Stop punching right.
Stop punching right
This is something an extremist retard might say after he punches you in the face.
But I dislike Spencer because he's a faggot, not becuase he's "too right wing"
Needs to be cropped harder.
nice weenie-dubs.
I don't care about him saluting hitler. It makes no difference to me. The problem is when he calls himself the leader of the alt right and misrepresents the views of lots of people who use the label.
Alt-Right is in essence about White identity. Any type of "more-hardcore" civic nationalism will not convert Blacks and mesitzos (Trump won white hispanics in his 29%).
Spencer gets a side cut. Hollywood gives Harry Potter villains (magic nationalists) side cuts. Did he plan this with them? If not he should grow his hair back.
Maybe that's because it's a loosely defined term which is used by a ton of people who adhere to different ideologies.
>Alt-Right is in essence about White identity.
It's not. That's what it is to spenceman... But it's not what it is if you ask most of the people who (formerly) referred to themselves as alt right.
Spencer made a huge mistake by alienating the majority of the movement.
stop sucking cocks
You've and Paul Joseph Watson and every other alt lite fag have been played. The idea of using the altright label is to inject WN lowkey into the normie discourse. All these ''''anti racist'''' hardcore conservative media figures are dog whistling to racists and everyone knows it except for deluded people.
>Maybe that's because it's a loosely defined term which is used by a ton of people who adhere to different ideologies.
Spencer disagrees with you.... And he'll fall on his sword defending the case, apparently.
You're a clueless reddit faggot.
Alt-Right is nothing but White Nationalism, it was never anything else. If you are not a White Nationalist then you are not in "the movement."
Being a bandwagon jumping hipster who supported Trump does not make you Alt-Right.
>and everyone knows it except for deluded people.
If you want to call them deluded, that's fine. They're still the majority of the movement, and spencer shoots himself in the foot when he contradicts their ideals in such an autistic way.
>Alt-Right is nothing but White Nationalism, it was never anything else. If you are not a White Nationalist then you are not in "the movement."
When people talk about the movement, they're not talking about nazi faggots. They're talking about trump supporters. Only Nazi faggots think people are talking about them.
If Spencer thinks that the Alt-Right label is only used by white nationalists he's obviously wrong because a ton of bandwagon jumping faggots have used it.
Alt-right is ethno-nationalism. Muh civic nationalism fags are not alt-right, though I consider them my allies.
Only people that are alienated are cucks who just want to shit on SJW's and be able to say fag/retarded without getting fired. That's a useful cause, but it isn't an ideology.
i thought all this dark enlightenment bullshit was the alt-right
Why do you think this is exactly? Because the "alt-lite" has successfully co-opted the movement and garnered more attention from the mainstream media. The "alt-right movement" was always about white ethnic nationalism. Always. You are the faggot. And if you're a cucked Trump supporter I feel truly sorry for you.
>If Spencer thinks that the Alt-Right label is only used by white nationalists he's obviously wrong because a ton of bandwagon jumping faggots have used it.
In this very thread we have spencer cock suckers who deny it.
Behold:>Alt-right is ethno-nationalism. Muh civic nationalism fags are not alt-right, though I consider them my allies.
>That's a useful cause, but it isn't an ideology.
I'm talking about the Alt right MOVEMENT. It's not an ideology. It's a social collective.
> The problem is when he calls himself the leader of the alt right and misrepresents the views of lots of people who use the label.
That's your problem, not his. He founded the "alt-right", and from day one it's always been about white nationalism and white identity politics. It was never the cultural-libertarian movement that the co-opters have led you to believe. Find a new label.
>Why do you think this is exactly? Because the "alt-lite" has successfully co-opted the movement and garnered more attention from the mainstream media.
>The "alt-right movement" was always about white ethnic nationalism.
You're contradicting yourself here. Sure, ant-sjw trump supporters coopted the term and created the alt right movement.
This implies that the term took on a new meaning. It always meant ethnit nationalism TO YOU, but to most other people, it meant something else.
>though I consider them my allies.
Sorry, I don't consider cucks my allies. Nor do I consider blacks, gays, jews, or muslims. Civic nationalism is bullshit and the "alt-right" was never 'bout it.
