What the fuck is wrong with the Chinese?
>chinese = lack of empathy
>Since 1949, China has been governed by the Communist Party of China, an atheist institution that prohibits party members from practicing religion while in office.
Is it because they are governed by godless heathens?
could be the reason
What would an atheist care about being a steward of the earth?
To them nothing matters
Why are the Vietnamese driving rhinos to extinction?
>Ancient gook medicine.
You are asking questions about people who believe in magic.
about uploading hotdog.gif?
The smarter a people get the less empathy they have and the more selfish they are it's the sad truth of human development
Don't be culturally insensitive. Asians are honorary whites.
and to christians and other religions that preach an after life, being stewards of the earth doesn't matter since the end goal is to make it to heaven and god put everything on this earth for mankind's use.
Small dicks and autism.
There's nothing wrong with eating those kind of dogs.
Those are moronic canines specifically designed and bred to be eaten. It's the same way the turkeys on farms might as well be a different species from actual wild turkeys.
have an asian people been known for empathy? anytime christianity comes around to the few maybe capable of it, they get slaughtered
It's a shit culture that respects nothing but Self above all. Empathy is just an obstacle to progress.
Who /hydewars/ here?
>Implying Chinese are smart.
They have a 1.35 billion population and most of them are dirty ignorant rice pickers, believing in a monkey king and dragons.
G-d was made illegal...
They still believe in non western medicine.
Battery died I'm just going to go home
We cannot let them develop AI.
>he doesn't worship the Monkey King
lmaoing @ ur bluepilled life tbqh
>a bear
They come to the US to hunt our bears legally and illegally for their chinese magic bullshit
Pisses me off tbqh
I was a student of Chinese history and I don't think they have ever had empathy towards animals. Not that I have seen.
Did Marxism remove their soul, or did they not have one in the first place?
This. It's why China doesn't give a fuck about poaching animals to extinction. MUH HERBS AND ANCIENT MEDICINES!
Best car by far
Told you so
>bear bile used for medicine
how do people figure this stuff out? one day some oriental felt sick and just decided to drink some bear bile??
Oh look, it's yet another
You know, this sort of argument would have a LOT more sting if republikikes actually cared about animals or the environment and weren't 24/7 engaged in attempting to erase both from existence to up their rich masters' paychecks. Just another Sup Forums crocodile tears thread.
>Student of Chinese History
>Did Marxism remove their soul, or did they not have one in the first place?
You do know Chinese din't start their history with marxism right?
But Americans have a Monkey King too.
'_' 7
Even though I know this is bait
>pol is one person
get lost libcuck
Anyone who isn't an edgy teenage cunt agrees with treating animals humanely
Just because you get triggered by hunters doesn't mean this is even comparable
No shit Sherlock, else how could Marxism possbly remove their soul?
Correction: Sup Forums is one STUPID person.
They're subhumans on a par with niggers. Go to China and see for yourself.
I love nips
Am I the only one he literally sees nothing wrong with this?
By wrong I mean in comparison with how we treat our own livestock.
Piglets have their testicles ripped off by hand with no anesthetics.
You're all fucking retarded if you think this is anywhere near the level of cruelty used in the food industry, not only in America but across the whole world.
So no. There is nothing wrong with gook best bile extraction when aligned with regular livestock farming methods.
And what the hell do we know about bear bile?
I think we have a lot of sympathy for animals.
I would have problems with bears and other wild beasts if I was told constantly by liberals that they were human.
If it was accepted as fact that nigs are wild beasts, I'd have sympathy when ever their animal rights are violated.
See? No hypocrisy or crocodile tears.
user, is this your first day on pol ?
You're also in a Scandinavian country. We're talking about america here. Land of "grind that green shit up for MORE IMPORTANT green stuff!"
You are either an honest moron from PETA or muh feels hypocrite, leaf.
I can't wait until the superior race of China would cleanse Canadian land from cucks, religious lunatics and barbarians and utilise its resources to produce wealth, and develop science and technology.
Yes they are genetically defect and should be genocided as soon as possible.
We chinks don't treat animals too well.
We don't have "affective empathy", basically. We can only feel empathy automatically for family/kin, and there's a kind of "thinking empathy" for other animals, but its not automatically felt and thus easily dissuaded by the notion of "more moneh."
Really, a Swedish criticizing us?
I'm chuckling pretty hard. Go suck more black cock in your desperate empathy.
Livestock is okay, cause we "need" meat to sustain our "balanced" diet of steak for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
It's weird what people perceive to be okay and what isn't. While I'm not particularly fond of them doing this shit for their chinese magic, It makes me a hypocrite 'cause I eat meat. Humans are really fucking dumb for their superior intellect over other living things.
