Why are 'new right' media figures so cringe?

OK, so I can't be the only person who has noticed this right?

All these dudes like Gavin, Stephen Crowder and Milo Yiannopolous, the 'alt-lite' wing of the alt-right I guess.

There's just something so cringey/visibly insecure about them, yeah?

I dunno. It's very hard to put into words. But basically it's like, when I watch them, I can sense this tension in something they're doing, like they're just trying a little too hard to be funny or edgy or relevant or 'X', and it's so transparent it like, makes me squirm.

I dunno, am I reading too much into this?

This phenomenon is so solid and distinctive and crystal clear to me that you could almost name a genre after it, 'alt-right cringe,' or something like that.

It reminds me very much of that thing Christians do when they try to 'keep it fresh for the kids,' and say stuff like 'cowabunga dude!,' although the alt-right guys are more subtle about it.

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they are comedians you dip (except milo hes just a faggot)

Back to >>>/leaddit/, CIDF. Nobody's fooled.

Gavin is pretty alpha

Because they are unintelligent and their audience is 14

This was posted here last night. Is this actually an alt right girl or is she really an sjw?

Daily reminder that Gavin is a literal cuckold, in the non-meme sense:


McInnes and Crowder are the only alt right dudes that DON'T have this. Why are you lumping them in with the rest of them?

>you dip
Please leave


Holy fuckin faggot batman

same but yore a leaf

It's obvious. They aren't educated, they are not that smart. They don't know that much about politics, history, religion or science.

They're just loud and like attention.

I'm inclined to agree with this. They're more or less just simpletons.

Because the cuck-right is a sham
Wannabe liberals with autism

They want to be funny and right wing but they don't want to be controversial except to low hanging fruit SJWs because they are easy targets.

their all Canadians who were too edgy for canada so to avoid Jail they came to america, and are trying to turn us into maple

It's because they're largely demagogues capitalizing on an open field of populist political punditry they'd normally be locked out of due to lack of relevant education, connections, experience, professional broadcasting skills or access to a mass communications medium.

Because they're just cashing in on a market, they're a bunch of entrepreneurial pretty faces who probably don't believe a quarter of what they're talking about and truly understand even less of it.

Gavin and Crowder are huge cucks
>Oy vey! Quebec is racist! Why can't they be nicer to black people! Sure, some of them are bad, but this one bull who fucks my wife is okay...

kek TRS threads have no traction here

she's fucking annoying

You only see cringe because you taken enough redpills. They're no different than the cringey John Olivers and Katy Perrys of the world, it's just your perceptions are dependant on what pill regiment you take.

You haven't* taken enough redpills