These people don't know that they have inherently White nationalist tendencies. Their dating patterns, their auto segregated communities, the culture they consume, the churches they attend, the gut instinct to be against mass immigration, the schools they try to get their children in and out of.
All of it is a proto-white nationalism. The Alt-Right is an arrow that points toward White Nationalism.
stop being a socialist that pretends to be on the "right"
the right is for the free market
>That's your problem, not his.
No, it's his, because now he's going to find out that almost none of the alt right actually supports him, and all the power he gained over the past year is going to evaporate into nothing. He's going to end up right where he started. With an irrelevant sect of nazis.
I agree. No enemies to the right.
I'm not a neo-nazi, but I won't disown one.
There is no "the movement" apart from our movement which is White Nationalism.
You clueless cucks adopted our term that we had been using for years. None of you cucktard faggots bothered to look into it at all, you just started associating yourselves with us.
Richard Spencer coined the term. It has always meant White Nationalism from the very beginning. You being a clueless anti-white cuck doesn't change this objective fact.
We do not want you dipshits riding our coattails and muddying our message.
Alt-Right is a term that was created explicitly for White Nationalism to have a more PR friendly face.
You're laughably ignorant. Its always the loud mouth uninformed dipshits that try to present themselves as voices of authority.
We have been using it for years. The NPI conferences are Alt-Right conferences. RedIce Radio is Alt-Right media. Radix Journal is Alt-Right media.
Random political and social views don't define it. Its White Nationalism and anything other than that is tertiary or entirely irrelevant.
>All of it is a proto-white nationalism. The Alt-Right is an arrow that points toward White Nationalism.
Yes, and instead of cultivating that, spencer is throwing it into the trash by pushing them all away.
alt right was always about white identity.
gas thy self.
>There is no "the movement" apart from our movement which is White Nationalism.
There is. Hillary gave a speech about it. It's the political force that got trump elected.
Coining a term doesn't create a movement. The movement is created by the people who self identify using the term.
You're just denying reality at this point.
>Alt-Right is a term that was created explicitly for White Nationalism to have a more PR friendly face.
It doesn't matter why it was coined. Faggot was a term coined to refer to a bundle of sticks. It still applies to you, regardless of that fact.
The hails and the audience saluting were a mistake. That was too strong, but absent that and some other memery like lügenpresse, I think that normies would have found themselves agreeing with the rest of the speech. But now that the media has that clip, all people see is it. My conservative relatives at Thanksgiving were saying it horrified them.
If he wouldn't have done it though it may have just gotten memory holed. But it blew up and now everyone knows about it. All press is good press, I think in the end it pushes the Overton window right.
But now that it has happened, try to ignore it when interacting with normies. Maybe find a new standard bearer who will not cuck on race or Jewish control but drops the obvious 3rd Reich shit.
I'm not denying that bandwagon classical liberals like Watson have used the term, I questioning their accuracy. All that's happening now is people who can't handle the heat (i.e. cucks and non race realists) are leaving the "movement". The movement wasn't for them anyway, so it's good.
What does the term mean to you, faggot? Anything that isn't neo-conservatism? Kill yourself.
>alt right was always about white identity.
Keep sucking spencers dick. It's just not true.
But I don't like Spencer
>I came here from reddit: The Post
You are a bunch of cucks on twitter and reddit who only vaguely supported Trump on social media. You are not a movement. You are not a cohesive group. You have no real ideology or established identity.
We do.
>I don't know who Jared Taylor is
Pathetic little reddit cuck
>The movement wasn't for them anyway, so it's good.
No, this is the mistake. THEY gave the movement power. They're the majority that you should WANT to have in front of you.
Spencer was irrelevant before this election. Thanks to his actions, he will be irrelevant again.
Directly after an election is precisely the ideal time to punch right.
You don't want to end up with the left tolerating SJWs because "Don't punch left"
No he doesn't you fucking nimrod. This is exactly how we know the people spewing these opinions like yours are dishonest or trolls
Why do we purposely draw comparisons to Hitler? There were other etho nationalists through out history. More successful ones too. Purposely treating Trump like the second Reich is not only counter productive to our image, but also factually wrong about what Trump is.
