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Thank god he said it.
jesus, its real.
He just went full retad. There is 0 evidence of what he is claiming (yet).
Or maybe has something under his sleeve?
Doesn't need to be, most people with a brain know that with lax voter ID laws and commiefornia existing it's within the realm of very real possibility.
He always has something up his sleeve m8
3 million tho?
Yet there is supposedly evidence of muh evil Russian hax0rz?
Dude is president elect, claimed billionairre and Kek prophesy with a Sup Forums-level autism son.
If you think he hasn't got a goddamn team of advisers and tard wranglers to stop him from saying stupid shit, then you're fucking wrong.
His advisers and wranglers made a deal with him that he could only post shit like this if he has something up his sleeve that can back up his claims.
But the thing is, its not Hillary or Obama directly making that claim. Its some random CS guys.
Send pizza to trump
That Ace in the Hole? Jill Stein.
>He doesn't understand Trump's 8D tiddlywinks.
looks like he browses pol to find arguments for his next shitposts
He's definitely our guy. Top tier triggering troll tzar. The libs on my Facebook feed are going nuts.
The reaction of the media and the Left is that of a wounded animal, they know full well illegal aliens vote, and vote Democratic. Obama practically encouraged it before the election too.
This is why they want a national popular vote so badly. All the illegals that don't vote now, because there's little incentive in breaking the law when California's 55 electoral votes are a done deal, will come out the woodwork in a popular vote election. Couple that with California's lax (non-existent, really) voter ID laws, and we'll have illegal aliens picking our Presidents, and Democrats are just fine with that.
Why is he validating the recount process. He should ignore it, it is beneath him.
>both sides are calling the election rigged now
post screencaps you lil shit
But only Jill is doing something about it.
I like how the media is losing their mind over this, but Jill Stein, a person with Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign, etc. insinuates Russians in Moscow hacking non-Internet-connected voting machines, and it is something worthy of consideration and debate.
Trump has the biggest ego in human history. He can't accept that more people voted for his opponent then him unless they cheated, and he wants to make sure the world knows this as well.
Nope. Republicans have actually investigated the voter rolls before and this is what they found.
>New Mexico’s wasteful investigation of 64,000 “suspicious” voter registrations found only 19 cases of voters who may have been noncitizens.
So at most, a little under a thousand illegals have voted in the entire country. Nowhere near a million.
It's entirely irrelevant, considering Romney would not have deported any of them.
If I was an illegal in a state without ID laws, I would have voted. Simple survival instinct.
Why are you commenting on US elections when you clearly have no idea what's going on? Illegals in California are free to vote and are actually encouraged to. There's literally nothing stopping them. They don't check SSN and even if they carded it doesn't matter, illegals can get legal driver licenses in California.
More than enough for me.
No. All states have ID laws, just not photo ID laws. For example, a social security is required to vote in California.
That said, If was an illegal, I would definitely not vote. You risk commiting a federal crime, which means you risk not only being deported but forever restricted from entering the country and becoming a US citizen.
Was there any proof Trump was a Putin plant, and that Russia "hacked the elections" ?
So this doesn't matter. We live in a post-fact era that libshits initiated, so Trump can lie all he wants.
did you just try and claim Hilary hasn't talked about Russian hackers?
He's probably right.
>Lol we elected a meme into office
>Isn't he so wacky
Jesus, I can't believe you fucks actually elected this psychopath. We're so fucking doomed.
No, he's not playing 48 dimensional chinese checkers. No, he's not /yourguy/. He's an absolute lunatic.
>In a blistering rebuke of that study, the managers of the database on which the article by Richman and Earnest was based wrote in Electoral Studies that “measurement errors” in the survey led to a “biased estimate of the rate at which non-citizens voted in recent elections. The results, we show, are completely accounted for by very low frequency measurement error; further, the likely percent of non-citizen voters in recent US elections is 0.”
virtually zero. which matches
>New Mexico’s wasteful investigation of 64,000 “suspicious” voter registrations found only 19 cases of voters who may have been noncitizens.
I like how concern trolls and liberals are making it like this is a bad thing. The man got into the White House by acting like this. People find a President who tweets his mind like this refreshing.
I'm pretty sure when FDR started doing live radio broadcasts traditional people thought it was inappropriate for a President to talk directly the people because he would then lose his God like image.
Trump is the president for the social media generation ironic since he doesn't use a computer.
>Was there any proof Trump was a Putin plant, and that Russia "hacked the elections" ?
Well Hillary SHOULD have won, but she didn't
Same as Hillary recount there no evidence of a hack
Nah, California doesn't get to coronate presidents.
Obama himself told illegals to go vote
>claim for the jill stein recount in wisconsin not being legally valid due to the fee not being pre-paid
>stated on the donation page that the green party would keep any leftover money after the recount fees
>if wisconsin isnt in theres zero chance of any change of reseult
>she's already got hillary to join in on the recount support
>trump made a deal with hillary if she accepted the result, he'd leave her alone
>stein keeps all the cash
>trump got hillary to break her promise and can now go after her
>justified response tweet he made about illegals voting is making all the MSM news, getting people to research it
>if found to be true, will encourage them to be able to approve a national voter ID for the next election
>will HEAVILY favour republicans for a long time
its a long shot but i'll be impressed if this is how it plays out
>Sup Forums affected the election
you're as stupid as the flagposter
I could not have chosen a better President. God bless Ameriburger.
