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k nice source fgt
>inb4 google it
Archive it too
Well what is it this time?
what was the (lie)
What oh what will it be now oh butthurt Huffpo
Just triggered by sempai's tweet that all the votes in cali by illegals put dems over the top on the irrelevant popular vote.
bad post
dont give (((them))) any ad revenue or clicks
Sorry my browser's fucked up--how do you do that archive thing again?
kep me potsed
go to archive.is
Huffpo has been in a perpetual state of triggered since the election. they are never NOT triggered anymore.
>conservative conspiracy website Infowars
Jesus christ
They're right though.
Need some sauce on his claim. I'd love to see it.
SJWs SUCK IT! Watch: m.youtube.com
Just incase no one wants to go to huffpo
>President-elect Donald Trump on Sunday made the astonishing claim that “millions of people who voted illegally” contributed to opponent Hillary Clinton’s victory in the popular vote, following a campaign based largely on spreading conspiracy theories and claiming that the election was “rigged” against him.
Here is his current Twitter post for those unable.
will donald disavow the results of the recount?
Let's raise some money to fund an audit of California's election apparatus.
Surely libcucks have nothing to hide.
How much would that take?
Let's start with 2.5 million, followed by 4.5 million, and finally 7 million should do goy.
Ok Jill (((Stein)))
This, drain the swamp, we have to do it. Trump can't do it himself he's just a puppet like the rest. He's our puppet.
archive it asswipe
Thanks for the archive, based user. No way they're converting my precious clicks to shekels.
Trump knows his base. Erratic, irrational, trust anybody that speaks the right rhetoric.
In practice, this will rile up his most fervent supporters to act when Hillary wins post-recount.
Please let this be real.
Evidence, guise. Evidence
If it's being done deliberately, it's actually a smart move for Trump to make more claims of the election being rigged against him.
Significant voter fraud doesn't occur in the US*, but by making the media and his liberal opponents create a news cycle attacking him for questioning the results, it makes it harder for people to support any efforts to overturn the election results.
(* election fraud occurs, not voter fraud)
Thanks for that insightful analysis, CTR
Oh, so dropping a huge fucking truth bomb on them is now the worst lie yet.
it's the wrong truth
it does not fit (((their))) narrative and goes against everything that (((their))) co-conspirators have been spreading in order to suppress people.
>Sorry my browser's fucked up--how do you do that archive thing again?
Of course, Russian hackers stealing states for Trump is worthy of consideration, right, Huffington Post?
The hypocrisy is amazing.
if you ever bothered to actually register, go to a polling station, and vote you'd know how impossible it would be for an illegal to do so
The guy asked for it get removed. Lmao they couldn't have kids so he decides to be a pos an open up the marriage and she gets pregnant from someone else.
In states with strict voter ID laws, sure, but plenty of states (California) will give illegals ID's, no questions asked, or they don't even ask for an ID when you go to vote.
It's no surprise 3 million+ illegals voted since where they live they are actively encouraged to break the law to give the Democrats more votes.
Oh it's real. Fucking cucks abound.
Huffpost with more fake news
>Huffpo is TRIGGERED
Aren't they always?
Remember when the media got BTFO and some facets vowed to be less biased?
Considering how absurdly easy it was for me to register, I have to question your stance. I filled out a form that didn't ask for anything that could expose me as an illegal if I was one
>when Trump says it was rigged it's a conspiracy theory
>when Jill Stein and Hillary say it was rigged it's a serious concern
That's an accurate descriptor. The problem is the implication that Huffington Post is even slightly more credible.
> They had him in a suit at four
I though it was just because he got tall!
>when Hillary wins post-recount.
She'd have to flip three states, the narrowest of which has an unprecedented number of votes needed to be changed to change the result.
>Things that never happened
Haha yeah, no they just double downed on down SJW road. It's fucking crazy. In fact the MSM came up with that projection 'fake-news' moniker to explain why their predictions were found to be bullshit, even purposefully inserting fake news into the Jew news feeds like that CNN trannie porn story to prove how 'dangerous' it is. Right now they're trying to paint Drudge a Russian spy. Fucking incredible. The complete polar opposite of truth and reality.
When has Info Wars been wrong about anything?
Huffpo is dead right, surely no one reads this drivel bait anymore
wasn't it Alex Jones that said the moon didn't exist
If you could go vote and bump the thread then that would be awesome
>inb4 pls vote
>beauty is whatever I say it is
I hate this meme
don't often see sourced papers posted here, nice one
Chem trails
>"Now it seems that Trump won’t even fully accept the results of the election even though he won it."
Or maybe...just maybe.. it's because these fucks are trying to steal the election.
Lets be honest. If you were that far down the stoat hole, would you ever crawl back out in public?
