Where does one meet non shit-teir women in today's society? I'm coming out of a 4 year relationship so the last time I actively tried dating someone was high school. Please don't tell me a church lol
Where does one meet non shit-teir women in today's society...
Yes it is church. Unfortunately you, like other maple syrup cucks, think you are too smart and wise for Christianity. That's why the country is dead.
Church, but not mainstream cuck churches like Episcopal. Southern baptist or reformed.
I live on the east coast, there aren't even many young women who go to church because everyone here is old
how do I get ukranian bride? How do I get her to not run off when she comes to Canada?
Sadly there are very few Canadian women or men who are white and go to church period. You are right about that. But if you do somehow find a church the girls there are top tier and have very good values. I will tell you Jehovah's Witnesses have some events where all the different churches meet up twice a year or something. They go to some building for a weekend. The place is like a goldmine for church beauties.
Internet and press your luck
I just don't know man like how can I date a religious girl when I don't even know if I think is God real or not.
Convert to Orthodox Judaism and find a deeply conservative Jewish girl.
That's my plan.
I'm gay. How do I meet a normal tier gay guy or closeted Sup Forumstard?
Interesting. Are you Jehovah's witness yourself? I just don't think that I could do it. I want to believe in God man. I just haven't really read anything, or experienced anything that makes me believe that God is out there. do you just go to a church on a Sunday? I'd be willing to attend church one morning
By "convert" do you mean just fake believing in a religion?
Gay dating website and setup a system to filter fag tier gays quickly.
What the fuck are you talking about?
I went to mass at my local roman-catholic parish this morning as I do every sunday and its literally 95% white apart from 1-2 chink families
I don't even live in a rural area
kill yourself degenerate. you are alflicted with an incurable sickness that compels you to live an indecent lifestyle. the best way for you to help the cause is to end your own life
You're right on avoiding churches. Mine is always a sausage fest with middle aged married women, grannies or way too young lolis. Can never find a single woman my age. Still, it's not the main reason i go...
>tried OkCupid
Take my word for it. Just don't even bother.
Some quadroon baby got dedicated at my church today and the pastor actually said that racism is bad.
We're sponsoring a Syrian family too but at least they are christians
All women suck these days bro
I am not Jehovas Witness myself but I do study the bible with them sometimes and bounce around to various church denominations within Christianity as I please. I'm a practicing Christian but haven't quite found an ideal church that I would consider home that I would attend loyally.
Ya you can just show up to church on Sunday. Canadians naturally aren't so warm though so depending on the church people will be more welcoming to invite you into the circles than other. Every single church will gladly have you there though. Its about finding a church you feel comfortable in and the right one for you. There is never a commitment to pay anything or go regularly so you can just try different ones out.
Try your local gay bog.
Everyone fakes it except mentally ill people lmao.
Current Pope doesn't believe in god.
Through your friend's girlfriends like a normal person
Changes churches maybe?
I used to go to a french church when I was younger but it attracts all the niggers since theyre all from congo or whatever the fuck.
My english parish is way better since Ive been attending this past year.
I just don't really see a point man. I mean my ex was a Christian her whole life. She was quite the conservative and smart. I want a Woman like that, unlike the majority of women nowadays.
Feels bad man. I'm even /fit/ and can get girls pretty easy.
I guess I can give it a try. So you suggest a Jehovah's witnesses church above all?
Yeah I kind of thought about this aswell
Interesting. I never considered that. Like I said I'm still new to the dating world.
>I mean my ex was a Christian her whole life. She was quite the conservative and smart. I want a Woman like that, unlike the majority of women nowadays.
Mine too. I miss her alot.
To be honest , no I don't suggest them. I was just speaking about the fact they have those big gatherings with so many girls 2 times per year. But the church itself in my opinion is a bit too strict and persistant. They are kinda pushy to become closer and closer to them. Good guys though.
Find some churches close by on Sunday and just walk into one like 10 min before service is starting or 15 maybe.
Protestant/Evangelical and non denominational churches would be best for you most likely. Friendly and relaxed people and the girls there are very conservative and pure most of the time. Depending on your age they also have youth study groups which is where many Christians meet. They just meet up once a week (no obligation to go every week), study the bible for an hour and socialize and stuff.
get some cute virgin shy asian waifu from your nearest university.
You say that like it is easy. They're always studying.
>marrying asians
>having bastard asian/white children who will have trouble finding good partners due to a lack of identity
>contributing to white genocide
>contributing to the nation wide chink problem
fuck off
asian women are honorary Aryans
only japs and koreans.
>disregarding blatant genetic differences because a natsoc said it was OK
Let's try not to dwell lol I'm still recovering man. Feels bad.
