Now that we have the soon to be Emperor in the house, how do we get rid of the parasitical organization Black Lives Matter? What is the plan Sup Forums ? Can we use meme magic?
What is their endgame? Let's end them
fuck off and die. they're accomplishing important things that need to be accomplished
they can serve as an example of what happens if idiots aren't stopped early
Let them have their fun and once they realize the organization is simply perpetuating racism and ultimately hurting their cause they'll come around to "All Lives Matter"
mr. baboon- what are these "important things"?
What about this, we start by forcing new reasonable ideas with the #Blacklivesmatter tag on them. Or pictures with the tag as a watermark. For about 6 months this will keep going but for each month that passes we will add a slight hint of a messege that can only be seen if you compare them in the right order. And the messege can be of your own choosing, i'm going with 'tidy tidy skip rope tyrone. '
Like this?
Making black lives matter less.
The best tool we have is this imo. Get the normies to start retweeting propoganda to show how stupid they themselves are.
Just like that.
I think it needs to be more subtle thou start out simple then become more complex
There is no getting rid of them, because there is no disabusing Americans of the notion that people are basically equal. That's the crux of their movement, and the crux of democracy. If we're all equal, then why do blacks get clipped by police at a rate more than twice that of whites?
We know why: because people are different, because race is a biological reality, and what is normal for one race is abhorrent for another. Some people can walk from here to there without raping or killing anyone. The darker one is, the harder that walk becomes.
Best of luck getting Trump to say that out loud. Best of luck getting anyone to say that out loud.
am i the only one that chuckles whenever he hears "black lives matter"
So, what you're saying is Black Lives Don't Matter?
not likely niggers are not capable of thinking like that. they still have a very tribal way of thinking.
We can use the current uganda "Genicode" and provide pictures of the people actully commiting the crimes and force the logo on that. Making them "pray" or support for their own excecution.
Sounds good but we should also have stuff closer to home like the Latinos gangs killing blacks
Expect a harder crackdown by the police then before.
All lives matter. But also all stereotypes matter. Being a white guy who lives in the suburbs of a major city i'll do stereotypical white shit. Be a black guy in the south side doing stereotypical black shit. Both our lives matter, but tendency goes to the black guy to perpetrate crimes at multiple of the white guy. So if i'm a cop, knowing these stereotypes, why wouldn't he take more precaution and single out a black hoodlum vs some white chump from the suburbs?
Deep down stereotypes exist, probabilities accompany these. No one is equal when it comes down to this and this is what is not being spoken about.
Yes, I understand Sup Forums puts on this facade of fake racism but what's the point in dismantling our binary opposite?
Black people get killed by police more because black people committ more crimes
That is exactly what I just said.
What have they been up to lately? What can we do to make them more violent and get them arrested?
>they're spreading their Marxist virus and being supported by the Marxist vermin in the media