ITT we act as bluepilled as possible

I'll start
>Feel the Bern!

Other urls found in this thread:

Wikileaks can't be trusted, the podesta thing is obviously fake.


Sup Forums is only ironically racist

Why do they have a hole on the side?
I mean, I know why bongs have that, but why would a pipe have that?

Hispanic is a race and I love to blame indio crime on spaniards and cuban americans because I'm stefan and I'm a big dumb kike that sucks nigger mestizo mexican dicks.

All those racist bigoted Sup Forums hackers need to be arrested for interfering with the election

fuck donald drumpf I can't believe how idiotic the rest of the United States is. They want guns to be legal that LITERALLY kill people. Why won't they let us abort our babies at 9 months pregnant wtf is wrong with them?? I'm moving to Canada.

bring in as many refugees as possible, all those poor women and children lost their homes and need help.

yes africans males who have nothing to do with the war in the middle east are refugees too

Trump is my hero and will resolve everything!

I love Jews

Kek is not real guys.

Did anyone watch the game? How bout dem heat tho

To focus air into where the weed is to burn it and produce smoke. When you take the hit you take your finger off the other hole and breath in.



Hillary would never partake in child slavery

Hey guys check out this le funny meme!

I hope Jill Stein can prove that the Russians hacked our elections and Hillary was the true winner.


Diversity is strength
Multiculturalism is a good thing
Racism is literally the worst thing in the world

donald trump is epic win!

These tinfoil hat wearing racists on channel 4 believe there is some pedoring in a child firendly pizza restaurent in DC.... I mean Hello?!

Hurry, Berniebros, let's donate for the recount. I've donated $2700, the max!

You know, Sweden really isn't half bad

A carb does the same thing on a pipe as it does on a bong, to clear the smoke out of it by sucking in air through the hole.

The electoral college should be abolished. Hillary won the popular vote and that is all that should matter.

How could you betray your proud Aztec race to side with that...thing
Please refrain from posting off-topic images

wow all do you guys see this mess

I mean, if Trump has nothing to fear he should support the recount

this is a theory but i think it has to do with creating airflow and keeping the bowl lit.

For air flow, but not for the same reason a bong has one. A bong has one so you can clear it out, those little pipes have those holes because if you just took a straight hit off one it would feel like you're pouring acid down your throat.

only an idiot like drumpf would say all mexicans need to go home like but we're all home we are citizens of the earth

Stay salty, spic

Yeah? So what? I think that my wife wanting to have sex with other men is hot, and I want to be as supportive as possible!

hey look at this neat website i found

"user, don't be silly, women can do anything a man can do regardless of their significant differences in gender, they just need to get paid just as much for less work because the patriarchy has conditioned women to believe that they aren't as strong as men"

So many betas in one picture.

Trump is a Fascist!
Trump will set the country back 50 years.
We a re a country of Immigrants.

degenerates detected

Race and gender don't actually exist. They're socially constructed.


Please refrain form using "fascist" without warning, it's my trigger word.

What's the best documentary on the SS?

You know, other than

>muh evil nazis

There is no such thing as race. EVERYTHING IS WHITE PEOPLES FAULT

There is no such thing as gender. BUT THERE ARE OVER 60 GENDERS YOU CIS SCUM SHIT LORD

A womans most important right is to have access to as many abortions on demand as possible. I also have the right to abort a baby a week before birth if I have 2nd thoughts.

A women's place is not at home raising children and keeping a house. No its in the work place. Having children is oppressive.



>the workers revolution will happen anyday now!

>not taking the green pill

enjoy the redpill-jew

Love always wins.


Don't be jealous of him because he has Trudeau as his Prime Minister, God i wish her were our leader instead of drumpf you fascist fuck

I agree. Uneducated, low income rednecks are sooooo pathetic, lol.

not fake

You're right but I'm dropping it come winter.

What are those?

Stalin hated jews. And Nazis! haha!

Drumpf is sooo racist and sexist. I can't believe he won, I'm literally shaking right now. I hate white people, we have to accept all 3rd worlders coming here, they just want a better life!

wow nice wasted dab

Looks like poll is finally figuring it out.


If we deport all the illigal immigrants, who will take over and do all the cheap labor?

