>dad this is my boyfriend Tyrone
Would you ever let your daughter date a black guy, Sup Forums?
>dad this is my boyfriend Tyrone
Would you ever let your daughter date a black guy, Sup Forums?
Yes of course. Why wouldn't I let my daughter date inside her own race?
I would only let my daughter date black men
Fuck no I'll tell it to her strakght, you fuck that pet removing you from my will and good luck when you're a single mom with a kid fucking hates you and look nothing like you
i would do an honor killing
I'm not even white btw, but fuck that shit
>midget and not half-japanese
you are not my daughter, get the fuck out of my kitchen you filthy whore
Lol holy fuck this is why I have trust issues
we takin ya women white boi
not a nigger like that
if it was a nerd nigger i wouldnt care
> kitchen is a disaster
>she looks high af
Obviously this poor white hoe dates an ooga booga
>modern white women
I'm losing hope every day
Are you a chingaling? Most Asians wouldn't appreciate a blacked child.
haha can i get full source somewhere? this is hillarious
If he's high IQ and a nice guy I don't care what race my daughters boyfriend is.
Another day, another blatant cuck thread, another instance of newfags replying and not using sage or reporting.
Good strategy
Idk how my life would get to that point. I'd be devastated.
I'm going to deprive my kids of all material luxuries I guess
if my daughter brings home a black man, he won't be a nigger. she has self esteem
mate, I don't even think that thing qualifies as human
Say it with me folks!
Just do what I did
Get a good doge
do bite work with it
fuck girls and only be faithful the your doge
a number a day with them while they are a puppy.
>implying my daughter would ever be allowed to wear that whore appearal
Just date Asians and Latinas they are the most loyal and obedient from my experience
don't worry, she just represents the bottom of the curve
don't lose hope she died of AIDs shortly afterwards anyway
Nope I'm a taco-American and was red pilled about niggers since day one. I grew up around them
Yeh, probably. Let her get it out of her system. You forbid it and she'll get pregnant by one before you know it.
If she ever has a black kid, I'd tell her she either changes her family from mine or I shoot her and the kid.
It will be mandatory in my home. I refuse to raise a racist.
Married to a black women, and if our daughter brought a black guy home my wife would call him a nigger.
I would rather have 10 black dicks than 1 micro penis of AfD supporters.
Thats a white trash kitchen. Wait... Is that a fucking HOT POCKET? Spices on the metal cabinet doors. Stove, not aligned properly. Dixie CUPS?
I wouldn't let a black kid go near that white trash. Aint not daughter of mine. Kill em both.
But I said only if they are high IQ... obviously if she dated the guy in OP she'd be disowned.
Just so everyone knows, every girl who dresses like this fucks black guys
Is this the new "I'm not even racist though" meme?
>Dhats still ya girl ? how my duck taste bitch
Tyrone, this is my Remington 870 Express Magnum shotgun.
If my daughter brings home an asshole, of any race, I'll be pissed.
We have the best Taco-Americans!
at least he didn't get those niggers' aids
I wouldn't have to. The single desire to want to become a coal burner would mean that she had disowned herself from our family and she would be rapidly thrown out into the raging blizzard.
A bit Dickensian admittedly, but we can't have niggers or coal burners in the house can we?
That's great. So Tyrone, where do you work? What kind of car do you drive?
I'm looking forward to meeting your father
>take one shot
>trigger guard cracks
>rack it
>riveted ejector snaps
>MiM extractor breaks apart
>a bit cuts your hand
>get tetanus from the rust
>i would do an honor killing
Why? She's dead already. Look at the eyes. Soulless.
>uhmmm I ain't got car or job but I be workin on it sir
She would cease to become my daughter if she did
Most of us are always suspicious about blacks desu. I grew up with my parents telling me "around blacks don't relax" like the cartoon only hispanic SJW faggots like Blacks. Sad I would be hanged on the day of the rope though
Of what? Shes not home at the moment.
>they are the most loyal and obedient
I had to take a minute looking at this post.
>implying we will have any say in our daughters dating choices.
1950 called, they want their world back.
Classic self-cuck from the leaf.
I would exclude her from my will.
>Would you ever let your daughter date a black guy, Sup Forums?
I have a half black daughter and wouldn't even let her date a black guy.
Throw all nigger lovers into FEMA death camps. The only solution.
I thank you guys for keeping those niggers in check. If it weren't for Mexicans America would be a far worse place
>haha can i get full source somewhere? this is hillarious
This is what you died for white man. This is what you killed your brothers and sisters for. This is what you crossed an ocean for.This is for what you bombed Dresden into the ground. Guess karma is bitch
Here's a pic of a good looking nigger with white women on his lap.
>It will be mandatory in my home. I refuse to raise a racist.
Is that you Carl? or your wife's son?
Wait, you guys are going to have children?
Girls who date black guys don't have father's to bring guys home to
>implying i'm white
I mean he's a rich rapper he could be an Indian midget and girls would be all over him bad example
No prob sempi it more a survival tactic than a desire to do public service but hey it works both ways
best advice
i'd pay the monkeys down the block to ice him
Obviously. Supporting a family is the final step of becoming a man
See MSM? It's not just white people/nationalists that browse this board
Sup Forums is a board of peace
>high IQ and a nice guy
Does she hate all black people, even the minority of black people who don't act niggers like herself?
Time for a good old fashioned honor killing.
Why are white bois so triggered by black men/white female couples?
Lmao do you even need a translation for this you micro-dick cumskin?
>Spics once again kissing up to white people so they won't get deported.
Don't start acting like you're better than anyone, Humberto. I've been in your neighborhoods and around your people. FUCKED. UP.
never. bern coal pay toll
Its all about equal exchange. Black girls are ugly as shit. Now if a Mexican was dating a white girl it's fine because I would take sexy little Latina any day
I don't get it either. Let them debase themselves and document it thouroughly, will make it easier to convince people of the great purge once we have artificial wombs that make them redundant.
algerian detected
For this to happen, I would have had to make several mistakes already in parenting, and I would likely have already given up.
Is he rich?
I have only sons, but if I had a daughter, depends on the black kid. Some are dropkicks, some are ok. The future dentists of the world no problem. The current/future gangbangers... fuck off.
On the other hand, that applies to any kid not just black ones.
sage and report cuckspam
Nope. No way, if she does, she's not my daughter anymore. Breeding with a black man none of their children would be recognizable as my kin anyway.