Just stop watching their shit, you idiots

Just stop watching their shit, you idiots.

Other urls found in this thread:


fuck off Hassan

t. Ahmed al-Alemani

Of course, the first one offended is the crooked nosed gypsie. You are not even in the talks of being white.

>54% white
>suddenly complains about rising white-identity

Must suck to be as black as you, Shaniqua.

Literally never liked any of these faggots. Only watched episodes of Gavin that had Sam Hyde and Richard Spencer. Never watched any of Milo's stuff because I don't listen to fags or associate with them.

>bitching about being married to a persian woman

are you a fucking faggot?

there's nothing wrong with persians

If she looked white, why not. Fact is she looks like Dinesh D'Souza

Remember that only like 20% of the people on Sup Forums can see what's going on behind the curtains. The people who can't will ridicule nad mock you (generally people from r/thedonald). There are also tons of shills and non-whites here.

I won't. I only watch one of them anyway.


>controlled opposition
who are you implying they're being controlled by?

if you don't like them, call them hypocrites or cuckolds or something.
so tired of this buzzword

>likes to suck black dick
sides obliterated

>who are you implying they're being controlled by?
Who indeed.


Telling me anything about anything. Fuck you Muhammad.

how are the jews controlling them?
(besides the two jews of course)
are they sending pjw a bag of shekels every month?


>who are you implying they're being controlled by?

Who nose?

You're a cuck

Gavin isn't controlled opposition. He doesn't claim to be alt-right and says all the time that he's not "extreme" enough for them. He's a civic nationalist, calls himself a "western chauvinist" with more emphasis on culture than race.


If the jews can control the world elite, I'm fairly certain they can handle a bunch of media characters, especially since they basically own media.

A civic nationalist seems to be a white guy who would be a ethnic nationalist but married a POC.

exactly, no one.
because it's not happening, which is why using "controlled opposition" as a buzzword so flippantly and causing it to lose meaning is bad, especially when "controlled opposition" is a real phenomenon
cut that shit out.

looks like jeb bushes wife

MillionDollarExtreme needs to be added to this

t. mordecai

Good point. All of the people in the pic hate muslims.

That's good enough for an unholy alliance.

There is no bigger threat to human civilization than Muslims.

Glad people are waking up.

I've recently come to dislike PJW and Cernovich. Anyone with a brain always hated the other faggots.

t. Richard B. Spencer

really makes you think.

>"Don't call anyone controlled opposion, because that deminishes the worth of the word."
>continues to call somebody else controlled opposition

nah because even sam doesnt take himself too seriously like all these other faggots

I only watch this guy.

...and this guy.

>continues to call somebody else controlled opposition
hal turner was literally (LITERALLY) controlled opposition

Trump isn't even president and the alt-right is already imploding.

....and it also began with only allegations. Cernovitch is a fucking controlled-opposition bitch and it will soon be proven.

Fuck Richard Spencer too.

>human civilization than Muslims.
Good goy

Any pictures of PJW's wife?

Muslims are clearly a bigger threat.

Go back to your cantry ya leb cant

I know, brother

Yes goyim, fight amongst each other

Gavin is entertaining and hilarious as hell though

And who is pushing for 3rd world immigration to the West?

Storm fags are going to leave one day guys, I swear.

Muslims and niggers are being used as demographic shock troops by )))(((them)))(((

Not Israel.

Nah, I hate the faggots in OPs pic but Sam Hyde is just a redpilled comedy man, even if he does have more hardcore beliefs he needs to tone them down for the show. He's careful because he knows some will OD on the redpill if not taken in moderation.

>implying that is the anti-white opposition

Where my nigga Stefan Molyneux at tho?

Not an argument!

Who do you watch that you approve of, OP?

Stormtards don't understand plausible deniability, jews love them for this very reason

I didn't say Israel did i?

globalist kikes are a different beast altogether than the zionists.

Even if you aren't a white nationalist their shit is boring as fuck. Molymeme blows them out of the water.

>needing a lead figure
>not becoming a strong man yourself

Chomsky to Dostoyevsky to Mein Kampf, you have to read all your enemies books.

>angry that my country is falling apart due to Islam and wants to bring down everyone else with me

Wew. Gorilla mindset indeed

I don't think we have the authority of calling other countries cucked for allowing diversity to rape them stupid when every other person here is a shitskin despite half of us having enough weapons in our closets to equip a squad.

