The most Googled products in every country

The most Googled products in every country.

>People want to know how much a flight in a MIG aircraft costs in Russia.
>People want to know how much a prostitute (category: Recreation. kek) costs in Brazil.
>People want to know how much rhinoplasty costs in South Korea.

How bizzare is Google Search for your country?

Other urls found in this thread:’s-population-obese-or-overweight-new-data-show

based guyana

>gallon of gas

Fucking kek aren't they one of the world's largest oil exporters?

Yeah in California, it's how to find black bulls



Also, why does New Zealand wants vasectomy?

what did they mean by this?

>South Africa
thank god for ending apartheid

America land of Capitalism and Wealth.

Lesser nations get fucked.

In vitro fertilisation (IVF)

alpha as fuck

Predictable really.

Because of Australia.


what did they mean by this?



>Chad and Angola

This is a gold mine.


health related. plastic surgery mabe ?

>brazil talking about plastic surgery

It's when you get fat shaved off your stomach
Mexico is fatter than the US

weird, our beer is mostly shit

Why is everyone looking to fly a mig in russia ?

yes kek

Venezuelans are literally retarded people. Their commie government made a shitton off of the oil and then spent it all on some useless fighter jets. As if they're going to repel any kind of invasion at all.

>Ecuador: Panama hat

kek the Panama hat was literally invented in Ecuador and popularized by Teddy in Panama and the Ecuadorians are so cucked they call it a Panama hat in their own fucking country

Fucking hell, Africa.

>To live
When you Google "How much does a X cost" the first result is an abortion. Funny, isn't it?

>to fly a mig


>mfw our bitches are good bitches

based as fuck

why people like cows so much wtf
>food and slaves

They are good, but Panamanian prostitutes are the best in SA.

Expected balkan countries to have much worse results. Coffe, beer and bread are alright.

Whoever did this map is a moron.
>tries to point to uruguay
>points to south Brazil

>inb4 isn't Uruguay just South Brazil
It used to be and it'll be again.

there is still hope left

Americans, check in for your state here!

It's actually pointing at south brazil that will be a new country soon


>How to defeat ISIS
Well at least we have our priorities straight

>How to spot a narcissist

Kek, nice one.

based PA. Kek yeah i'm from Cali, answer is "look in the mirror moron"

>How to defeat Isis

God bless this place, minus Philly and Pittsburgh.

Or "look at anyone"

Australians have low T and sperm counts

lol albania nose job

>how to get out of florida?

>To study
for fucks sake it's free here


Is Florida really that bad? I went there once and it was too hot but nice

I'm guyanese and I got a laugh out of that

That's why you google for better one.



lel mauritania

>murricans should send this to BLM

And you are more morbidly obese than Mexico and the whole world by far.

- Japanese adults had the lowest BMIs of all high-income countries, while American adults had the highest BMIs.
- More obese men and women now live in China and the US than in any other country.
- The lowest BMIs in Europe were among Swiss women and Bosnian men.
- Morbid obesity, where a person's weight interferes with basic physical functions such as breathing and walking, now affects around one percent of men and two percent of women.
- In total, 55 million adults are morbidly obese.’s-population-obese-or-overweight-new-data-show

>How to find Kansas
>Post yfw Dorothy in Wizard of Oz is trying to find Kansas

>food and beverage
also kek'd at "funeral"

They are, send us more.

You can not get good erections while on coke. It is not a good drug for sex.

>Jew York

It's not free. You just push the cost of tuition for you gender studies degree on everyone else. It's part of the reason you guys are screwed.

>to live
what did he mean with this ?


>You will never be this asshurt by someone calling your country fat

we got a bunch of tards in america. it just says patent. you have to do a patent search before you can pay for the patent assuming its not to similar to something else

and a patent search cost money as well. you apply for a patent without paying for a patent search they will pocket the money

>tummy tuck
>not taco

Why would you search for tacos?, they are everywhere.


>How to stop Trump?
Should have used DuckDuckGo instead.

>Montana can't boil an egg
Wew lad

New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Alabama, Florida, North Carolina, New Jersey, West Virginia, Arizona, Texas, and Hawaii know what's up.

Hahaha, the spic got fucking triggered.
Fat shit

>"how to escape to the UK"
>travel and leisure

tip top kekkerino

>how to explain mansplaining
I fucking hate New York

That's some serious irony you got there.

>How to get away with murder?

What in the fuck, Delaware? I should be afraid for my life if that is the top search in my state

This is really accurate, also, prostitutes are cheap as fuck here if you are Eurozone citizen, Amrican or Canadian.

Lies. You are fatter than us now.

>how to get away with murder
>how to get out of florida
>how to sell your soul
my fucking sides

people in africa really like gasoline


Errrmm... Sexist much?

New Zealand is where Aussies go to end their criminal lineage once they've had enough of everything trying to kill them, so that one day the Abbos will return as the true kings of the island nation.

>how to sell your soul
Explains the Cowboys going 10-1


>State with the highest nigger population
>How to twerk


>sell your soul
>invest your soul bucks
>buy a better soul
uhh, soulfags btfo ?

Holy lmao "Where to find a gallon of gas" AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>He doesn't realize that Delaware is a major hub for organized crime on the east coast because of it's tax shelter status.

The most accurate part of this picture is Bolivia

Source: born there

>how to sell your soul
>how to sext
>how to google something
>how to get out of Florida

your mum was a prostite ?

At least it's not baguette.

fucking jews

us Chileans love our coke man
its good stuff
Luckily for me the Mexican formula is the same as the chilean stuff so I don't always have to drink shitty American stuff.


That image irks me

Mauritania only made enslaving people a criminal offense in 2007. Something like 5-15% of their population is still enslaved.

I guess I read it wrong. I thought Prostitute was Brazil and Paraguay only, and Bolivia was simply "..." because they can't afford shit.

Prostitution is legal in Bolivia, however. Your profession is stated on your driver's license and if you're a prostitute, that's what it'll say

cocaine is fucking amazing as well

Everyone else like:
>How to get away with murder?
>How to join the Illuminati?
>How to sell your soul?
>How to survive a zombie apocalypse?
>How to grow marijuana?

And my state was:
>How to be awesome?
Be awesome anons.
