Who's your favorite President Sup Forums? I read a book about Andrew Jackson in Elementary School and I've loved him ever since.
Who's your favorite President Sup Forums...
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Jefferson Davis
>president of a bootleg fake country
>might as well have said Al-Baghdadi
Jackson, eliminated all debt.
>most underrated
>Most bad ass
Teddy Roosevelt
thomas jefferson, william mckinley, and dwight d eisenhower
I liked Nixon a lot and it's a shame he's only remembered for "muh watergate".
However, I do have to knock him down for opening up relations with China. I mean, it was a perfectly fine thing to do at the time. But the long term effect has been to sell our industries out to the chinese and replace american-made goods with chink crap.
JFK was pretty based, too bad (((they))) got him
Truman, Jackson, Roosevelt (the good one), and Jefferson, in no particular order.
Good choice. Mine's Theodore Roosevelt because he had a big stick.
He was just trying to weaken the USSR it was a great move
George Washington.
Jfk started letting the niggers loose
Lyndon johnson finished the job
Teddy roosevelt is most based
He was a deficit hawk conspiracy nut
Teddy was definitely great too.
I dont like him he hated italians
Nobody cares about your opinion, spaghetti dicked leaf.
Abe Lincoln.
>Preserved the union
>BTFO'd Georgia
>Locked up traitors with (((New York Times))) for promoting secession
>Had mayor of New Orleans executed for taking down the American flag
>Wanted to send blacks back to Africa
>Took on the English (((elites))) who wanted cheap slave made cotton.
I know, that's why I said it was a good idea at the time. But the long term effect was still that it totally fucked us over.
Why didn't Abe send them back to Africa like he said he would? And not just a few that went to liberia. ALL OF THEM. Why did he declare all blacks to be US citizens?
At the start of every century there's a badass president who comes and fucks the establisment in the ass.
As you know, he was shot before he could make these reforms possible.
there's zero evidence of his assassination
No one cares about you
Thats fucked. How are the NYT suppose to know not to promote sucession. Why didnt lincoln warn them they would get arrested
Huh, so apparently only the 13rd amendment happened before he died. I thought they were all at the same time.
Well alrighty then. Fuck whoever the cuck was that included the black citizenship and birthright citizenship nonsense though.
>>However, I do have to knock him down for opening up relations with China. I mean, it was a perfectly fine thing to do at the time. But the long term effect has been to sell our industries out to the chinese and replace american-made goods with chink crap.
geopolitics. by the time nixon had made it into office, he thought most of that stuff between democracy and communism was BS. the china pivot was a move to take advantage of the split between ussr and china and further america's aims at containing the soviets. his secretary of state/national security adviser (((Henry Kissinger))) thought alone those lines and helped facilitate us-chinese diplomacy.
> HRC wants war in Syria
> Lock her up
> Nixon commits treason by prolonging Vietnam War, killing thousands
> Best President
Remember, he also took us off the Gold standard, which is far from right wing orthodoxy.
I'll give Carter that he appointed Volcker, who was the best Fed chairman in the 20th century. He gets a short stick because of the recession and deflation, but it was needed for the long term.
Teddy was a great Progressive and amazing human who was genuinely public-spirited. We could use people with his character in government. Ken Burns had a good series on the Roosevelts and their origin stories.
I think Bill Clinton is a little overrated due to many of his deregulation decisions being responsible for the 2008 crisis and slow growth today.
The dollar was severely overvalued and the gold reserves were being quickly exhausted by the entire world trying to cash out. Nixon needed to end bretton woods or else there would've been a serious collapse. The issue isn't that he switched us off the gold standard to fiat currency, but that it remained as such forever after.
how was teddy based? I heard he banned muslim immigration, but how was he based?
Objectively FDR was probably the best. Had his faults though, like being too cozy with Stalin.
Jimmy Carter was a nice guy.
Nixon is terribly underrated.
Jefferson and Lincoln deserve honorable mention.
