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Everquest Online Adventures
Everquest is still alive. They have 1999 servers as well as servers that unlock expansions after people have finished the current game.
It's got an extremely low population, though
Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal
i know i have a warrior on project 99 blue.
he's iksar though.
Don't remind me that there was a time when gaming wasn't controlled by SJWs and Jew MBAs. It makes me sad.
they made niggers the high INT human variant
I LOVED that game, I got my Fishing and Drinking skills to max level on the first months free trial!
It was pretty Asian too, so was UO. EQ had the best theme song though.
I loaded up EQ for the first time in 8+ years a couple months ago and wasted a bit of time. Still a lot of people in Plane of Knowledge on my old server.
I just couldn't even process what I should be doing any more and ended up uninstalling it a few days later.
Tried the same thing with eq2 a few weeks later and ended up playing it again for a couple months to burn through solo shit since it was a lot easier to get back on track in that game.
You think you do, but you don't
>the only black people in the game aren't actually "human" but are a different race
>all the erudite p99 chars with grape drink and watermelon names
what? i definitely have a level 60 iksar warrior on p99 blue.
however! no epix.
>iksar necromancer master race
>You think you do, but you don't
I was being sarcastic.
He's referencing WoW refusing to make servers that are only the original game.
It's got nothing to do with what you're talking about
tfw was too shit to hit 60
got to level 50 :^(
>Mentioned on an episode of Sleepy Cabin, not my thing, but I would assume all white autistics
I stopped at 56
the grind became too real
EQ is an SJW carebear hugbox compared to UO.
thanks for the j. i forgot about her, many fond memories reading pc gamer in the bathroom, getting off to that ad
Love that fucking game.
Phsss never heard of Mario Brothers have you OP
>tfw you embark on your first cross continent run from Freeport to Qeynos as a level 12 wizard with nothing more than some printed out maps
My only "gaming" regret, not that I have gamed for years, is that I never played UO. That game is legendary.
Instead I played RS in 2004 :(
I miss EQ's old hardcore pvp servers where you could loot any 1 item off of the person you killed
Oh by the way, I forgot to mention, this is now a kane thread.
Sullon Zek was a redpilled community
Last I saw it averages 1200 still, I havent played on p99 in a few months. I have a lvl41 Enchanter on it. Played EQ from 99-03, man the amount EQ toons would go for was nuts between kunark and luclin. I had a friend quit and gave me his wizard w/ epic and a twinked ranger toon. Sold that shit for $1100.
Asheron's Call
Best game right here. Haven't played a game with better PvP.
Be happy you didn't live through EA turning it from best game ever into a fucking farmville/ minecraft fagfest, losing your 7 year bro tier guildm8s in the process.
I never wanted to relive this feel.
You literally play as an Ayran saving a fantasy world using flying cars, lasers and time travel
>Run through kithicor at night
>Zombies fall from trees and kill you
>Make a new character
UO was better but this was easily 2nd in my book.
Best fucking game
1200 Is pretty good desu that's an above average amount of any of the wow private servers and they tend to have enough people to find raids on a daily basis.
Not nostralius though, what's that looking like 12k? That's fucking ridiculous.
Does anyone have a high level character on Red on P99?
"Yankee" was creator's moniker
I didn't play UO much (literally just a couple hours), but I seriously loved DAOC. The PvP servers were great, and extension groups were always fun. If you play it right you can easily take on 2x to 3x your numbers.
I miss playing RS back in the day, early 00's. I was so much fun, I know they have 07 scape but it's not the same, haven't played in years. I remember screwing people with the "free gem cutting" or "free armor trimming" scam back in the day at Varrock East or West bank.
Dark age of Camelot
You gotta hug the wall breh.
Weird thing about Dark Age for me was that the battlegrounds were always more fun and better balanced than end game. Not even a complaint, I just barely ever PvP'ed on my max level heroes because Relic raids were almost always imba for one faction or another, usually the albion fags.
I miss DAoC.
I picked it up again last year for a few months. Got to rank7 on RM and 5 on zerk then just stopped playing one day
Yea at the peak of Nost there were 15k+ depending on the time of day. Sold my hunter on there because Vanilla npc spawn rates and shit werent meant to handle more than 3000 people on a server iirc. Its coming back from what I hear.
I have a mid level toon on r99, HE Chanter.
Everquest grind was unreal, I played it for about 2 months and my humble gnome enchanter couldn't get through the goddamn crypts so i quit.
Plus Asherons Call, Rune, Medal of Honor, FF, UO, Baldurs, Morrowind, Arcanum, BF1942, Unreal 2000, all seemed to come out in a rapid succession and drew me away..
96-2004 gaming industry was magical but you needed disposable income to keep pc up to date.
how did you do it?
the people on that server are such fucking faggots
2007 runescape
How is that white? It's made by japs
P99 is basically the only vidya I still play
I can't believe other people remember this, literally my favorite Nintendo game
>most intelligent race is the black race
Asheron's Call was much more redpilled
Shadowbane was pretty comfy although it ultimately turned into a Zerg or get cucked affair and died a swift death. Shame they couldn't balance it better.
Nostalgia drop, right in a benis.
We all know what the one true redpilled MMO was. Omni-corp is the last bastion of civilization on Rubi-ka.
UO and SB had better PvP.
>Phsss never heard of Mario Brothers have you OP
bump my cock
The Wigger 3
played the hell out of some DAoC from 2003-2006. Was fun when me and my 4 roommates would all game and pass the bowl. Lost interest when I got out of college. Thanks for the nostalgia
i miss everquest and everquest 2..everytime i think of my childhood and raiding i just want to die
Learn to LAG JUMP you fucking faggot, and stop taking my V2 or I will TEAM SWITCH AND LAG SWITCH the fuck out of you all while GLITCHING UNDER THE MAP while FLUXING your mothers vagina. Who the FUCK uses the SHEEPINATOR you fucking BAD KID
UO pvp was seriously unmatched. ;_;
Certainly alot of rednecks. Can't stand their grating southern accents on teamspeak during raids. Fucking hell why does the south love this game so much? Love me some EQ even today though.
Toontown online
RIP in piece.
did anyone else know sam the man on SZ?
Holy shit, good times starting that shit up in 1999.
>tfw tried playing this, but nobody in my family could figure out how to actually move around despite pressing every key on the keyboard
We gave up and went to Ragnarok and StarCraft.
Is your family black?
Never played the game but you're a dick head
I 100% shit I faggots not
id remove the entire limb to free my body for this DISGRACE
Diablo 2
Yea your probably right. I'm sorry.
kek why does she have a mustache
they could just be from the south
best game ever made
The OG rallos Zek was the best you could loot anyhthing but the real deal was. DISCORD SERVER which only lasted I believe for like 1-2 months to promote the new release, if you died you went back to level 1 and all your gear could be looted, that shit was hardcore as fuck but to many people used pluggins/back then to find people and tp kill them.
Sam the multi boxing wizard prostitute fucken hero.
is that that game in ads with the boobs and don't play this unless your 18 thing and don't play it around family?
>wana see what I learned in the pin
I used to be in , a top 5 GAMEwide guild, and all modern MMObabbys should be getting in line to eat my fucking asshole, because none of you could handle the content we did, and no MMO ever since classic EQ could even begin to compare. We were the first players in the entire game to enter the plane of mischief. Get fucked, losers.
Mirin that stache.
The tattoo is kinda poorly done but I commend you for having the balls to post it.
Yeah the content in EQ puts everything else to shame