Asian guy here with a question for the white guys.
First of all, obviously when I see a white guy with an asian girl, I get salty because of the tribalistic mindset that men should possess (you're a cuck if you don't).
But what do white guys think when you see white guys with asian girls? Do you:
a) think nothing of it and mostly don't even notice it
b) think "fuck yeah! this guy scored a hot asian babe! Lucky guy!"
c) think "what a fucking loser to resort to having to get a gook woman"
Just curious.
Isaac Ross
I automatically assume he is a beta who couldn't get a white woman. This is usually correct.
Leo Nguyen
I think nothing of it, but when I see Asian guys with hot white girls, I do get salty jelly, but it's a more mirin' kind of jelly
Easton Baker
i get jealous since hes with such a qt. im surrounded by spic and white """""women""""" and its awful
Brayden Sanchez
C I don't care if she's lightskinned. I figure as long as it's not a nigger then it's acceptable to an extent.
Luke Perez
Jason Brooks
Oh I definitely notice and get buttmad over it.
>d) "It should be illegal. Races should not interbreed."
Brody Cook
I assume he's a beta because those are the kind of whites that go for Asian girls. I don't approve of it
Hudson Garcia
Adam Reyes
Usually look at the guy and laugh because 9 times out of 10 its some beta fag.
Colton Myers
>I hope she's not getting creampied
Easton Flores
Oh I thought that girl was a nigger. That's an Asian?
SEAniggers are little better than niggers.
Dark is bad.
Sebastian Scott
It depends on the guy. Also, none of us really give a shit if a white dude is with an asian girl, scratch our b pick.
If the white dude is fit, attractive, confident, or whatever, then my assumption is he's done with dumb white cunts and wants an actual woman. Good for him, but I really don't give a shit.
If he's a weird faggot then I automatically know he's dating an asian cuz he's beta.
Dylan Robinson
Most white guys that date outside their race are losers without a strong sense of identity. They latch onto other identity groups asian/"urban" to try to formulate one through external validation by members of that group.
Dylan Perez
My brother married a gril from Taiwan and I recently went to their thanksgiving celebration. He's a loser just like me and him and his wife are happy nerds. Their kids will be smart at least
Dominic Murphy
Im ok with it.Not sure why but asian women work perfectly with white men. Also asian pussy fits white dick like a glove. I admit to getting a chub around even a busted up asian
Jackson Bennett
I think "at least it isn't a nigger or mudslime".
Michael Allen
c) if girl guy or both is ugly a) otherwise
Brandon White
Jaxson Edwards
I don't think much of it. I do notice it but it doesn't bother me. You are right about the tribal mentality thing though. When I see a white girl with an Asian guy I say to myself "at least she's not with a black"
Christopher Cruz
I lost my V card to a Vietnamese banana. She was cool. I don't think race mixing is bad as I don't really think race exists.
Elijah Stewart
Yep this one
Joshua Wilson
Mostly a), but often I also think "WTH are you doing?" regardless of how pretty the woman is.
Jackson Martin
>But what do white guys think when you see white guys with asian girls? I wonder c.) unless she's obviously americanized (like >3rd generation my wife who is 5th gen)
Kayden Morgan
I laugh because they largely look like shit
Ryder Butler
B. But partly because I have a Korean gf too and know how good it is. I agree with you about the cuck shit btw but idk why I don't give a fuck when Asian guys fuck white bitches in that case, but do care w/ nigs. My Asian buddy from back in high school has a white gf and she's hot as fuck but I don't rly care, just feel happy for him
Gabriel Harris
nu-male, period.
Zachary Cruz
Typical WMAF
Julian King
>when I see a white guy with an asian girl, I get salty You shouldn't. Think about it this way. the white guy's ancestors lived through hunger, poverty, cruel weathers, wars, and finally the bloodline passed down to him, ruined within a night. although it's the same as that asian bitch, but there's more asians than whito piggu, we can finish eliminating the white bloodline before asians are extinct. and the new white/asian mixes will be more related to pure asians than towards arab mudskins & africa shitskin.
tl;dr there's only good coming from white + asian mix for asians.
John Watson
I think it's good. Asians (male or female) were meant to ride white dick.
Julian Bell
That is the case in London, Manchester and Cambridge. Like holy shit
William Carter
mostly A, with maybe a touch of C if he has that look
If I think something like C it's not because he's "resorting to gook women" it's more like "oh fuck another loser that thinks an asian women will overlook his dorkiness because he's white"
Noah Ortiz
Nolan Williams
A. I simply don't care.
But Asian dudes with white chicks is good, it means that guy must have done something cool to impress her.
Michael King
KYS racist
why the fuck is Sup Forums always trashing on asians
Carter Kelly
>I get salty because of the tribalistic mindset that men should possess Obviously the opposite is true for us. It's like a feeling of "hey, somebody thinks we're physically attractive and likes our culture". It's that thing of having your cultural worth validated by an outsider, without really wanting them to become part of it. That's why there's a definite difference between seeing a white man with a non-white partner and the case being the opposite. Women are basically vessels for culture, and that's determined by men. So an outsider with an appreciation for your way of life entering the tribe isn't as offensive to the primal senses.
