You spend all day sharing degenerate pics.
You are only racists in the same way niggers are racists and arabs are racists against themselves.
I'm from reddit to say to your face: you are a bunch of hypocrite right-wing scum
Go rape another baby, Chang Chong.
Nice attention to detail in that picture. The Thinkpad.
Looks like two nukes weren't enough.
the best thing you can came up with is japan slangs.
Your brains are so fucked up that is not able to read a childish self-help book.
>you spend all day sharing degenerate pics
I spend 3 hours a day arguing with national socialists from the perspective of a civic nationalist state reductionist because intelligent conversation cannot be had anywhere else.
>hurr why is Sup Forums X
Fuck off rice nigger, this place is chaos
Only faggots don't understand this
go work on your lesson plan faggot
here's your (you)
Someones awfully upset
>I used words to try to insult people
>on the internet.
Tell me when that works out for you.
What type of bait is this?
Books read by Sup Forums
2012: 2 pages of Ayn Rand
2013: 5 pages of Mises
2014: 1 page of Ben Shapiro (too difficult for Sup Forums intelligence)
2015: 12 pages by Trump "Art of the Deal" (it took 6 months to get to the 11 page anyway)
2016: 3 pages Gorilla Mindset
The avg polcuck never read a single book in his entire life.
>I read books that makes me smart:
>The Post.
>dumb people go to reddit to act smart
>smart people go to Sup Forums to act dumb
Choose one living anime
at least if you read any of those books I posted you would be a bit smarter.
Getting through the introduction is a good start.
>Reddit is dumb Sup Forums is smart
Oh come on you can atleast make an better insult than that
>at least if you
>if you do this
>then this happens
I don't like your formula for arguments, you sound 12... are you 12?
Good bantz
I thought we didn't have the mental strength to do that gooku
>I'm from reddit
This book. Literally would blow up many people's brain here. They would go mental after reading 10 pages. Too much information that is not memetic or "FUCKING NIGGER"
Those nukes really messed you up
So?! Maybe people here don't come here to learn maybe some come here to troll or get their minds off work?!? Do you know what works is?
Don't you have some tentacle porn to watch Tora chan?
Says the nip. Don't you sick fucks buy used underwear from vending machines?
Hey rice ching chang, I'm out I have to plow your mom!
No matter how many books you read... they will never open your eyes... literally!
You seem like a nice guy i don't want to argue with you.
The real pol posters are hiding just like rats they are.
Where are you dirty rats? I have some cheddar for you!
>Where are you dirty rats? I have some cheddar for you!
There you go. One already showed up.
whoa thats big
i need a source so i can see his ruined asshole
Im here from Sup Forums to say kill yourself
Oh it's one of these threads
>d-deneracy is not Sup Forums's default
>The avg polcuck never read a single book in his entire life.
Okay, so it's 10:56 in Tokyo right now and your posting bullshit on Sup Forums.
NEET I'd guess...or a grass-eater who works the night shift at 7/11?
im serious. i'm curious how he can survive after that.
Go on then please tell us what books we should be reading cunt
Btw i read a lot and have never and probably will never read any of the books you listed
1+1 bomb = war over
I don't need to work and enjoy mundane pleasures like you.
I have my own schedule and my own superior activities.
>Korean flag now
Go make more octopus porno JAVS, japcuck.
>Go on then please tell us what books we should be reading
Like you could finish page 3 without going on Sup Forums to post black dick porn
No big fucking surprise, racism and xenophobia is a natural constant to anyone in the name of self-preservation.
Tolerance is taught to others, you illiterate reddishittor
I could totally drop my thinkpad and nothing would happen to it
>do I fit in Sup Forums? xDD
Finland means NO LAND in japanese
Literally a non-country
It is though, if you were to strip away all tolerance you were ever taught and reverted back to a tribal mentality, you would more or less stick with your own group out of familiarity and protection. If you were to go amongst another, you would possibly be seen as a threat.
Easy to be smug when you have an ethnostate. Try living with niggers for a change.
>the fisherman's wife's dream
> his wife is dreaming of cucking him with an octopus
The jap's just angry because he got cucked by a mollusk
>Claims he is a superior aryan master race
>he believes 4000 years ago he was eating food with hands and walking like a monkey
If evolution was real your IQ would have improved by at least 3 points since 4000 B.C
I can change my ip and use any jap IP i want because superior japanese internet
Burgers still using their 500kbps ADSL from 2003.
You didn't refute my point though, what you posted is not an argument.
Even if we have IQ, we would still be wary of others as it is hardwired in most living things as it is fight or flight.
they now have 10mb/sec for only 99,99 plus tax
>ESPN and NBA TV not included
Eat shit and die, gook.
thanks you too
>The jap's just angry because he got cucked by a mollusk
Lol. Fucken slanty-eye nips. Couldn't hack it on Iwo Jima, can't fucken hack it today.
GTFO Tojo!
>Macbook Pro to Lenovo Thinkpad
Lol, nice
Not an argument
Unit 731
I'm just here to show pol ultra-moral values
japan means "get nuked, faggot" in english, literally a nuclear disaster.
Japan has a picture of a destroyed anus for flag.
>Texas is open carry
Get more commies
and 2nd admen
demonstrators to go
>sucking a phallic object
Seems pretty accurate, "gay nazism" seems to be the ruling ideology of not only Sup Forums but also Sup Forums in general
How brave of you to show up and tell us off faggot.
>implying fat man and little boy weren't a Jewish ploy to save lives
>implying a land invasion wouldn't have killed more japs
Do you even basic math, you stupid goy?
Around japs never relax
I've watched enough porn to know that he's going to be shitting liquid for awhile
You are a fucking faggot. When will these facebook, plebbit faggots leave? Do we need to flood the board with chemo?
This isn't TRS. We love a good role player.
thanks japan man for the new flag
What do you know about the negro race?
O look, another leaf faggot...