Interesting. Maybe I'll go to the Protestant church up the road next Sunday and take a peek. Should I aim to talk to people? Or just look around. And how should i dress? Like semi formal or just normal clothing? Sorry I know I'm asking quite a few questions. I'm also 21 so no youth groups for me lol
I'll pass on that friend. I'm more interested in white women.
Yeah me too.
Regarding protestant churches, they arent nearly as conservative as roman-catholic churches. They have women clergy and they tend to do shit like participate in gay pride parades.
dude, what?
Or fat and/or ugly.
What about asking your friends if they know any single women? My sister and her husband both hate immigrants and met through a mutual friend.
Women are given a bible in prison, so many convert
Grocery store you autists.
Library/book store, gym, proper conservative volunteer activities (habitat for humanity, food pantry, etc). Any place where people are bettering themselves.
More importantly, do things to better yourself that you're interested in. You'll meet new people, but not come off as being desperate, which you sound.
You don't need to dress formally at all just try not to dress too silly at the same time. Leave the football jerseys and Metallica shirts at home. Other than that just wear jeans and a decent shirt.
In every church you will always be 100% welcome and the church will be grateful to have you there. With that being said Canadian Christians in general are less outgoing than American Christians as far as introducing themselves to strangers. Only saying that just to give you a heads up in case you show up and nobody introduces themselves to you, don't take it the wrong way.
Once someone or you breaks the ice (which is harder with Leafs lets be honest), then everyone will introduce you to the people they know and you will be like a member of the family. Give it a shot, nothing to lose other than slight awkwardness for the first few minutes of being alone in a big place.
>falling for the online dating meme.
It's fucking depressing when you get ignored by 4/10 women.
I might still check it out. Will I have any problems with Christian girls since I'm not a practicing Christian?
Yeah another user recommended that earlier
Lol I live in a province full of old people, good recommendation though.
I wouldn't say I'm desperate really, I'm a college student, /fit/, socially adept, and I try to better myself daily, I just love the sense of companionship. I've had it like 1/5th of my life, its weird to not have. I have really high standards in women.
No I don't think so, but being a practicing Christian may help if they regularly attend church.
Just don't belittle them about their faith and respect it, and you should be OK. Some girls may want their partner to be practicing as well though.
Interesting. That sounds like a fun time actually. Should I expect that to happen my first time going to the church? Someone coming up and breaking the ice. Like you said Canadians are less out going than Americans
If they don't, you should. 50/50 shot really
usually the pastors will encourage people to greet each other where you will be able to chake hands with those around you in the pews
people at my roman-catholic parish usually say good morning and stuff so theyre not hard to approach
>the flood of men in the next 5-10 years into religious groups looking for spousal material
you're going to turn conservative christian women into sluts fuck off
why women have to be like a pool table, it's disgusting. put your name on the board and wait your turn, winner stays on.... fucking disgusting.
i guess just don't be a flamer, be honest/open about being gay (which is sometimes a bit of a risk but whatever) and eventually you'll meet someone like yourself. then you suck his dick or whatever.
i live in indianapolis which is probably about as anti-gay as america gets and i know a couple "normal tier" gay dudes in happy relationships/marriages with "normal tier" gay dudes and it's pretty much the same MO - they're just normal ass people who don't necessarily open with "hi i'm user and i'm gay" but aren't passive about revealing it to people. seems to work for them
shut up muhammad
how is looking for a wife going to turn a woman into a slut?
Id see the problem if he was going to church only to get laid but he's looking for a serious relationship
Beta orbitters
>how can i date a religious girl if God isn't real
doesn't matter if God is real for you. only matters if God is real for her. Church provides a social structure and a set of easy to follow rules for women to not be degenerate vapid whores, if they just choose to follow them. they're more likely to follow them because God said so
It also keeps women in their natural roles of being submissive.
The reality of our situation is, there is no non shit tier woman in western society. This idea of being in a relationship with a woman in 2016 is mind boggling to me because there is literally no upside to it. It's nothing but baggage in all honesty.
If you want sex, just hire a hooker or a high end escort.
What is that you want really? Someone to talk too? Someone to cuddle with? I mean I get all that but women this day and age are not going to be with a guy like you for any other reason besides being financially secure. It's not about love anymore. Most women are too busy riding the cock carousal until they hit middle age and want to settle down with some weak little faggot beta that they can smooch off of.
Trust me dude, relationships, marriage...it's all a fucking scam. Just save your money and have fun, live life to the fullest until you die. It's the only red pilled option left in this decaying society we live in.
A good marriage, and a solid family IS the redpill.