I know that porn is fucking degenerate and bad for you, but I dont know how to explain it very well to my friend right now, think you can help me out?
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I know that porn is fucking degenerate and bad for you, but I dont know how to explain it very well to my friend right now, think you can help me out?
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Sup Forums is a christian board, plz do not discuss pornography on here.
1. it normalises absolutely degenerate behavior.
>anal, fisting, traps, doulbe/triple penetration, racemixing
All of this used to be completely taboo, and to speak of it showed you were abhorrent. Today it is normal
2. complacency. why bother with real people when porn is so easy and low effort. obviously some people will still go outside, but for a large portion of people, it is enough to satiate them and makes it easy to never engage in real life
it's a major source of income for (((them))) and a ton of porn production outfits are involved in human trafficking
Just explain to him that you're a retard who blindly follows what he reads on the internet and he'll understand just fine
watching 2 other people have sex is pathetic go do it yourself
Supposedly if you don't masturbate for a period girls will notice you more often, find you more attractive and whatnot
Eventually your dopamine receptors will require more degenerate and shameful fetishes to keep you satisfied.
-Main cause of ED and PE
-Most people start looking at completely fucked up shit, like this guy said -Since you will have a lot of semen packed up your brain and body will try to find a female and fuck her to get rid of the semen
-It's a jewish bussiness
-Makes you a cuck and beta
-Waste of time ( plus makes you addicted)
-Makes you a fucking zombie , easy to be controlled
Can you guys give me some valid sources or some shit because this faggot thinks that you're all crazy and that what we're preaching isnt common knowledge.
Brazillianon sums it up well. And what he says is actually true, it numbs you.
Plebbit /r/nofap is actually a solid resource for chatting with likeminded people.
if you/friend want a fuckton of validity go to reddit.com/r/nofap
How do women even get that fat?
I'm hearing Jewish voices, and I like it!
sauce pls
yeah sause
>big butt
Now bumping for a sauce on the degenerate w/ joocy ass
Will not let slide
I don't know about all that. I'd have to see some examples of said porn so that i can really tell if it's degenerate.
I choose a normal sized butt
Because if you watch another guy fuck a girl you want to fuck, you're a cuck.
Lesbo or solo porn is okay, but no porn is best.
Also fapping more than once a week leaves you half of a man. Not fapping ever will just cause wet dreams and your testosterone lowers if you don't bust a nut at least once a week.
Fuck it, though. He'll be a low energy cuck and you know better, so you will do better than him in life and with women.
Thanks Sup Forums I've been ruminating on this shit for a while and this thread convinced me to stop fapping in earnest. I'm addicted to porn and I don't want to be anymore
Oi, pornbro, efore you stop, give us a sauce on
its proxy paige. idk what scene but she is as filthy as they come.
Thank you user. My friend (not me) really wanted to know who that roastie was.
On a side note, porn is really bad. I think it makes you sperg more (100% srs).
Its a rabbit hole you don't want to find yourself going down. And once you're in, its hard to get out.
I'm going to check out this anal star and regret it as soon as i'm done, err, looking. And that's what porn addiction is.
I can't stop bros. I've been this way since I was 13 and I know my life would be exponentially better without porn.
5 days clean
I don't care about evidence. Call it anecdotal but I notice MASSIVE changes in myself that are too big to simply be placebo
I am an entirely different person on porn vs when I abstain
>how do I convince my friend that paying women to use their holes and recording it so other lonely men can masturbate to someone else having sex is degenerate?
Sounds like your friend is a fucking retard and can't be saved. Mourn him for the next hour and then get better friends.
a-are you me?
seriously, we have to stop. it's gone too far.
The only good argument against porn is that it is too good for you just like heroin or whatever. It will kill your motivation to work on yourself in order to appeal to females, and kill your chances at having children.
Source: Diamond-tier porn consumer
>christian board
>we worship kek
fucking newfag
I agree with that.
It's not that porn is inherently bad, it's the user.
Fapping once a week to a video of two girls making out in the shower is fine.
Fapping multiple times a week to girls getting rammed by males is cuck-tier shit and you should be ashamed of yourself.
I don't believe it should be illegal.
I do think you should consume it in moderation, if at all. Just be aware of your mental patterns. Take a step back. Know what I mean?
Let me rephrase.
BE WOKE SENPAI |c |c 100 100.
Look man I've been addicted for as long as I can remember, you have to reach the point where you're just fucking so goddamn sick of your hand and tired of not getting laid that it's either kill yourself or make some changes, as enticing as rubbing one out to your favorite nasty shit is. Sage for /adv/-tier shit