But I don't approve, no.
>live in a mostly white area >yesterday saw two average white guys with pretty desi girls and mixed kids >also saw two guys with fugly East Asian partners and mixed kids
Dominic Lopez
They don't exist. I never even see one before
Chase Howard
Really depends on the dude/situation. All 3 are in play really. White/Asian dynamic isn't really an issue with me though.
Lincoln Sanders
But I like Asians. I just think they make perfect fuck toys and they should express their nature.
Jaxson Robinson
"Oh, she's Asian".
No negative or positive feelings. I just expect them to be either white or maybe hispanic, at this point.
William Brooks
Luis Robinson
Is that his son?
Lucas Wright
>If the white dude is fit, attractive, confident, or whatever, then my assumption is he's done with dumb white cunts and wants an actual woman. Good for him, but I really don't give a shit.
>sex out of wedlock is ok
Repent to Jesus you degenerate.
Dominic Sanchez
I never see white girls around asian guys and i hang out with a lot. Korean/jap/filipino never ever ever seen one with a white girl. They just get other asian girls (maybe hispanic).
Everyones different for me its more like if the dude is alpha and masculine then it makes sense. But every once in awhile you see you see a thin/fat loser with a babe out of his range. If it was a skinny asian dude id probably think he has some money or social status because that's what it usual ends up being.
Isaac James
The jews made it so. And Sup Forums supports it
Jacob Brooks
I don't really see Asian women as women
Caleb Martin
Gabriel Watson
>beat off to anime girls >"WMAF is degenerate"
Dylan Richardson
I prefer W/W relationships, but either way I'm quite alright with A/W couples. As for the rest W/B, W/L, W/ME I just can't get around to accepting as easily.
Logan Reed
Fucking scum of the earth Asians. Can't wait for the impending ethnic cleanse.
Gabriel James
They're usually manlets so I figure hey do what you gotta do. Life's too short to get wound up about manlet dick getting wet.
Joseph Green
Usually they're a beta who can't get white girls, and whose kids will grow up a mess raised by a beta dad and a self hating mum.
Many such cases
Luke Thomas
I think you got my question mixed up...
Logan Sanchez
>c) think "what a fucking loser to resort to having to get a gook woman"
100% this. And the few times I've seen a white woman with an asian guy, I've thought they were mentally unstable.
Dylan Morales
Don't like it. Maybe it's acceptable if they are the whiter variety of Asian since they aren't dumping their genes in a dumpster, but I still don't like it.
I understand the attraction but wouldn't be able to really do it myself.
Josiah Collins
>c) think "what a fucking loser to resort to having to get a gook woman"
Sebastian Morris
>fuck yeah! this guy scored a hot asian babe! Lucky guy!
Brody Stewart
> I never see white girls around asian guys and i hang out with a lot
pretty common in Vancouver desu, I'd probably be salty about it if I had problems getting any myself
Leo Ward
but i also think he shouldn't do that because i want to be on good relations with the asian males some of which happen to occasionally go insane and shoot up places, it's also just good basic decency to not fuck another races women
Brody Rodriguez
Ikr. It is the case here
Zachary Clark
as a white guy dating an asian girl:
i don't even really notice. I just like tasty asian food.
Daniel Ramirez
>what do white guys think when you see white guys with asian girls?
Mostly I don't even notice. If she's cute I might think "good for him!" but I'd think the same if he was with a cute White chick, too.
In general, I like Asians. They are the most White non-White race. They are industrious, smart, polite, well-mannered, they hate niggers, etc.
If you guys could just stop the fucking animal torture bullshit it would be cool.
Mason Jackson
SE asians were bred with hispanics and nigs during the transatlantic slavery period. the se insectoid men were killed off and europeans needed a new group to do labor so they shipped in hispanics and nigs which they bred with the local population.
Christian Clark
No. Stop shilling WMAF and then we are cool. Or we will go left
Kevin Cox
depends on the girl. If she's a dog, I think nothing of it. If she's a qt I'm a little bit jealous.
Kevin Taylor
I think she's a whore and should find herself an Asian guy. I like Asians and would like for them to continue existing.
William White
Great question CanAsianBro.
'But what do white guys think when you see white guys with asian girls?'
It's a list of the following..
He's into the 'exotic' chick; virtue signaling justice warrior; payback/shock to bland suburban parents; closet homo; borderline pedo. For the chick, it's ethnic self-loathing; obsession with social climbing, or fool the white guy until married then run the house like the Dragon mama.
Justin Wright
asians - produce anime - make chinese food
overall rating: okay
Brayden Brooks
It shouldn't be encouraged. I think it is usually disturbing because usually the girl isn't attractive. It makes white men look bad. However, if someone is banging Jelly Lin or an equivalent, of course I am not going to hold it against him.
