Redpill me on the Holocaust
The Holocaust
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fake news
Happened was a human tragedy dark page in human history
It was greatly exaggerated and the truth has been distorted. Don't believe what they taught you in school about it.
Meh, it happened.
Was grossly over exaggerated...
>the following are examples of off-topic and/or Sup Forums-tier threads:
>Red pill me on X. (with no extra content or input of your own)
Gotta at least show that you've looked into this yourself to some degree.Helps you come to your own conclusions
My grandpa liberated a camp. Took pictures of dead Jews. Ugly scene.
I don't understand how anyone could believe that every camp survivor, every family member of murderer Jews, every Nazi who was executed at Nuremberg and every soldier who liberated these camps were lying. How is that even remotely possible?
Redpill me on the rules sticky
Don't question the sticky goyim.
Is there proof for the Holocaust? If not, what would prove it?
>Redpill me on the Holocaust
- actually happened
- numbers in dispute
- lots of Western Europeans helped turn Juden in, and then after the war made grandiose claims of resistance to the Nazis
- einsatzgruppen on the Ostfront did work that would make the likes of Vasily Blohkin proud
- cynically used to psychologically emasculate Western nationalism
Daily reminder that if this is all you bring to the board, you should gas your self immediately.
Jews did die, it was WW2 lots of people died, however, for the Jews, it was NO WHERE NEAR 6 million.
Look up the red cross numbers
They killed Jews, and since Jews own the media, society thinks that the Jews were the only ones who died in the holocaust. No poles, gays, gypsies or soviets. Just Jews.
There's a vid on youtube about it made by a JEW called David cole
Thank me later
Most "admissions" were only after torture
Plus just the general unbelievabilty of the entire idea
Believe in the holocaust with all its ridiculousness:
- 1 steam chamber (IMT XXXII 153-158, III 567);
- 1 electrical chamber (IMT VII 576-577, XII 369);
- 1 German atomic bomb (for instant cremation work at Auschwitz) (IMT XVI 529);
- 1 tree (used as murder weapon) (IMT VII 582);
- 1 portable oven (IMT VII 586);
- 1 pedal-driven brain bashing machine (IMT VII 376-377);
- 1 bone-grinding machine (IMT VII 439, 549-550, 446, 593);
- 1 spanking machine (IMT VI 213);
- 1 lampshade of human skin (IMT XXXII 258, 259, 261, 263, 265, 269);
- 1 pocket book and 1 pair of driving gloves, all of human skin (IMT XXX 352, 355);
- 1 pornographic picture painted on canvas of human skin (IMT XXX 469);
- 1 book bound in human skin (IMT VI 331);
- 1 saddle, 1 pair of riding breeches, 1 glove, 1 house slipper, 1 ladies' handbag, all of human skin (IMT V 171);
- 1 torture box (disguised as an ordinary wardrobe) (IMT XVI 561, 546, 556-557);
- 1 chair stuffed with human hair (IMT XIX 506);
- 1 mattress stuffed with human hair (IMT I, 252)
- 1 pair of human hair socks (IMT XXXIX 552-553, XX 353
- 1 jar of human soap (IMT VII 597-601);
- 1 piece of tanned human skin (IMT VII 600);
- 1 gas van (IMT VII 571);
- 1 door mat made of human hair (NMT V 1119-1152, Trial of Oswald Pohl).
We know these objects existed, because they were "proven" at Nuremberg by means of "official documents" and "sworn statements".
Say you believe in the holocaust. That's the trick! You believe Hitler's final solution was to steam the Jews to death like lobsters. And, of course, the Third Reich's ultimate plan was to get Jews to climb trees and then cut the trees down.
The beauty of the holocaust religion is that no one can dare question you or your story (hence why there are so many fake holocaust memoirs that get Pulitzer prizes).
So believe! Make up something ridiculous and accuse them of denial if they question you.
Ben detto camerata
>kz's were basically jails not only for jews but also for germans etc. (depends where the kz was)
>people actually got released (yes, even jews!!)