>legal driver licenses in California.
That actually makes them easier to catch, because a driver's license has a photo + an address.
He's got (((Jill))) up his sleeve.
>not wanting life to be entertaining
fuck off
Jill Stein did no such thing, in fact Trump was all buddy buddy with Clinton until Jill pushed for a recount.
What if this was Stein's plan all along too? Is she the only one who is anywhere near Trump's level of multi-dimensional chess, or does she have those unintended moments of genius?
Feels good.
Just feelin' the healin'
I too enjoy shitposting.... but on the outside chance you're for real, can you name one lunatic thing trump has said?
A fucking Argentine!
Delusional idiot.
>election nullified
>trump wins by landslide because people are sick of this bullshit
that or jeb
You're right, the problem is more endemic than a bunch of stormposters on an image forum for Chinese cartoons.
So then when are you guys going to stop LARPing here like you guys 1) affect anything or 2) are somehow not backing an unstable psychopath who is more hazard than savior?
He did however encourage legal latino citizens to vote on behalf of their families, who might be illegals.
Most of what he has said once paired up with his actual actions. Reality is not his strong suit.
hur dur peoples opinions don't change.
there's like ten million illegals of voting age and most of them live in liberal shitholes
Nice proxy
He recently implied that millions of votes for his opponent were invalid because they were cast "illegally," even though he has no proof of it. In fact, that's the subject of this thread. Are you stupid?
>mfw stein is trying to stay relevant
>never relevant in the first place
No, I'm actually in Bermuda. It's a nice place this time of year when the US is getting really cold. Today was kind of dreary though.
Being in the 1% has its perks.
>speaking what most of us are thinking
I guess we're all lunatics
No doubt you think Hillary padded her votes, yes?
of course there isn't proof we aren't allowed to collect any identification that would lead to exposure at the polls
He was absolutely right, which is why it's a good thing we don't live in a democracy.
This is not a valid source of information. It's groupthink bubble for low IQ progressives who need somebody from the media-academic complex to reinforce their opinions by explaining why it's okay to ignore information that shatters their worldview. Nobody here gives a shit about Fox Business; we all saw the original clip and what Obama said.
They don't call the trump card like that because of nothing.
It's the typical argument you get when you ask for proof of Russian interference
And there is a recount going on that says votes in three states where weighted towards Trump, which is ridiculous.
Seems like one is using the other for publicity while the other is doing it because they are asspained. I'll let you figure out which one is which.
That's not the point. The point is that it's sufficient to register and vote to have a driver's license in California.
>DNC leaked emails show dem primary was rigged
>Onigger: It's impossible to rig an elecition
fucking nigger needs to hang for treason.
4D chess man, you'll understand later.
>Illegals would never do that, they wouldn't want to break the law!
Scamming people out of their money.
She just earned 5 million dollars free of tax on that scam of hers.
Twitter is like crack to Trump, might take him awhile to wean himself off.
How many people gave actually quit Sup Forums and have stopped shit posting
Anyone have the tweet he deleted where he calls Hillary an idiot?
LOLOLOL Let's survey immigrants and ask them if they did anything illegal!!! Oh wait, no one says they did, guess it never happens!!
In CA you don't need license or address. Just last four of your social
Quit Sup Forums AND stop shitposting? That's just asking way too much.
So you're saying there is no reliable way of knowing how many illegals voted, but some are led to believe it's not an insignificant number
You know what's a good resolution? An audit
Just remember that the electors don't make their decision until mid-December. Things are still in play before the work to make America great again starts.
>That said, If was an illegal, I would definitely not vote. You risk commiting a federal crime, which means you risk not only being deported but forever restricted from entering the country and becoming a US citizen.
Illegals are too uneducated/stupid to know this, retard.
>or jeb
Jeb is a mess
Jeb is a waste
Jeb is a mistake
she scammed the hillshills though, who ran a smear campaign against her the entire election
good job jill
Is this what you're talking about?
>Potential voters "have to demonstrate proof of age, the vast majority of time people are showing a birth certificate or a passport, which also reflects citizenship. That's arguably more secure than someone checking a box under penalty of perjury," Padilla said.
So to get a license, you'd need to an ID that demonstrates proof of age. Also...
>while this law does automatically register citizens to vote when obtaining or renewing a driver's license, this only applies to citizens who are already eligible to vote.
Go vote now You niggers need to get it up over 5000 votes.
Committing a federal crime?
Like illegally immigrating?
There were plenty of liberals that were bragging on social media about how they voted for Hillary more than once.
Honestly I hope the recount happens so that liberals get BTFO forever and always.
>D-Drumpf is making baseless a-accusations, g-guys
They still gave money to a commie...
Jill was fine just because she helped Trump, not because her platform isn't retarded.
I love how democrats are focused on this shit over policy. THEY were the reason we got a reality TV star as a president. They are truly like deer in the headlights.
The uneducated actually have very low voter turnout.