G-guys? W-what if Trump is implicated in #pizzagate?
G-guys? W-what if Trump is implicated in #pizzagate?
He gets to hang last
I know a lot of people here would be disappointed- but I see enough circumstantial evidence to put him in the same place, same time as other offenders.
Namely on Epstein's plane.
If Pizza extends as far as I suspect, he may very well be part of it as well... at this stage this is speculation so I'll refrain from commenting further until we know more.
Pence! Hehehehehe
so you want a pedophile as president as long as possible?
Hell blow it open, confess his sins, take his punishment with more grace than the rest of those child fuckers, and pass the torch to... What was the vice president's name again?
Epstein wasn't Trump's "good friend", retard. Trump kicked him off of his property. Epstein's island wasn't one big pedo fest, legitimate vacations and business meetings happened on St.James Island. The pedo stuff was in one small part of the island.
Mike "Love cock? Get the Shock." Pence!!!
Weeooooooooooooow led
Michael "Richard" Pence
The trump epstein quote was a pseudo-cryptic polite way of saying he's a pedo fuck. Why would he do that if he was on it ?
He honestly, frankly, is probably not involved in any scandal yhat they haven't already bought up, and if he is, he covered his tracks well enough that you will never know.
He's the type of being in a jacuzzi with two gold digging sluts, not the kiddy-diddler type.
This. If Trump was involved in any way with pedophilia the DNC and the media would have destroyed his campaign with that information.
And Trump became hostile towards Epstien after he realized that he was a pedo. He kicked Epstien out of his hotel for leering at a young girl.
What the fuck are you?
Stealth rare
Donald Trump is not friends with Epstein. That is Bill Clinton.
>Trump loves lolis
How based can one man be?
That depends:
Did he expel Epstein from his club before or after he went to Pedo Island?
Did he really go multiple times, or just once, with his daughter?
Screencaps of 8ch could be a plant.
He never went to the island though.
Trump fucking 15 year olds with Epstein isn't news
Podesta, Alefantis, and the creeps who fuck actual babies are the target
Isn't there a story about Trump personally kicking Espstien out of Maralago for hitting on some teenage girl?
Trump is probably implicated in a LOT of things, but so would the rest of Wall Street.
What matters is a purging of of the corruption and self-service at the expense of the rest of humanities livelihood.
Thought I heard something about Lolita Express flight logs.
>Pedos un-ironically trying to throw Trump under their own bus
He went on Epstein's plane, but that was a trip within the Continental US to New York (hew as late for something and needed a ride across the country). Even then, he took the flight with Epstein's brother.
Jealous of your reefs btw south Caribbean bro
if ya coulda ya woulda
Trump knew about this and is the trump card he used to prevent the election from being stolen.
Fiat justitia ruat caelum.
fuck you faggot
Actually one of the points is that they don't eat each other out because they're all i on it. Like a mutually assured distraction kind of thing. The pedos trust each other because of all the mutual dirt they have on each other. Or so I've heard
fuck off attention whore, I already have you in my collection
That would imply they have a sense of honor in the first place.