Jaxon Robinson
I react in disgust
Ayden Hill
>takeover canada >displace white population >they are ok
Joshua Johnson
No, the natives there were really dark to begin with.
Also IQ is pretty low, like in southern China too.
Hudson Howard
Depends. If the white guy is a fat autist, I think c). Lets face it, some asian chicks have a thing for white guys, and will take fat autists just because they're white.
If the guy is actually reasonably attractive, I don't really give a shit. Similar feelings about AMWF.
Very different feelings about dating black people.
Jaxson Bell
I have lived in multiple countries in Asia so my feelings are like this: If he's Western and she was born in a Western country: god for him getting his yellow fever on. If she's from Japan: great score (Japan is first world so it's not like she's marrying him for money or anything). Korea and Taiwan are borderline cases. Anything else is a bit dumpster dive-y. BTW I have a Japanese fiancee.
Hunter Barnes
Also small penis'd with a pedophile fetish
Blake Mitchell
1st generation asian girls are TOP TOP TOP tier
this is not a joke/myth
they are the most submissive and cute things. Also they are usually conservative.
>tfw 9/10 right wing asian gf
Liam Gonzalez
It doesn't make me think anything
Nathaniel Evans
Don't complain just vote
Joshua Young
this >hot >asian pick one famalamadingdong
Dominic Wilson
Is that why every asian in Australia are ugly?
Liam Reed
Pussy is pussy, just keep your hands off my pussy.
Nathan Clark
Generally I understand why coz chink guys have tiny little dicks
Asher Murphy
Asians already vote overwhelmingly left. They are like 70% Democrats. They literally vote against their own interests because they are that pathetically conformist.
Gabriel Hughes
Most white guys I've known with Asian girlfriends are total cucks.
Overall I cannot approve, race mixing Is almost always detrimental to the child of the race mixers.
That said If I had to pick a race to mix with It would be east Asians, for no other reason then genetics and cognitive capability.
Evan Jones
Of course I too favor the tribalism, but like Asian women. Fetishes aside, I would just care about her personality because I'm not dating her. If she's a raging sjw cuck and he's trying to pretend to give a shit to score, I'd show him that's it's definitely not worth it.
Sebastian Clark
d.) Bastard. Our people are dying off and he's mixing.
Lucas Cook
he is a loser. I admit that I have fucked a few asian women but asian women are only good for when you are in a dry spell or if are desperate for some fuck slave. they can be cute but whites should never breed with them.
William Sullivan
>Stop shilling WMAF
How the fuck am I shilling WMAF? It just doesn't bother me. It's not like I'm running around telling every White guy to go get himself an Asian chick. I just don't give a shit.
Jordan Collins
>ITT beta roleplay
Leo Richardson
But I don't mind if white girls date Asian guys.
Levi Phillips
I think this is fucking America and you can tap whatever ass pleases you.
Andrew Cruz
I can smell your insecurity from my screen.
When I see a white guy with an Asian girl, I think "hah, gweilo is in for a world of hurt." If she ever thought of bringing him home to her parents, her parents will shout abuse to her or the white guy.
But at the same time I am happy for them if they both genuinely like each other but all in all I don't think about it.
Why the fucking fuck would I be jealous of white guys who date asian girls?
You have way too much time on your hands and your world is so small as to focus on insignificancies.
tl;dr end yourself.
Colton Russell
i dont care, either way. whites and asians are equal in my book and should join forces.
Christopher Reyes
Dunno what you're talking about m8, but then again I don't know what pakis think are attractive, besides 9 year olds.
Ryan Morgan
usually (a)
And for teh record, I don't mind it when asian men, or any man from a fellow higher race (basically non-niggers) gets with a white girl.
It's only disgusting and aggravating when a nigger gets with a white girl because 1. their mean IQ is literally 80-85. breeding between non-niggers and niggers WILL dramatically lower the worl'd mean IQ and is toxic for human progress 2. niggers typically genuinely hate white people so it is irritating and disappointing to see a white girl open her legs for someone who probably hates her father and her people in general 3. black males are incessantly pushed by the jewish media, far mroe than any other minority.
that only makes sense if she's a plain or ugly looking asian.
It's not like a beta loser would be able to get a girl who looked like this for example
Christian Green
No. Your racism drove them there, alongside your constant brainwashing of them to hate themselves
Jason Smith
>Hello, I'm just another shill trying to pound racemixing into your heads >My next post will be about letting your daughter fuck a nigger >teeheehee
Henry Brown
The correct answer.
Alexander Parker
> Allows mudslimes and rapefugees to pile in tiny islannd of a country clown car style > conquered by mudslimes > now an ISIS militant exporter > rages at 2nd largest country on planet taking in exclusively wealthy immigrants
Noah Diaz
then explain why this thread exists in a politics board?