> Republicans are happy that Fidel Castro died because he was a dictator, despite being fair and just
> Republicans voted for a psychopathic, misogynist, chauvinistic power-hungry dictator to lead their country
Explain this right now
> Republicans are happy that Fidel Castro died because he was a dictator, despite being fair and just
> Republicans voted for a psychopathic, misogynist, chauvinistic power-hungry dictator to lead their country
Explain this right now
>Fair and just
Castro was a commie. Trump isn't.
>calls trump power hungry
>Fidel genocided to power
I want to fuck that frog.
You really need to learn what these words mean before you go throwing them around.
We had this thread a few hours ago.
You're right, Trump is a nationalist, different than communism but just as brutal, ignorant and dangerous
He plans on deporting millions by transforming ICE into the Gestapo and he humiliated and insult countless people throughout his campaign, as well as inspired dozens and dozens of hate crimes
> fair and just
You wonder why we think liberals are mentally deranged
You forgot to call him racist, shill.
I wanna fuck that frog.
Eh Fidel was an all right guy killed faggots and kicked Jews out of his country, and wasn't afraid of nobody. Not the best, but not the worst. I'll give him four thetans out of ten.
Maybe, but it's OUR type of brutal, ignorant and dangerous.
When Trump kills people like Fidel Castro, come back and complain.
Only good commie is a dead commie.
>ICE are the Gestapo for following the law
>the IRS/DOJ isn't for creating regulation from thin air
nice dissonance you got there
>humiliation and enforcing immigration law is the same as mass murder
This is why you lost, and it's why you'll continue to lose.
You deserve to lose.
We didn't vote for Clinton, I don't know what you're talking about senpai.
Fuck off with your slide thread
Op, we didn't vote for Clinton.