>most of them had a orchestra, swimming pools, football teams and shit
>at the end of the war everyfucking way was bombed so no way to get much food, meds and stuff (thats the #1 reason so many died)
>the nazis could have shot everyone who was alive in 1945 (witnesses) in kzs but they didn't
>most of the (((jews))) wrote books and shit, hollywood made a shitton of money with these holocaust-storys, like the jew spielberg
>read a book and get educated, it's one of the hardest redpills
P.S.: Wikipedia is not a book
A number of mass graves. The actual camps themselves. Multiple corroborated testimonies by soldiers who freed the camps and those that worked in them. Orders intercepted from Nazi high command. Census data taken by the Nazis. As well as census records from before and after showing a great many people just disappeared that weren't accounted for by military losses. People like Schindler and those that he saved.
And also in criminal cases when the alleged guilty party admits to it it's usually taken to mean that it occurred. And yes eye witness testimony isn't the most solid. However when there are hundreds if not thousands of witnesses and their stories aren't exactly the same but they corroborate each other all the testimony together is usually the clearest picture of an event.
Edit: desu the Holocaust for me falls under an umbrella with things like gravity and the laws of motion. It's understood, the generations before me have covered it, it's a fact. If there was any real debate on it it would be had in more mainstream ways. It wouldn't be through YouTube videos and hacks who are looking for attention. I know not everyone shares this view, but I also know that something's don't need to be questioned because other people have already done so.
Mostly false and a propaganda campaign by the victors who write "decided" or "agreed" history instead of being objective to humiliate the enemy and up the morale of their armies and other alliances.
Due to the manipulation done by the victors it is unlikely a clear account of history and will have to rely on evidence which can be verified.
Reliable sources have clear negatives on both sides but the victors had the worst negatives overall as they committed incidents both during and after the war where the losers only caused incidents during the war.
Of course there is more detail to be had to this point.
Overall the starving and dead found in the concentration camps likely occurred due to supplies being cut off to the Germans towards the end of the war (they were losing bad and had insufficient fuel too which prevented them using newer war vehicles such as tanks) and the deaths were more likely due to Typhus which was rampant at the time and not likely to have been treated to the best standards due to supply issues throughout the war for obvious war time conditions.
Unfortunately the propaganda program is still active as the lies told back then were poorly constructed, modern tech showing how many articles of evidence are false and more people are free to be very sceptical of the war as it becomes more of a past event.
People will still support the propaganda program though for personal interests. if you ever have any doubts it happened
In school they used to bring in Holocaust survivors to make speeches, were they all lying about the gassing?
And one of the reasons why someone would make such a thing up: (((Kollektivschuld)))
>brits, jews and folks failed in killing every german and if they did things like the kaufman-plan they were the bad ones today so the made the holocaust up (worked great because of the many dead bodys caused thanks to the epidemics) so that in 2016 every german hates himself and his country, feels ashamed for everything related to the past, german media is full of propaganda, korea-like and so 90% of germans are cucks shouting "refugees welcome"
>more moslems than germans by 2020, bringing 4 wifes and 20 children from syria
>get fucked germany
If it actually happened it would have been the funniest thing that ever occured
a lot of those people on the "holocaust survival circuit" have been found to be frauds.
What's with the disinformation?
>b-but my 8th grade teacher Mr. Shekelstein told us it was real!!!! Why would you shatter my fragile view of the world?
It was a scam for your money goy
>Redpill me on the Holocaust
It happened.
>every camp survivor
>every family member of murderer Jews
>every Nazi who was executed at Nuremberg
>and every soldier who liberated these camps
Factually untrue. Look up the Red Cross investigation of the German concentration camps.
It was attached to an underground system to remove smokes and fumes connected to the furnaces.
>Red Cross
You might want to check this >Leuchter Report
The guy isn't even an Engineer.
>Auschwitz plaque
"Similarly, some Holocaust deniers have claimed that "revisionist" research has corrected the official death toll of Auschwitz from 4 million to 1.1 million. The number of 4 million originated with the first Soviet publications about the Holocaust. It has been used by the Auschwitz museum until the 1980s, in then-communist Poland, which exaggerated enemy atrocities for propaganda purposes. Western scholars have never claimed that 4 million people died at Auschwitz.[65] Compare this with the controversy on the bombing of Dresden."
>Blue stains
They form under certain conditions, it's mentioned in the Wiki page on the Leuchter Report above.
>Red Cross investigation