Rectal flutes

Civil rights are a good thing

i bet every last one of them has an iphone

Donald trump will Maga
The nwo rules the world
9/11 was an inside job
Hillary is a criminal
Obama was a bad president and all the debt is his fault
Mexicans are evil and taking our jobs
Obamacare is a train wreck
The electoral college is a good thing
Bernie sanders is a good candidate
Mike pence is a decent man
All girls are whores

>we need more minorities in our failing companies

HAHA, see what did I tell you guys!
#ImWithHer #DumpTrump

and enjoy prison faggot.

Fuck the jews, fuck the mudslimes, fuck the niggers. Race war now!

These low income rednecks will never understand. I hate them. They will never care about the unprivileged as much as we do.

Basic income is the only solution to the inevitable future of automization.

Disagree with me and you're every name in the SJW book. I'll also have to sue you for emotional distress for triggering me. It's quite oppressive, that you would dare have different views than me. Very offend.

Hitler and the nazis wanted to conquer the entire Earth and exterminate anyone without blonde hair and blue eyes.

As a San Franciscan the Electoral College has disenfranchised me! How can the Rust Belt claim they've been ignored when they just elected Trump!


>project veritas
>trusting a bunch of douchebags

I still can't believe that sexist, racist, misogynist, xenophobe, islamophobe bigot is a president-elect. Go Jill!

Would totally make my first sexual experiences in a tent in the socialist youth camp at the beach of Warnemünde after chanting shitty partizan songs accompained by a VEB guitar at the campfire with the long-haired boy/girl with the shirt in the pants.


nothing but millennial schoolkids who just read their first wikipedia article about communism.


No. Rednecks are great. They contribute to society. They are the bedrock of our great nation. They are well informed and educated. They should decide who runs our nation. It's not like every time a true conservative takes off our country goes into the toilet

I love rednecks

This shit.

Dude weed lmao. Also, hilldawg was like the most qualified for the presidency. She was in politics for 30 years you know. What has drumpf done? El oh el, I get all of my "news" from late night talk shows that each have "differing" on all the big issues. So I'm like a really good human bean and totally not a racist or anything. Right guys?

I heard that Donald Trump is working with the Russians! The FBI said so! Also, the FBI is sexist and is working with Donald Trump who is himself working with the Russians. I'm with Her!

Yes. The poor bastards can't do anything on their own. They need as much help as possible. Just throw money at them. Stuff food down their faces. Pump oxygen into their veins. They can't be trusted with anything. Not even to stay out of trouble or to go to school. So let's just make crime and ditching school illegal. That will show them. Now they can't possibly-

Hey, what the fuck? They're not listening. It must be my fault for not trying hard enough. I am the worst! GOD FUCKING KILL ME! KILL MEEEEE!!!!! I HATE MY LIFE!!

Here is something from someone who was actually in the SS:

Hillary was robbed of the election

Green Partiers are some how both more red pilled and more blue pilled than Dems.
>hate neoliberalism
>also want to require women on Boards of directors

>Hillary was a bad choice because I DON'T want society to collapse/ nuclear war
Seriously if you think Trump can even make a dent you're fucking retarded. The only way to go is forward, ironically as the progressives say is true. Burn it all down

Anime and videos games are sexist and racist.

I could have replied to nearly half the posts in this thread, but I decided to reply to yours. Not because there was anything special about it but because you so simply said what all the Trump supporters believe.
Let me now explain why it will now happen.
Those of us who are #NeverTrump know in our heart that Trump is the end of our country. It is that simple.
His winning redefines conservatism as nationalistic, authoritarian, populism that seeks to solve problems the same way the world tried in the 1930s with catistrophic results.
We are students of history, we consider, think and discuss ideas. For a 100 reasons we cannot ... no WILL NOT vote for Trump.
In the years to come, the questions will come up, where were you? Did no one see it coming? Now you know... yes we did.

I can't decide whether to vote for the Greens or the Feminists in 2018!

looks like steven kang senpai

This is so untrue

Rednecks aren't among the poorest, least educated people. They don't lead the nation in child malnutrition and living off the government that they elect which keeps their wages low


Black and brown people are the only minority in the world! Do you hate science! Fucking cunt! Don't trigger me!!!

Check my dabs

I know right?

Americans that say this are borderline traitors to the real USA, not the government.


DRUMPHKINS can go die cus we're diverse and loving and tolerant and they're not because they're all white racists.

am i trying too hard?

Totally disagree

Trump isn't a silver spoon baby that had to be bailed out by the government 6 times, who has had multiple wives and tried to cheat on his pregnant wife with a married woman.

He is truly a success as a business man who has made it on his own, as a husband and as a decent human being