Read this short article. Spencer has no effect on anything.
>if you use a winning strategy, you lose
but the point is that the left never do punch left, but the right always punch right and so the left got a huge advantage.
The left never purges themselves.
>You are not a movement. You are not a cohesive group. You have no real ideology or established identity.
It is a movement. A movement doesn't need an ideology. A movement doesn't need an established identity.
Any objective analysis of what happened will talk about the alt-right movement growing in the context of supporting trump.
You faggots are so emotionally wrapped up in maintaining control of the word that you're denying reality.
>Only National Socialists want a white country.
I hate shitskins and love small government.
Isn't Spencer one who constantly talked about purging the right, and mocked christian's because they don't agree with his sodomy? He's not worth talking about or punching, but I wouldn't defend him either.
Is pol
>alt right
Go vote
> . The melting pot is still a self-serving immigrant myth
Dropped, America is a fucking whore. A whore fucks everyone, you're just coming to terms with this, and not liking it.
Oh great it's another (((alt-right))) thread
> Conveniently covered by the audience members salute
How many more hints do people need to see that this was all staged. The Media will have their Monsters, one way or another.
Nah, the left is the worst about it, they rip eachother apart over the smallest narrative inconsistencies. They've always been known for this, by rule they have no loyalty towards anything other than their perfect lefty utopia's.
Trotsky disagrees
>flag thread gets deleted
>this shillthread stays up and will probably stay up to 300 posts
The melting pot myth was created by a non-American Jew.
Anyway it doesn't matter. White Nationalism is anti-Current USA.
My point if you read the article I posted is that it doesn't matter.
We don't have to do anything to "maintain control" you anti-white reddit cucks are voluntarily showing your true colors and fleeing. We are the Alt-Right and we have been for years. You are a clueless cuck new comer who is trying to dictate to a group you cannot and will not ever belong to.
You might as well go tell a Black Panther to stop calling himself a panther.
The quote on fags is taken entirely out of context. He wasn't defending faggotry at all, just saying they have always existed and are too small of a problem to bother focusing on.
The only one I've heard explicitly defend homosex fags is Millennial Woes.
And only two people in the audience did the salute, one guy raised a fist in the air. They even cut and showed the same footage from multiple angles to look like there were more people doing it.
>White Nationalism
This, because Americans are all mongrels, you don't have a nation, you're an empire of mongrels from your whore mother.
You have no father land, so you try to identify with your skin, nationality is more than skin, it runs though your essence, it's in your blood, no American has this, because you're all mongrels from nowhere.
>We don't have to do anything to "maintain control" you anti-white reddit cucks are voluntarily showing your true colors and fleeing.
They're fleeing because of what spencer did to maintain control of the movement.
That's what I'm talking about. You're being intentionally daft about it as a defense mechanism.
People who misunderstand the movement and don't believe in its ideals give it power? That's a foolish thing to say. All they did was muddy the waters. They will continue to believe what they do and develop some new name, and we will continue to drag them further right.
You still haven't defined the term. What are we supposed to be about to attract all these Breitbart readers? Or are you just a shill trying to be divisive?
If that's true then there wouldn't be extreme auto segregation in communities and low interracial marriage rates. The newly formed identity is "White" even if it sounds generic to Europeans.
Race is increasingly more important than nationality. A nation is a people. See link:
>People who misunderstand the movement and don't believe in its ideals give it power?
Richard Spencer got a half hour on cnn the other day.
That only happened because of the people who don't support richard spencer labeling themselves as Alt Right.
Richard spencer used this opportunity to alienate all those people and fracture the movement.
>You still haven't defined the term.
Alt right is the group of people who label themselves the alt right.
>trying to be divisive?
Spencer has divided the alt right. You yourself are saying this is somehow a good thing. You're the divisive one.
You and every other cuck retard who got offended by the simple phrase "Hail Trump, Hail our people, and Hail Victory" were not in our movement. You are stupid sheep.
The NPI as an organization exists to further white identity and interests. Conferences are held annually where people openly discus the Jewish Question.
