Does Sup Forums support the trans community? Would you date a trans woman? What if you didn't know they were trans?
Do you think they should be able to use the locker room of their choice? Will Trump sign that into law?
Does Sup Forums support the trans community? Would you date a trans woman? What if you didn't know they were trans?
Do you think they should be able to use the locker room of their choice? Will Trump sign that into law?
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With gas chambers
No I don't support a fake community.
>Does Sup Forums support the trans community?
Frankly, no. I don't think it should be allowed.
People should feel free to use the bathrooms/locker rooms they want so long as they can pass as the gender they're assigned for.
Fuck off to
No. I don't support it.
There is no such thing as a "trans woman". A man can't be a woman, they're still men.
I would know if they were trans right away because I've studied what to look out for.
They shouldn't be allowed in any locker room.
I'm currently dating a pre-op trans woman actually.
They *definitely* should be honest about it before hooking up with anyone. Should be chargeable if they aren't.
They should use whatever locker room they identify and appear as.
There's way more transitioning than could legitimately be explained with gender dysphoria. Encouraging this isn't right.
trips have spooookeden
Do mental prisons have locker rooms? Then yes, they should be allowed in those
>I would know if they were trans right away because I've studied what to look out for.
you don't need to study desu, its pretty obvious when you're looking at a dickgirl
>men do a better job being a woman than women
Kek speaks through him. Transwomen are halal now.
Do you see yourself as a straight male?
You think I am going to sit through a 9 minute video of a dude talking about girl shit?
I'm dating a girl, so yeah.
No, only reason I would date a woman is to marry and produce children, trans abominations are incapable of that basic function.
i completely agree user.
t. mtf tranny
Support the transcommunity, I guess. In a sense that I think they need help. Gender dysphoria should not be incouraged as somthing good but it should be presented to the public for what it is so that we can raise awarness and actively combat it. Also more research needs to be done wich the current political climat hinders.
Lol no
Faggots are not women.
I'll start supporting the trans-community as soon as they leave Cybertron.
Why woudlnt you tell someone, why lie?
I think any guy who fooled some drunk guy should be shot, or anything said guy did to them should be forgiven.
alison angel
that bitch is still making shit wow
i fapped to her when i was like 13 (11 years ago)
As long as they pass they're okay I guess
Probably wouldn't date one. They're still men.
>Does Sup Forums support the trans community? Would you date a trans woman? What if you didn't know they were trans?
NO no and no
no relationship with the mentally ill.
I really dont care what they do. Define 'support'. Am I going to go march for them or give them special laws? No. Will I ignore them and leave them alone like I do everyone else besides raging salty liberals? Yes.
To me, that is respecting human rights.
You will never have a right answer for the locker room. People are too fucked to respect each others space to begon with. The best answer would be a few private rooms available. For bathrooms, theres stalls anyway, so who gives a shit. If you have a penis use the mens room where the urinal is. Using a public restroom is a gamble anyway, its already like the wild west, this wont really change much.
having a good first day, reddit?
well, apparently not
someone still updates her site with 2016 dates but the pics are from a decade ago
user... you're a faggot
>Do you think they should be able to use the locker room of their choice?
Yeah who gives a fuck, and it's mostly women pushing for this kind of shit. If they really want 50 y/o men wearing dresses to peep under their stalls, who am I to deny them that?