Thank you for Correcting the Record.
>don't see sauce on muh Russians hacked paper ballots we need a recount
>needs sauce on illegals voting when California issues licenses to illegals and Democrats were caught registering thousands of illegals in Virginia and Indiana
at least infowars provides sauce on all its articles
I never understand this shit. Opening up a relationship is the fastest fucking way to kill it.
>No, she'll still love me while she's getting dicked by literally any man she asks to fuck her
Touché. Info wars now slightly more credible than Huffington Post or CNN. What a time to be alive.
>Now it seems that Trump won’t even fully accept the results of the election even though he won it.
These people don't even logic. THEY are doing the recount.
Nice. I'm saving this paper.
A week before the fucking election Obama did an interview saying that no one will arrest illegals if they go out and vote. Of fucking course millions of them went out and voted against the man who wants to deport them, are these people fucking retarded?
>every state has the same voting ID laws as mine
Kill yourself spic. Youre gonna go back.
>Now it seems that Trump won’t even fully accept the results of the election even though he won it.
he is now in trolling nirvana
Sometimes archive is fucked and doesn't work sometimes. I get that just open up a new browser window or switch browsers like if you tried with chrome try safari or Firefox.
Infowars will never be anything more than absolute bottom shit tier until they stop selling literally poison on their front page.
>both of those bitches begging for a cuntpunt
No it's not you lying sack of shit. I live in New York and you didn't need anything but a name to vote. No Id or anything
You've never been to California. The polling station refused to look at my ID even when I tried to show them.
>[insert modern scandal] is absolutely mindboggling, you know, and I just don't understand how people can't see the connections! It's like they're looking right into the sky but saying, "The moon doesn't exist"
I mean, you're asking that question as if you haven't seen anything he's actually said, but just hear about it second hand. And it's real easy to say anyone said anything when you know your audience isn't going to fact check it.
Haha. Intent was to lead to someone posting some good sources on this issue.
Like this.
he's free to back up that claim with anything
>with no evidence
>[Stein’s recount] statement references “compelling evidence of voting anomalies” and “significant discrepancies in vote totals” in the three states. - From Huffington Posts own article "Jill Stein Pushes For Election Recount In Key States"
This is as beautiful as when they grilled him for saying the electoral college was a disaster.
I'm willing to bet that the people at the polling stations in South West California are also bi-lingual.
I've been taking super male vitality i get so hard now, wtf are you talking about
Lol and illegals get drivers licenses in CA, so it wouldn't have mattered.
Yes, I'm sure (((Stein))), who had to crowfund a relatively cheap recount, has access to impeccable sources. Meanwhile, in the real world, the Obama administration has all but called you people retarded.
Yeah when I went to vote all I had to do was fill out a form with very little information about myself then they handed me a card and put my form in a box. There was no writing of a number down to link my card with the form I filled out so even if my form was found to be fraudulent there would have been no way to link it to my ballot in the first place. How can you say the election was impossible to rig with fraudulent votes If what happened to me is the probable case around the country? You can't enforce citizenship for a vote (which is supposed to be the law anyway) if you aren't VERIFYING citizenship. They way they did things we might as well have just opened the election up to the entire world in the first place.
Kek. But seriously voter fraud is a serious issue--if you're claiming votes are only valid with citizens voting then no vote has been valid in ages. Listen to republicans and require voter ID. But that's rayciss right?
he plays by the rules and wins.
change the rules and he'll play by those rules and win.
he's a winner
Never forghetti
It goes without saying that illegal aliens having voted is a thousand times more likely and believable than this 'Russian hackers' shit.
Is it any wonder trust in the U.S. media just keeps falling? When they tell people that someone said "Russians in Moscow hacked non-Internet-connect voting machines" without dismissing it, while simultaneously going apeshit over the suggestion that illegal aliens may have voted, how is anyone supposed to take them seriously?
of course
>you people
Reread my whole post you idiot.
We're going for blood now.
We're going to destroy you.
We're going to send Clinton to prison.
This is war.
This it the war you wanted.
We're going to face you down in the streets if we have to.
You're the party of gun grabbing pussies.
We're the party of gun rights and military service.
Guess who is going to win?
Greens are the scum of the earth. Leftists may be anti freedom but Greens are literally anti human. Kill every last Gaia worshiper imo
Yeah, that is a giant lie
Just like how he lied he would make USA great again
They don't even give any arguments WHY they think its a lie, they just say "hurrrrr its a lie." No attempts to de-bunk it.
Fucking awesome.
If they pushed hard enough to pull CA, AZ and TX recounts, I think it'd be wonderful to watch millions of Hillary votes suddenly vanish and see Trump vindicated.
Archive or i dont give a shit. Not giving them any shekels.