Spencer did not harm anything. Not even remotely. Matter of factly our communities online have been growing exponentially, and it isn't stopping.
What happened was you ill informed cucks finally had the wool removed from your eyes, and you got butthurt because it wasn't a little reddit hugbox like you thought it was.
You, and every cuck like you, has no affiliation with us.
White Nationalism wasn't fractured at all. White Nationalism is alive and healthy.
>Race is increasingly more important than nationality.
Only when your nation-less.
> auto segregation in communities
bretty sure you started out segregated.
Imperialism =/= Nationalism
>White Nationalism wasn't fractured at all. White Nationalism is alive and healthy.
The alt right was, though.
You guys are just too stupid to understand what a movement is. It's not an ideology. You don't seem to understand what is happening around you.
This is why trump has to disavow you.
>Do stupid shit
>Get butthurt when people on your 'side' criticize you
If you don't know who Jared Taylor is you need to go back to the_donald
Get fucked paddy, Ireland is a land of leftist gunless faggots and Somalians now. Any celtic blood that wasn't worthless is in America.
How's it feel than an empire of european mongrels rule the world?
Why are you faggots still trying to cling to the "alt right" label anyway? It doesn't matter what you call white nationalism, it's still white nationalism. The so-called "alt-right" means different things to different people because of people like Paul Joseph Watson and Milo are trying to co-opt it and make it into something it isn't and was never meant to be (all-inclusive, non-racist, etc.) The "alt-right" is dead not because of Richard Spencer but because of the complete cuck takeover. It's not our fault, it's yours.
I dont know about white-nationalism in the sense of internationalist sense, but it was definitely ethno-nationalist from the beginning, which is white either way since Europe and America were white nations in their founding.
Listen up Potatonigger.
White people of all ethnic sub groups are closely related. You and I are more closely related to one another than an Asian is to either of us. People from all over Europe are more closely related to each other than they are to any other groups.
That is what is meant by "white people." That identity in itself has great value because we even collectively are a tiny global minority. If we do not preserve white countries then we will be wiped out before the year 2100.
Saying America isn't this or that because it isn't home to a single ethnic subgroup is pointlessly fallacious rhetoric.
You were not Alt-Right. You were ignorant outsiders calling yourselves Alt-Right.
Just like you cannot be a Vegan if you eat meat and drink milk every day, you were never one of us.
All of us have always jokingly called you faggots Alt-Lite. Aside from supporting Trump you never did anything for us or with us.
We never wanted you associating with us in the first place.
Get this through your head, reddit cuck.
>asks why people are clinging to alt right label
>clings to alt right label
Why do people ALWAYS get sucked into being trolled, even when they know they're being trolled?
Rejecting Spencer is not "Punching right" if he's a provocateur who invited the Atlantic into his little shindig to help him meme the nazi salute and give the left all the ammo they basically need to discredit the very people that got Trump the win?
All these stupid Dukette White-nats are plants and trolls. And everyone but the seriously deluded know it.
As Ann Coulter recounted, FBI dudes go to these White-nat meetings to monitor them and all they ever find are other FBI Agents.
And if there is no way to wrestle the stupid name "alt-right" from a bunch of whiny faggots who dont understand how winning ppower happens, then fuck em. Let them suck each others unimortant little dicks while we make sure Liberals never seize the kind of power they have for the nxt 50 years.
>You were not Alt-Right. You were ignorant outsiders calling yourselves Alt-Right.
It's not for you to say, though. That's what you mongoloids don't seem to get.
>It was ironic
>It was a joke
at the beginning != always
I agree, it doesn't matter what it's called. It's there in the observerable historical trends/patterns and statistics. There's no use arguing on here either with "civic nationalists".
The civic nationalists will be used unknowningly against their will until they're not necessary.
please tell me this is satire
>the "alt-right" is dead
What part of this statement are you not comprehending you stupid faggot
So it's more important to have a large group with conflicting ideologies than a smaller group with actual goals and ideals?
All he did was make it clear (DESU it was already perfectly clear to non-retards) what alt-right meant. I wouldn't have done it with a "heil" but I don't care that bandwagoners are being exposed to reality.
