Omegle redpill

Stranger: hi!
You: what's up?
Stranger: nothing much
Stranger: m or f?
You: m wbu?
Stranger: female!
You: cool where you from?
Stranger: i'm from new jersey, u?
You: I'm from Austria, Branau am Inn maybe you've heard of it
Stranger: damn austria!? cool!
Stranger: i'm really into traveling
You: yeah I just finished my military service up I'm just painting some artwrk on the side
You: I'm looking to get into politics maybe
Stranger: wow thats really awesome! i go to a university! but i'm almost done, its my senior year
Stranger: I want to teach english abroad
Stranger: in like france
You: oh cool, you should teach German instead
Stranger: haha if i could speak German I would
You: eh it's not so bad, here's a good one "wir müssen die Juden ausrotten," it means we must exterminate the Jews
Stranger: lmfao i'd like to learn any line but that haha
You: it will be pretty useful when I become the next chancellor of Germany!
Stranger: i would hope not. we should love everyone
Stranger: i cant tell if ur being sarcastic lmao
You: no us Germans are very serious
You: I'm Austrian but I feel more German
Stranger: you think that jews should be exterminated?
You: or moved to another continent
You: maybe Uganda
Stranger: interesting. well i dont see that happening / that is a very ignorant point of view
Stranger: whats ur zodiac sign
You: my birthday is actually 4/20
You: Taurus
Stranger: lmao and thats cool! I'm a pisces, so I am a very peaceful and kind individual
Stranger: i dont think your point of view is very nice
You: maybe I could convince after we see some Wagner operas together
Stranger: probably not. I love all people no matter what race or religion they are. And i hope one day you will feel the same
Stranger: we are all a part of the human race and should respect one another
You: I'm coming to the US soon with my Japanese friend
You: well I've got to go now actually, I'm about to go make a speech at this beer hall
Stranger: bye, hope you become more open minded

Other urls found in this thread:

old but gold

tfw I remember the original thread

bump for lulz


I got something gud



fuck now I gotta start my nigga story all over again. I'll put it all in one post though. Until then, enjoy this hillary roastie asking for cyber after the election





REEEEEE stop giving us out.


Cor, blimey!


It doesn't even matter. They never come.

Good folks, I present to you an omegle epic unlike ever seen on your computer screens. I give you:

PTSDINDU: The Nigger Who was Triggered to DEATH

pt 1 of 3



PTSDINDU: pt 2 of 3

Ayy that was me

PTSDINDU: pt3 of 3

Fuck you that was me ya meanie

Never going to read all that shit.

Lazy nigger detected

>posting that version

You didn't redpill anyone, just made a fool of yourself.

I'm exhausted after this
tl;dr: convinced an Arab I'm some Swedish girl he knows from KIK

What are y'all putting into the "interests" section?

Communism, Hillary Clinton, Judaism, Feminism, Tumblr, Trump, Islam,

Logging on.

Every time I log on with the interest of "Trump" I seem to only talk to bots.




Be like slut

Last time I'm bumping this.

R8 my b8

>Would you support illegal beaners being euthanized and rendered into useful products like fertilizer/pet food/etc to help pay for their parasitic behavior?

I got btfo'd.

Okay I lied, this is the last time.

I guess i didn't meet the requirements for online dating



omg kek

How does she plan to fuck through the Internet

Omegle Interest:Pizzagate


Dude hol' up. If that was truly a nigga you were chatting with, I think he may have off'd himself at the end.





great way to redpill someone

>my grandmother died in the holocaust when she was only 6 years old
fucking kek

>my grandmother died in the Holocaust when she was only 6 years old

Makes total sense. Topfuckingkek

>quad doubles



what was I suppose to say?


Let's see if I can catch one this time.

bump with one from the last thread




Wew lad, not quite what I was looking for, but still.


