What does Sup Forums Identify as?

New bread because all of you complained so much last night.

I added more. It's very extensive and it's the most options I could add and think of that are the most popular and aren't very similar.

Obviously not gonna add White Suprmeist because it's basically Ethnocracy and Ethnocracy is about ethnicity. I did my best.

It's multiple choice. So if your a Christian National Socialist Other. Choose all three and vote.

I'm gonna tell everyone right now. Sup Forums is a Christan board.

>inb4 muh special snowflake ideology isnt here

>inb4 no alt right


Let's beat 5000 votes. Can we do it lads?

Other urls found in this thread:


I don't know. My wife is getting me a DNA test for christmas.
I'll post the results in 90 days when the results come in.

Here's an old demographic.

Bump this bread retards

Sorry, can't vote, as you put socialist/communist as a single option, which is fucking retarded.


All those options and no standard "nationalist" one?


I get the feeling that the people asking these questions are in the media and they're trying to guage what this place is. Fuck off kike.

you know that democracy is greek and literally means mob rule.

I'm literally not from the media.

How the fuck would the media know what kekism you fuckin nigger

Fuck off kraut. They are two different things now

I dont know, I like Libertarianism, Conservatism, Christian-rightism, Ethno-Nationalism and I'm anti-democracy and equality.

Not into Fascism/NatSocism and I have nothing against Jews.

I have no idea honestly.

The options are literally autistic

Then pick none (literal retard) that ones for you Hans

I believe that culture and spirituality surpass race in importance, however there's still truth to some of the racial realism stuff. I'm not against having some diversity and minorities, but we need to be more tight about it instead of letting hordes of foreigners into our culture in such a small amount of time. Some immigrants here and there are fine, because there's room for assimilation. There's nothing wrong with some race mixing either, as long as it's not forced and happens organically here and there.

Libertarian and Retard here

>No attack helicopter

Check your privilege, shitlord.

>added Kek

Don't forget the truly important polls though, guys:


I'd believe that, but Centrist group looks too large for me, unless they're lurking newfags.

No Shitskin-removalist?

>lumping political alignments with religion, not to mention several joke options like 'retard' 'kekism' etc

fucking slide this garbage

>no nationalist option
Complete fail.

>What does Sup Forums Identify as?

I'm a free market eugenicist. I believe people should use sperm from the best and brightest males on earth to create better offspring.

Since sperm is abundant, this practice, if widely adopted, will lead to a world with many more smart people, and a world that will be a lot more peaceful and prosperous. A utopia!

I'm an oldfag and a centrist. I'm pretty Sup Forums in most regards but I can't shake some parts of my liberal upbringing.

>you are literally this gay

I dare you to not vote christian

Would it kill you to have some convictions?

>I believe that culture and spirituality surpass race in importance

So the feral niggers with body ashes on their face chanting to the wind are on equal grounds with Christian whites in civilized countries.


Surprised there aren't more fascists.

lookin pretty gud boss

>No distributist

Your special snowflake brand sucks

My special snowflake brand has the backing of Christ and the Church


>identify as
>putting a label on yourself
eat a cock.

Your Christ and your Church suck :^)

dont be leftist polan

You're just a dirty pollack

Identity is everything, cuckold.

Now YOU'RE being leftist faaaaam

>doesn't not include nationalist
Fucking retard, not all nationalists are natsoc. I can't vote.

>adding Kekism
You knew the little redditors would click it. Why bother?

>doesn't not.

You're the fucking retard

You are literally a meme retard.


Kill yourself faggot nigger faggot


>muh only my type of nationalism is valid
Talking about special snowflakes.

I assume democratic means democracy and not the American Democratic Party

It gives an idea of the extent of the redditor infestation

These results look like the Portuguese Parliament in the 1920s lol


I have literally never been on leddit. Keks big around here you fucking faggot.

Oh and

>a fucking leaf

>christians top rank

Sky fairy retards plague this board

>Missing an other category while not having all options
Bad data. It's useless in a straw-poll format.

Doesn't "most" imply > 50% and not the largest group %-wise? Because I look at these figures and I see Conservative, National Socialist, Traditionalist and Fascist with a combined 56% and I reckon that the majority of the board is authoritarian on the typical political compass spectrum posted here.

t. commie

new atheist memes from lolbertarians and white idpol do as well

It's hard. I was gonna make 3 separate straw polls but couldn't figure out how I wanted to format it.

>pol is a Christan board


I don't know, man.

I've watched at the political spectrum has slide under me.

All I know is I've been shitposting Sup Forums >> facebook since The Election


nope, just moves the goal post. there is no utopia aside from a singularity.

Fair enough. Not looking good so far.


A True American Patriot.

And yet society would crumble.

>muh ruskies muh cold war

I can see the reasoning in most political views but to outright believe in zombie jew guy is inexcusable.

>t. memester

Bumping lads.

get one for her son aswell

>her son

Jew in the bible means "person from Judea".

Jew today means "the follower of Talmudism" which is the intellectual child of the pharisees who Jesus publicly denounced and called serpents and vipers. These were the people responsible for His crucifixion. These are the people who said "His blood is on us and on our children!" (Mt 27:25), which is the most widely cited instance of "anti-semitism" in the bible.

>Christians, Kekists, natsocs and libertarians topping it out

Correct! Very good, here's your (you)

Pol has been and always will be a Christian board.

Shnorhakalut'yun ynker Pepe

>Fascist only in fifth place


Lolberdarians are a joke.

>libertarians are a joke

Most of pol is a libertarian you dip

>No constitutional monarchist

It wasn't at the beginning, you guys were probably among the number calling everyone ebul nazis
But you can stay because you trigger seculars

You realize everyone who gets triggered by them so hard they repeat their autistic "lolbertardian" meme is literally "Drumpf"-poster tier, right? Go dye your hair.

Not most but a large make up

>Most of pol is a libertarian

O I am laffin.

>talks about triggering when "lolberdarian" triggers him that much

[laffin intensifies]


Yep I'm not alone here.

Refer here. I corrected myself

>I have nothing against Jews.

I have a great day and I will be in the morning. Thanks for your time and effort and time of the day I was wondering if you have any questions or concerns please visit the following user name. Thanks for the first time you have any other information that may be a great day ahead. I have a great day and I will be in the morning.

This pretty much
Still voted monarchist

an independent


You've been using it for years, I can understand that realizing you're a retarded leftist is hard to take, but no one who thinks whites are superior is afraid of fair competition. Socialists, and all leftists, are failures at life.

This meme sucks. Your bants suck. Your flag sucks.

And. You. Are.

>A. Fucking. Leaf.

Nope. "Most of" Sup Forums is right nationalists, fascists, NatSoc, and traditionalists/conservatives.

Even Stefan gave that retarded lolberdarian bullshit up and he viciously defended that for years.


Government's duties are mostly to maintain the infrastructure, enstate laws to maintain order, and act as the country's defenses. They shouldn't interfere any further than that.

They aren't to pander to people, they are to keep the system running as smoothly as possible.

This. I'm a nationalist but not a fucking commie. I just want a common sense ethno-state.

Hey it can mean whatever you want, all I see is a man unironically defending the word of the jew.

Why is there no option for paleoconservative you faggot. That's what most non-nazi conservatives on Sup Forums are.

I'm not a faggot liberal. I don't need to categorize myself.