Would you have been fine with the conference without the salute? I.E. a white nationalist conference?
Fucking Hairyan master race faggot.
> You and I are more closely related to one another than an Asian is to either of us.
Finns and Hungarians speak languages related to non Europeans. We Europeans have been fighting with each other for 1000s of years, this, as we're very different to one another.
As someone who has been in WN organizations IRL for the better part of a decade, and who is involved with the NPI, it is for me to say, and my opinion is shared by virtually everyone else involved.
Come up with your own faggy reddit term like Nu-Right. Perfectly fitting for all you anti-white Nu-males.
Stop sperging in public.
That's true, but you're making the assumption that the people who were in the original movement are just going to give up everything they've worked for.
Imagine all the work being put into it, all to have your movement ripped from your hands. The ethno-nationalists won't just leave.
I'm not contempt with capitulating with fags,kikes and other degens. Fuck your neo/pol/ bullshit
>Rejecting Spencer is not "Punching right" if he's a provocateur who invited the Atlantic into his little shindig to help him meme the nazi salute and give the left all the ammo they basically need to discredit the very people that got Trump the win?
Mike Enoch was the Provocateur, they turned the cameras off and let him rile the crowd up with 1488 shit.
This was completely artificial. These sobs are trying to show how they're being demonized by the MSM, this is a reaction to being kicked off of twitter.
>So it's more important to have a large group with conflicting ideologies than a smaller group with actual goals and ideals?
If you're interested in accomplishing anything politically, then yes.
>Would you have been fine with the conference without the salute? I.E. a white nationalist conference?
I already said I don't care about the salute. And i don't care about the conference.
I care about his interaction with the news media following that.
It was stupid, and a huge strategic mistake.
I really wanted to hate this guy and his beliefs since I have a bunch of minority, Muslim, and Jewish friends because I am in professional school and figured I could gain some points since I think everyone knows I am conservative, and even worse, support Trump.
BUUUUT it turns out I agree with way more of what this guy and many of the true alt-right think. Oh well.
I honestly think that racial relations will never be mended and while a true race war will never happen, more and more riots, with actual participation from the alt-right will begin in the next 10 years. Have fun everyone, and make sure to arm up while you can!
Whites will become a minority within our lifetimes. I really don't know why it's difficult for some to find it unbelievable people would be against this?
>my dad agrees with me so i'm right.
No, you have to look at the entirety of the movement, not just your clique within it.
If you go and lurk leftist forums, they're not fighting with each other the way the right is right now. They're all in agreement and they have one goal.
Internecine conflict has brought down hundreds, if not thousands, of political movements throughout history. Factionalism is a cancer. It always has been.
As the Overton Window shifts right, political contests will be right-wing. "Civic nationalsits" who try to get the white nationalists to go away or shut up (never going to happen) are actively working toward reversing the shift, against their own interests. If they succeed, rather than standing victorious and on top, they will simply be faced with their old leftist enemies, with less support from the right than they had a mere matter of weeks ago. And they'll be toppled. Again.
The reason they don't see this is that these "civic nationalist" types tend to be full-on retards, ignorant of history, science, philosophy, and everything else that forms the bedrock of a lasting political movement, and without any of the cleverness or charm of a Donald Trump to make up for it.
This chart is at least 5 years old but it's true. Stormtads were never part of the alt-right btw, it's the manosphere, libertarians, paleocons, "race realists" and ethnocentric nationalists.
You nailed it.
Who has fought who doesn't have any impact on levels of genetic separation.
Africa is home to a dozen various ethnic subgroups, all of them are more closely related to each other than they are to anyone else.
No one questions the term "black people" and makes a black person defend themselves when they use the term. White don't have to defend this either.
>these white nationalists are doing everything wrong
>and as an outsider I'm totally qualified to makes the decisions for them
We're not a clique, we're the entire thing.
Go come up with your own little faggy name and band together under it.
Its really that simple. You have nothing to do with us White Nationalists, stop trying to use our term and at the same time pretend you aren't merely riding our coattails.
Go back to your little cuck subreddit, organize all your cuck friends, and figure your own shit out. You can even have Mike Cernovich and PJW. Nobody else wants them.