What is Trump's endgame here?
What is Trump's endgame here?
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To bring down the entire house of cards.
A Scottsman can never keep his mouth shut, trust me....I know.
>if you want to take States from me, I'll take States away from her
Fuck I hope California flips red if they do a recount. I bet 50% of Hillarys votes came from illegal aliens.
To force them to admit the recount is a charade.
He appears to be taking advice from some 4channers (god help him) who said he should start recounts in states narrowly won by Hillary.
Wont happen
NH and Virginia yes
To make himself sound autistic enough to finally get a doctor to diagnose him, to end his mental suffering.
They will "fact check "his claim about illegal vote and will be forced to cover no ID laws and mexicans voting in california
When are NH and Cali's deadlines?
Voter ID.
>Trump calls for a recount in California
>Illegal vote thrown out
>Wins the popular vote
He got Putin to hack the recount to get his vote even bigger
Anyone have a source on Trump's claims?
Illegals get special licenses in Cali, which I assume prevents them from being used to vote.
You dont need ID to vote in CA. Ideally you need to provide an address, but I never got asked for mine
>approximately 1.6 million non-citizens vote every year. According to the high and low estimates here, that number could be as high as 2.9 million (at 13 percent of 22 million), or as low as 528,000 (2.4 percent of 22 million).
its real
when does this madman going to stop, i can't take it anymore mr. trump.
no audit in a recount
Bringing up election fraud will most likely hurt Clinton far more than Trump. It's why both Clinton and Trump have been pretty quiet until now.
Trump didn't need to bring it up because he won, so he couldn't care less. Clinton didn't bring it up because she fucking knows how much cheating her team did to help her get elected.
>Trump calls for audit in blue states
>discovered that there are massive fraud issues
These faggot beaners shouldn't be driving at all. California more cucked than once thought.
cant spell scots, oh deary dear
is he gonna be okay?
>tfw even my governor stopped the spics from being able to drive
California is the most cucked state in the union, bar none
New Hampshire will flip for sure if he manage to do a recount there.
Cali will probably not flip, but it will turn to 45-55 to Hillary or something like that. But it will still prove his point.
massive voting reforms to utter destroy the dem voting fraud machine
To drive the media/Left insane.
he's calling their bluff. buckle in faggots, you're in for a bumpy new year.
>hillary and stein claim, with no evidence, that millions of people voted incorrectly
Are you tired of winning yet?
>Why isn't the media reporting on this serious voter fraud I just mentioned for the first time and there is no evidence for?
What? Did I miss something? What is he doing?
Once his investigation is complete and he proves illegal immigrants voted he will use it to require strict voter ID laws that Republicans have wanted for a long time. He will also use it as another reason to deport them. By the way he doesn't need to show millions of them illegally voted. He only needs to find one or a few. Basically he is ensuring himself a second term in 4 years. If he is successful the democrat party is finished for several decades.
I do hope so
I have never seen a "man" whine about shit on social media as much as Trump. How embarrassing that he might be our president in a couple of months.
>no evidence for
there is also no evidence for fraud in the 3 states stein wants to do a recount. hell the claim they are biasing this on was some computer "experts" who didn't even know that MI was a pure paper ballot state.
If they do the 3 states, do also NH, NV and the other states in which clintion has less of a vote difference than in PA.
This and that he ends up winning the popular vote as a result.
>What wacky thing will Trump do next? Tune in to CNN later tonight. Stay scared, everybody!
he's going to have audits in all states with sanctuary cities, they will probably discover illegals voting, and do exactly what you say
Trumps Tweets > MSM
hell there was probably fraud in my state of MA, he got over a million votes here, but Boston had something like 300k votes clinton, 30k Trump
knowing Boston, there is no fucking way in hell there should be that big a difference
If they want to push, you push back.
>>approximately 1.6 million non-citizens vote every year
That explains most of the popular vote difference. California is a joke of a state.
Could Stein be a Trump plant? She was based against Hillary before election night.
there is no way to tell where a ballot came from
So where is Stein's proof a recount was needed in any states?
Where is Hillary's proof that a recount was needed in any states?
All Trump is doing is making the media look retarded once again. He is stating what most people know to be true, but yet the media is going to act like it isn't true. And instead of the media doing real journalism and investigating these claims, they will sit there and say "Trump is lying" while more and more American's will stop listening to the media and listen more to Trump. Trump is playing the media like a fiddle once again and they are too stupid and arrogant to notice it.
>So where is Stein's proof a recount was needed in any states?
>Where is Hillary's proof that a recount was needed in any states?
W-w-well polling said Hillary should have won...
Those states were with like 20000 votes so it's not too far fetched that they could swing
Yay voter supression
>Those states were with like 20000 votes
difference in PA is 70k votes
>its definitely rigged
difference in NH is less then 3k.
>n-nothing to see here.
It's not voter suppression stupid ass. It's following the law by only letting citizens vote, only letting citizens vote once, eliminating other fraud such as dead people voting, and forging ballots. Grow the fuck up and form an opinion of your own as opposed to parroting back what the liberal media and your loser no achievement college professors have told you.
Okay guys. I think Trump's chess game just entered a dimension my mortal mind can't follow anymore. Is he supporting the recount or is he against the recount?
>On Sup Forums (social media)
>whining about Trump whining
Neck yourself faggot
It's a warning that the Democrats have more to lose by playing this game than Trump does.
Trump's victory is already assured.
Trump can torpedo the Democrat party by exposing their allowance of illegal voting in several states.
if only
the smart thing, warning them that if they call for a recount in states he won, he'll call for a recount in states she won
Deterrence. If (((they))) kidnap the computer tech's family and force him to flip votes in Wisconsin, he'll investigate ballot stuffing and bussing.
I live in Cali. You don't need any form of ID to vote. Just an address.
aww, your having a hard time tonight
Based off recent events Sup Forums seems oddly informed. Of course to reach this information you have to shift through 20 tons of shit.
Trump is pushing for Voter ID and Paper Trails in all states for the next election. If this happens the Democrats are fucked. He'll win the recounts and would have set the agenda early on
Why is he speaking like a Chinese man that barely knows english?
Learn to speak American, Muhammad.
oh, a newfag, gotcha
get recounts in states hillary won lol
They're actually public about it being for a media purpose, so I don't see your point.