30 years' war risk lads
pls don't be triggered by the rules
30 years' war risk lads
pls don't be triggered by the rules
I'm not going to be triggered, i'm just gonna say it looks complicated.
Claiming Spain
Claiming Ottomans
Waiting at least until we have an England and an Ottomans
My phone cant zoom in on the rules. Can someone crop them for me?
Claiming England
Denmark, I dont know a danish name
start rolling now lads
Are we playing historical allies or ...?
Claiming Morocco
doesn't matter
Kill Morocco
Annex Scotland
Rolling, spill towards Tunisia
fill unclaimed regions
Remove Romania and spills toward Georgia.
Serious though, the rules are all blurry for me.
Do I have a bonus?
take out some unclaimed germanic clay
+1 only against unclaimed nations, however you can use janissaries to get an extra +1 for 4 turns, with a six turn recharge period.
Claiming Saxxony
Never played this type of risk before, no bully pls.
Could anybody sum up the rules for me please?
claim poland-Lithuania
Can we agree to discard the rules?
Roll please
Alright, I need two minutes to memorize the rules
invade sweden, can somebody tell me a danish name?
christian iv was the danish ruler during this period
You're fucking Morocco, there's no special rules for you. All you need to know are the gets.
attacking Ottomans
Christian IV of Denmark
straight from wiki
wanna be catlick buddies
Swallow the tan nation to the east of me, spill the rest of germany
Continue filling germany
fill unclaimed lands
attacking ottomans
invade Sweden, also muscovy, wanna make a NAP?
Sail to the Netherlands and conquer them
Attack the Poles. Use my special ability
Attack Morocco
(+2 against Morocco because i'm a kingdom and I control Spain)
get some of the never-never lands
Attack Spain
Youre a dick attacking someone on the first turn
claim austria, roll to invade bohemia
Release rightful greek clay and ill stop
invade venice
Continue filling germany
Wanna ally up?
attacking ottomans
Finish the netherlands and invade east frisia (the next orange)
Invade sweden
Attack Morocco
How did Morocco gain that much land?
(+2 against Morocco because i'm a kingdom and I control Spain)
Attack Spain please
fill unclaimed land and spill georgia
What exactly are you asking me to give up?Fill Balkan region, spill to fill ME region.
They had a better roll lol, as they do this turn
fill switzerland, spill the surrounding area to get all of my country
Yeah, but they should have only gain 2Ts
also it's a tie this turn because of my +2
+1 friend, you don't have spain
But I should have kept Spain if you counted the earlier roll correctly
The King of England wishes to preserve friendly relations between our Kingdoms. Shall we sign an NAP?
Requesting blessing
Who's playing as a german or a neighborhood of it? Planning to go there when I finish Sweden
sorry spain
if you look at the countries at the bottom of the map, any without a dot are not taken
attack Ottomans
Remove Poles from Balkans. Spills to fill Balkans.
there's like 50 of them, of course they're not all taken
Finish off tan, begin invading the turquoise above me
fill bosporus region, spills into finland
conquer milano
invade sweden
Attack Spain
Finish East Frisian, spill Brunswick (red)
But,Morocco should only control it's territories in north Africa and not have any territories in Iberia
I had 2Ts in Africa
He rolls and he wins 5Ts
I roll and I won 1 T + my 2 bonus
I only lose my African Ts because 5-3=2
Last turn should have been a tie since I won 3 Ts
and he won 5Ts but my bonus came and tied us
Attack Morocco
I give you permission to take Tunis and all the puke green tiles, but to go no further.
fill france
Continue to attack Spain
conquer milano, spill genoa
Attack Spain
What did you mean by this?
Finish east frisian, fill brunswick
Meant Morocco
Free my people!
Πάντοτε μὴ λέγε, ἀλλὰ ἑkάστοτε kαὶ διὰ παντός.
Attack Poles
Requesting the assistance of Muscovy against the Poles. In exchange I offer the unclaimed ME countries.
>>Spain attacks Spain
Attack Crimea and spill into Finland
Continue filling germany
I'm on the road to becoming a kingdom baby