>king cripple
>best president
uhhh no
Objectively Eisenhower
Won WW2 and saved America from going to absolute shit.
He laid groundwork for American superpower status.
That's why I said objectively.
is no one gonna talk about Polk
fucked mexico, doubled size of the US
The 13th Amendment was abolition. Citizenship was the 14th after he died shit for brains.
Was going to say Polk. By far one of the most underrated presidents
>won WW2
*He* didn't win shit.
>and saved America from going to absolute shit.
You're referring to the new deal? aka "how to extend a depression as long as humanly possible until selling goods to both sides of a world war FORCES the economy to get better despite your best efforts"?
Eisenhower and Teddy Roosevelt are my two favorites. Andrew Jackson was also pretty based and I think Washington is underrated as far as Sup Forums is concerned.
Try reading next time.
>war hero
>promoted the idea of extreme American exceptionalism
>found a way to help the environment without fucking up the economy
>skilled negotiator, brokered a peace between Japan and Russia
US economy got better before WW2 started though.
And who won WW2 in your opinion?
American exceptionalism is bullshit. It's the notion that America is "magic dirt" and that as long as you adopt "muh constitutional values" you'll be a true american like anyone else. This is the sort of fanciful thinking about the US that tricked people into allowing massive amounts of 3rd world immigration.
1. Jefferson (wrote the Declaration)
2. Jackson
3. Teddy R.
4. Abe Lincoln
5. Washington
5. Clinton
4. Buchanan
3. FDR
2. Lyndon B. Johnson
1. Jimbo Carter
This is undisputedly the best ranking on the presidents.
>Eisenhower not on the list of best
>US economy got better before WW2 started though
No, it got better before US *involvement* started. America entered in 1942. But we got out of the great depression in 1939, aka the beginning of WW2, because our industries were cranked into high gear to sell goods to both sides of the war while they were busy fighting.
>And who won WW2 in your opinion?
Allies. If you're asking what nation came out on top, that'd obviously be America. Mostly due to the fact that we were able to sell everyone stuff while they were busy fighting, were able to stay out of the war for half its duration, and never had to fight on our own soil. All the other nations were completely destroyed and we were still pristine.
How is he better than any of those people
Calvin Coolidge
Based minimalist President that kicked ass at his job by basically getting the fuck out of the way of Americanism. Turned down a second term too.
Butthurt leftys like to call him the ""lazy"" president.
redpill me on eisenhower. Honestly all I really know about his presidency is that he built muh roads (ancaps btfo)
>Wilson not #1 on worst
Idiot detected.
Warren G. harding
Would have been regarded as one of the greats if Congress hadn't fucked him at every chance.
>women's suffrage
>federal reserve
>income tax
>ivory tower college professor
>league of nations
Seriously, fuck this guy.
>who's your favorite President Sup Forums? I
Benjamin Franklin
Move Washington up to #4 and replace Lincoln with Eisenhower at #5.
He's better because he created the Interstate, DARPA (which created the Internet you now shitpost on), NASA, and his leadership in the military helped us win WWII.
It is factually, unavoidably not bullshit. And from an unbiased baseline
Observe: youtube.com
Oh right, my mistake. FDR hiring people to dig holes and then hiring other people to fill them back in again is totally what brought us out of the depression.
Lincoln held the country together during our darkest hour, so i think he deserves his spot.
Jackson was and is the best president. Itll be hard for trump to beat him, but lets hope we get back the reservations.
Is he redpilled?
But seriously, part of the idea of american exceptionalism is that it is purely the constitution that allows us to be great. Wrong. It's because of the people that make up (well, like 60% nowadays) America.
Liberia has the exact same constitution as us.
> was the Supreme Allied Commander of WW2
> destroyed all threats to American interests so discretely and competently that they only learned about shit like Iran and Guatemala decades later
> Presided over unparalleled era of American prosperity and taxed it well
> used taxes to implement federal infrastructure like highways because he admired the Autobahn
In addition to what I listed he also signed the Atomic Energy Act, contained the Soviet Union temporarily by ending the Korean War, and tried to warn future generations against deficit spending and about the coming military-industrial complex.
