So how do you think the depression phase will be?
So how do you think the depression phase will be?
mass suicides hopefully
they'll kill themselves and mention trump in the suicide note. maybe even a self immolation on a college campus, that would be swell. they'll starve themselves. they'll push for the DSM-V to include some newage politically-inspired depression so they can get diagnosed with it, collect neetbucks, and continue not doing anything, etc. shit like that
Hopefully those idiots who said they would move to Canada a.k.a. Cuba v2 actually leaving.
I've been watching a few folks on facebook from a distance to see if anyone offs themselves.
One I would give a 55% chance of actually doing it.
Honestly, I'm hoping that phase culminates in tens of thousands of liberal suicides, followed by an acceptance phase of millions of leftists getting redpilled under Trump and becoming enlightened enough to abandon their old ways and get with the times. I mean, it'll be 2017, for fuck's sake, don't they want to be on the right side of history?!?
If anyone was wondering why people fear Trump supporters. This is why.
We need to stand strong against these types of people.
Depression: #YouAreWonderful
>virtue signalling hashtag to show that they care about all the transidiots killing themselves
Acceptance: #PedophilesArePeople
>they can't admit they are wrong, the hashtag that marks Acceptance will just be them moving on to the next bullshit cultural marxism hot topic
You can't even stand strong against your hormone levels, so you go and get therapy. You cant even stand strong against yourselves, so you go and hide in your padded safe space.
What makes you think you could even do anything at all?
If Hillary voters commit suicide, it's from their own hysteria, not the words of a Trump supporter.
What is that phrase from? I feel like it was a get post?
Talk to the hand cuz the face is off duty.
The depression phase will be when they get back to going through the motions of their everyday lives. It will be indistinguishable from the acceptance phase.
He is recount a bargain? If anything it's regression to stage 0.
Libs are children who will never evolve emotionally.
la noire
Kek, spot the reddit cuck.
Keep crying, you monumental faggot.
>we need to defend ourselves against these people
>talk to the hand
What's next, talk to the cock cause the gender is feeling fluid?
how* not he
You can't even stand strong against this discussion.
There will be no acceptance.
Nah m8, I'll fock ya arse
Talk to the vagina because the biological penis doesn't match my emotional gender
this has to be a satirical post right? r-right?
When will you kill yourself?
Wouldn't Recount2016 be a regression into denial?
We already have the depression phase. It's all those cry-parties and hugboxes and puppy-petting functions at universities.
Fucking safe space coward.
I went straight to acceptance then depression. That's not the way it really is, the whole 5 stages paradigm is for fucking faggots. :DD praise Jesus! Ok.
Do they actually condone pedophilia? lmao
A lot of white knights for the SJW movement turn out to be closeted pedos, so it's not entirely surprising.
probably #AmericaIsDoomedBecause
So instead of the typical white knighting expecting pussy they think if they play nice with the genderlfuid brain damages they can con them into supporting child fucking?
Depression: #CuttingForHillary
We can do it!
>they'll kill themselves and mention trump in the suicide note.
That already happened according to a gay people group.
the sad thing is they're probably right
SJWs are already losing.
Pedo "rights" will be the final nail in their degeneracy coffin.
I can't wait until January my negros
There's a few people here and there that support polyamory, so that would probably be the next one up.
>Mudslimes, Mormons, and SJWs team up to legalize polygamy
Depression: Mass suicides
Acceptance: Only the sane population is left
There will be no depression or acceptance, it will be Trump Protest the entier way.
Whatever comes after he still wins in recount.
Are they actually recounting the votes?
Why am I not surprised?
Th stages of grief don't go in order, we're seeing a return to denial.
T. Therapist
Is that an actual add for shilling? Those shill niggers get paid more then minimum wage?
What about on January 21?
Acceptance when they realise that everything they hate about him they just made up
For protesting/rioting.
No, acceptance will be, #BetterThanBush
I would be worried, when they commit mass suicide ,they might kill you also remember they are all over the place,they could be the pilot ,the nurse,the driver,t he food server
Somebody get these liberal idiots a giant keg of poisoned grape Kool-Aid, I sense a few suicide parties in the future. Others will chimp out more and just go straight to jail where a burly nigger by the name of Bubba will rape their weakling feminine asses into total acceptance.
If we're lucky, liberals will start a civil war and we can clean house with a no bag limit liberal hunting license...if their pet minorities don't cull that herd first. This will be the only way to cure America of the liberal cancer. Degenerate worthless and weak pieces of shit.
however long the trials last
My biggest fear is Trump becoming exactly like W. Bush.
ie: letting the neoconservatives take over.
So far it seems to go that way.
The FBI has to get in one last picnic before Trump starts making them do their job.
'Cause suicide is painless
it brings on many changes
and I can take or leave it if I please.
...and you can do the same thing if you please.
I basically think this. First thing that popped into my mind.
I just wish that Trump was Holy Roman Emperor instead, be emperor over more than a billion people.