hillary's ties to foreign governments like the saudis through the Foundation were not conflicts of interest?

>media demonizes him with every tweet he makes
>prints articles saying he is lying there is no proof of voter fraud
> multiple reports of electronic booths changing trump votes to Hillary votes
> reports of illegals and homeless people being driven to stations to vote
> all burried by the media and they just say it's all lies

He's just an idiot
Idiots say stupid things all the time, this latest bout of retardation is nothing new for Trump

1 post by this ID

My guess is he's becoming increasingly fead up by the leftists garbage. The fact that they want a recount in this manner, only goes to show that they don't give a shit about the actual will of the people in those states. Trump visited those states, and the people there, he knows what's up. They know that, which is why they voted for him. Leftists refuses to even acknowledge that, and are being spoiled little twats as usual. He should call them out on that.