Texas here.
110% based.
How based is your Governor?
For a Republican Bill Haslam is okay, I suppose.
I really just chalk up his governorship to money.
If you have it you can do whatever you want.
California here
kill me
If Abbott fixes our knife laws he will be the greatest. I want to carry a fucking Bowie knife.
Didn't he sue the company that was involved with his accident crippling him for millions of dollars, but them turned around and supported legislation that would have made his own lawsuit illegal?
Love Greg Abbott. True Texan
Eric Greitens is a RINO kike fag who, despite being a Navy SEAL or some shit, couldn't get the NRA endorsement. I voted for Chris Koster, one of the people responsible for our upcoming no-permit-needed concealed carry anywhere.
C.L."Butch" Otter
Not really good, not really bad, just sort of blah. Maintains status quo, makes public appearances, is on the news every month or so for sound bytes.
No real opinion but here he is
Indiana checking in. Pretty Based...
But what's his name?
They are not enforced, honestly.
The Hispanic bikers wear those shits holstered everywhere
hes 50% . pretty cucked in a wheelchair and wont legalize cannabis in TX so I can move back from shit hole lib colorado
>Chris Christie
fuck NJ
Go do your duty and vote you buggers
Probably the worst governor in the united states. Not kidding at all
someone edit it to say "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas"
He's a fucking retard with a convict son.
Very based
it really depends on the officer they have discretion to not charge you if youre not being a dickhead
No lie he tried to shake my hand at a benefit dinner for the wounded warrior project several years ago and I brushed him off and Rob Simmons laughed.
Sam Brownback left my state in a smoking crater but at least I can CC without a permit.
We used to be red
He's a democrat scumbag, but I don't think Louisiana has had a non-scumbag governor since Huey.
I can't wait til the election in 2 years where this fucker will get steamrolled
hope trump makes NY great again since he'll be ruling from trump tower
Literal illiterate cuck. Glad I left that commie shit hole. Not the same state a grew up.
I'm counting down the days until I graduate and can move out of here. What states should I start looking at?
Some corruption but atleast he has a spine.
Why do you not like Arnold Schwarzenegger?
fucking hate guns.
I don't like Abbott for what Sup Forums would deem dumb reasons but he is funny as fuck.
Recently he tweeted that California has more gun sales than Texas and said that he was embarrassed and we need to step it up lmao.
I'm pretty sure Rick Scott is a lich. Could be worse I guess.
how do we get weed legalized texasbros
Try again friendo.
Andrew Cuomo (D - NY)
>Phil Bryant
Eh he's alright
First Republican in a long while, fucking Madigan won't let him get anything done, if he could we might finally have a chance of moving forward.
>he has a spine
>vetoes campus carry
>pretends to halt syrian immigration and drops the issue right when it blows over and isn't mainstream anymore
>fellates corporations so trannies can shit in the wrong bathrooms
Buddy, if I ever see you around the Marietta area, I'm kicking your ass.
My brethren in suffering.
>tfw even your cucked-ass county voted against Cuomo.
>tfw you can never escape the political pull of JYC.
tom wolf... hay at least we clinched the presidential race
>Rick Scott
It could be worse
He just posted this
Get 'em Abbott
only two more years, only two more years until either a half decent cuckservative or Governor Keith Ellison.
He signed SCPA + vetoed bills that had near universal support of GA legislature and his right wing constituency, which takes a spine. If you think those bills were bad then obviously we disagree. But sure, destroy Atlanta's economy when employers leave over your retarded social battles. And if you want to pretend to be tough, go for it. I think you're full of shit.
Maine. I win this thread.
Mainers get out
Don't you have an LL. Bean catalog to look through?
Gov. Mike Pence. Feels good man
>He signed SCPA
And then he goes and vetoes campus carry, which I already mentioned. And, interestingly enough, he vetoed that well after he won his second term.
He also was in support of the Religious Freedom bill which was passed pretty solidly by the legislature. Caved immediately. But sure, THAT is what would have destroyed Atlanta's economy.
I mean, it's not like we're losing out to TN and the Carolinas or anything. Fucking BIRMINGHAM is now growing faster than us.
>Sad-dick Khan
Chris Christie
What happened to him? Is he even in NJ right now?
Legalize weed pls Christie
Move to Maine Lepage even legalized switchblades and balisongs.
Cali gov is so shit this liberal punk band did this last time he was gov:
>What happened to him?
he has a bridge to defend
Baker is alright
stopped illegals from getting licences (thanks Patrick you fucking nigger) and wanted to end sanctuary cities Trump is gonna do it for him it seems
but he's a RINO on most shit
better than a demoshit/10
>you think its bad now
Just wait til a democrat is elected, Jersey is gonna get even more lefty real fast
Maryland here. Hogan is decent on paper, an improvement over O'M at least, and not a democrat. However, the Ds dominate the legislature and he can't do shit. Also, he didn't endorse Trump. 5/10 over all, would only recommend for people living in New York, CT, MA, CA, and HI.
Poisoned the water supply in one of the most heavily black populated city in the state,pretty based
Literally 1 drink short of RWDS
>in a wheel chair
More like wheel based, am I right?
any word on getting our gold back?
Nice weapon.
I guess you could say he rolls heavy.
Bama here, our governor sucks but we have based Jeff.
i got based pat mccrory who saved NC from homos and hurricanes but the dems are trying to steal it
Alabama here. Governor is a cuckservative, but who gives a single fuck when we sent this man to Trump?
who replaces Jeff now that he's AG?
Absolutely agree, fucking sandy hooker
Arnold was a shit governor
He was just a Democrat in Republican clothing
>spineless neocon who had an affair scandal
For those wondering just look up Robert Bentley.
Hogan made the bay bridge cheaper so he's based in my book.
Texas bro!
Hotwheels is based as fuck.
Pretty decent I'd say.
navy seal, so not too bad
Don't have a governor because leaffaggot, but I can tell you that my province's Premier is cucked as all hell.
>blonde woman
why the fuck is it, whenever I do see an interracial couple, it's always a fucking blonde?
We will. Give it 5 years for medical. In fact, I think we will get weed before casinos.
because blondes have germanic or nordic genes, making them more inclined to cuckoldry. See: Minnesota, sweden, germany.
Fuck yea Missouri
Not as good as brewer but ducey is okay
>tfw old enough to have lived under a based California governor
he should've been more libertarian
Jews most aggressively target cute, blonde women with race-mixing meme
>tfw no qt nordic gf o marry and have a family with
>tfw when even if I did have one, I'd just be ruining her genetic line with my Portuguese mud-blood heritage
Still not as good as based grandma Jan.
Well at least he's not Gavin Newsom. Though in a few years he will be.
Fuck Dayton. I didn't care for Johnson at all but I voted for him over that faggot.
Meant for
Georgiafag here. Our guy is alright.
Hate that fucking piece of shit.
what state? Maryland? Or Conn?
No, that was just wendy davis using a smear campaign.
The law he pushed was about punitive damages
He sued for medical damages only.
>falling for the glock meme
your right, you are a fag
>Gavin Newsom
Fuck you guys will lose all of your gun rights