Obama unironically belongs in a bottom, the Marxist left almost gained irreversible strangleholds everywhere because of him. Not necessarily through the artifice of his intent but certainly by his puppetmasters. We may still lose yet if the economy is collapsed on Trump's watch.
Our fight hasn't even begun yet buckos.
5 Obama
4 Buchanan
2 Wilson
>implying he didn't help cause the split
andrew jackson = beast mode president
Nigga what do you mean he "Won" the allies simply out produced the axis powers. Factory workers and Steel Mills won WW2. Great leadership and good soldiers definitely didn't hurt.
Thanks goyim. Those are all solid points. Eisenhower definitely gets overlooked.
He did but if he cucked out and just let them go, America would be a white Mexico and wouldn't be the superpower it is. Its like what Sherman said "If the United States submits to a division now, it will not stop, but will go on until we reap the fate of Mexico, which is eternal war. I want peace, and believe it can only be reached through union and war
Even though he was a democrat he did a lot of good things to help the country
Fite me
He was a soviet-loving crypto-communist King Cripple. Go take a look at his proposed "2nd new deal". He also changed the census racial definitions so that mexicans counted as white so that they could be permitted to flood over the border and get citizenship.
Jackson was a badass but didn't he fuck the economy?
He created one of the worst economic recessions in the history of the US and lead to a boom in sectionalism that would eventually lead to the Civil War.
Honestly the best of our presidents make great examples for Sup Forums to follow.
No, the elites tanked the economy to blame it one him. Like what is going to happen to Trump.
Lincoln was based: to bad the history makers turned him into a cuck.
“I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in anyway the social and political equality of the white and black races – that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race. I say upon this occasion I do not perceive that because the white man is to have the superior position the negro should be denied everything.”
Abraham Lincoln
(1809-1865) 16th US President
Fourth Debate with Stephen A. Douglas at Charleston, Illinois, September 18, 1858
Jackson was based.
>Objectively FDR was probably the best.
Silent Cal was objectively the GOATest of all timest.
>I read a book about Andrew Jackson in Elementary School and I've loved him ever since.
You are me, only I did the same thing in 6th grade with Teddy Roosevelt
>more soldiers died from poisoned meat than battle in the Cuban war so he made the fucking FDA and saved thousands of lives
>Built the Panama Canal and instated the "fuck off, our hemisphere is full" Monroe Doctrine in the Caribbean
>Last modern president to serve in the field of battle
>Got shot during speech
>Finished speech anyways
>Got malaria
>Manned the fuck up and explored the Amazon anyway
>Was born a lanklet faggot with terrible vision
>Manned the fuck up and got /fit/, encouraging all his countryment to better themselves and do the same
>Was a progressive back when being a progressive actually meant helping ordinary Americans
>awesome mustace
>Silent Cal
He's the reason why we had a great depression and he told the farmers of the great plains to fuck off which cause the dustbowl.
FDR was the best president
>Coolidge caused the Great Depression
>not the fault of the Federal Reserve
kill yourself my man
fucking dumbass was winning it was only after watergate he started to crash
Jefferson, no contest. He's what all humans should aspire to be sans slave owning.
Okay you can call Trump many things, but he is not a badass. You can tell he's a Napoleon complex textbook case.
I bet you believe in God.
Jesus Christ you people are so set against any leftist economic policy that you list one of the most successful revered and popular presidents of all time as one of the worst.
>sans slave owning
Andrew Jackson 100%. This video is my reasoning.
Digits confirm that this is truth
>sans slave banging
Fixed that bro, we knew what you meant.
One could argue that the massive deregulation that was exacerbated by his presidency was what led to the Crash
t. Bank
why the fuck isn't there a movie about him?
it would be incredible
fuck lincoln's boring faggot ass