>Scandinavian country
That's an insult you know? Deeply offensive. Might as well call me a cuck and a retard instead.
Oh, you're Chinese. I'm sorry.
Fingolian, get it right.
Think of it more like worldwide eugenics.
I say the same thing to Americans
Cows >>>>>> midget bear
Chinese are startling for their loyalty, and also startling for their lack of empathy. I think the one follows the other.
They care about the in group more than anything. The in group being people they personally know and consider themselves obligated to. Anyone else doesn't exist.
That looks morally abhorent to a Westerner. Our lack of loyalty to each other (freedom, individualism) looks horrifying to them.
We're literally missing something when it comes to empathy. I guess it sucks?
I just want to take the time to say that you have one of the weirdest countries on earth. Everything is strange about India, and I can confidently say that despite my country entirely consisting of coastline.
Blacks lack empathy and are selfish
You just proved we are smarter
>he gives a fuck about animal cruelty over the inhumane atrocities this world perpetuates against actual living breathing humans
know how i know you are a fucking dumbass?
honestly, individualism and freedom scares people in the west too
There's a such thing as having compassion for animals without being a dogfucking greenpeace retard who does more harm to nature than they do to help it.
t. Biology fag that's slowly losing hope in the world as Marxist cucks take over my department
Animals never stealed my lunch money.
Is that a dwarf bunny?
More proof every day that Nanking didn't go far enough
Nah, just a baby bunny
Yeah, but there's actually a push for those in the first place.
1. Nothing wrong with me
2. Nothing wrong with me
3. Nothing wrong with me
4. Nothing wrong with me
I want to murder the chinese. That poor sun bear. Holy shit. I'm mad.
chinese dont have empathy because they are biological trash. most populous in numbers, always getting slaughtered like animals themselves. if you break the law you can legit just get executed by law enforcement somewhere in the park rofl. why did they forgive japan after WW2 lol, could erase them from face of earth, but nope, just dumb chinks.
don't fuck with bunnies
We were literally instructed to care for the Earth, as in, to not destroy it.
A good shepherd does not slaughter his flock, he shears it.
>Greenpeace harms the environment
But reaganite plutocrat shills don't, right?
So basically, to summarize: "OH MY GOD Why don't the Chinese pretend to care about animals like we do while torturing them for life and killing them cruely and destroying the environment while claiming to protect it like we do!? OMG!"
>Biology fag
You're exactly what is wrong with this world.
So basically China is a country of autists that created a civilization?
Am a chink. lol at your idea that we're shooting people in the park. Mao clearly is eternal or something haha.
You're actually three times more likely to die to murder in the US, for what it is worth.
The only death penalties lately have been given to drug dealers, and its been usually commuted to life sentences.
They forgave Japan because the US forgave Japan and the communists to the north became a much greater threat to Chang Kai Chek at the end of the war. The Japanese were already thrown out of China so at that point there was little they could do without starting a new war with Japan, a war the US wasn't going to tolerate.
You watched that new Hyde war video didn't you?
Chinese low-culture is basically the product of starved masses of people forced to throw away their humanity to survive because they're social betters see them as either tools to use or a burden that can crawl in a hole and die.
They can't spare empathy for animals when they don't have any for each other.
Sorta. We do have empathy, we just don't have affective empathy.
As in, we don't involuntarily feel the pain of others, etc. We can understand it intellectually, without being distressed over it.
Much of our civilization is organized around it.
Its as if our countries are half way around the world ftom each other .
Cows are viewed as common domestic pets in south asia , killing them are the same as killing a pet dog.
I really hope it takes off
Shitting in toilets >>>>>> what ever the fuck you guys do
Look up Diana six. I work with the forest service in Montana. Right now are biggest problem are mountian pine beetles. They've killed a larger percentage of our forests, but nothing will ever be done about it because of cunts like that. We watch every summer as more and more of our homeland burns, yet we do nothing.
Nothing weird with that, we don't eat our Llamas either.
Unhuman sick fucks. Should be gassed. Just like kikes.
asians are a soulless hive mind insect race
What about this bunny?
They're yellow niggers without souls.
If your "god" cannot even protect itself, how can it protect you? Worship the God who has no beginning and no end, the creator of the heavens and the earth and all that is between.
Reject your false idols.
I hope we go to war under the second Trump term and destroy chinks
>hurr people need God to not be degenerates
eating dogs, tolerable if they left to hunger?
hydewars cru checking in
Glorious leadership.
Well your people do it and you live in the richest fucking country on the planet.
Please elaborate on why this might be.