>91% white

>54% white and declining

I hate them all except gavin

Hitler liked the natives as should you mohammed

That could only work if Republicans actually cared or weren't Jewish controlled. Which at least one is correct.

It's 63% and yeah, that's why we're all pissed. Just like you should be.

That's why I'm pointing out your controlled opposition, so you can start hanging them.

The alt light and the alt right reinforce each other.

>sucking black dick
Wow what a race traitor

Yeah but that counts some shady ass people like Jews and some middle eastern shitstains. Red blooded, god fearing all-American purebred white is probably 54% like krautbro said.

Richard Spencer did nothing wrong

>Paul Joseph Watson married to an asian woman.

Hitler said:
>Japanese are Honorary White

Where did he say you should marry them?

Pretty sure Milo is Greek

>Paul Joseph Watson married to an asian woman.

Hitler said:
>Japanese are Honorary White

Kys double posting zikanigger

I'll watch what I want to watch Achmed.
Stormfags are as autistic as the Jews themselves.

pretty sure this post is controlled opposition

What this poster here said. Yes, yes.

>That only works if corruption didn't exist
Literally delusional stormcuck.

The way the jews control social safety and progress is the socialism and leftist economy.

The amount of "venomous tolerance" the electric jew and the media tells you to eat everyday is literally: a welfare parasyte = a hard working employee

People have been valued public service and hard work since the ancient times. You americans have been building your nation with this ideal.

I'm an immigrant from Peru. We know what is socialism. We know what are the consequences. We KNOW how brainwashed leftist actually are.

The same is happening in Europe. German people are probably voting for Merkel again.

Don't commit the same mistake. It doesn't matter if you are a stormcuck or not.

Don't choose a leftist economy. Accept your ancestor's legacy and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

>Sowing division among enemy lines

Nice trick Jew.

Do we need to make it a 3-0 record in world wars Gerhard?

Russians beat us. Not you.

Cernovich, Milo and the Britcuck I will give you but Gavin is definitely /ourboy/

How much does Merkel pay you people? Or do you do it for free?

divide and conquer. no thanks. i'll just stand by our race mixing degenerates.

Gorilla Mindthet

>cucked on the 14 words


Gavin would have come out as a faggot by now if not for his need to keep up his appearances as a father and husband

Hmmmm.... If this were true they wouldn't be telling us to get guns.... I smell a commie....

>married to an asian woman
unless she's sea or indian or middle eastern i fail to see how this is an issue

These guys are making civic nationalism mainstream, which is the only form of nationalism that can succeed. The only "controlled opposition" are the autistic fags throwing Nazi salutes for CNN cameras. God, you're a fucking retard. Your white nationalist bullshit will never work. You're the SJWs of the right. Fag.

Please fuck off back to plebbit new-right beta scum

>Your white nationalist bullshit will never work goyim!!!

(You) (You)
>Paul Joseph Watson married to an asian woman.
>Hitler said that Japanese are Honorary White

>Where did he say you should marry them?

The Nazi anti-Semite Johann von Leers (officer of Waffen-SS) excluded the Japanese from german racial laws (as Nuremberg laws).

Initially Nazi thought that you should not marry with Japanese. But Johann von Leers changed the Law and opened an exception, allowing mixing with Japanese on Nazi Germany.

The picture is a married Japanese male & German female couple of that time

Your country burning yet?

Cernovich doesn't strike me as a con artist as much as a guy who will suffer a mental breakdown someday. Though those aren't mutually exclusive.

persians are white tho

>divide and conquer.
Implying they aren't the ones using divide and conquer to prevent white restoration. Race mixing is divide and conquer all of them are race mixers. Also, willingly aligning yourself with degenerates. Purge when?

>...he typed while Niggers were burning down streets, shooting cops, screaming "Black Lives Matter!"

All the people who watch this shit and claim they're redpilled are just the other side of coin of leftists.

Read books, do your own research and actually use your own brain to come to conclusions about shit.

Sup Forums should have shown you how to think and not what to think.

How do we know you're not controlled opposition? It's just as likely.

Gavin is at the very least entertaining, don't see the appeal of those other dildo'd fags though.
Good goy, don't look into (((who))) is importing all these savage schwarzes and muds or else I'll report you to the ADL.