is this true Sup Forums?
Is this true Sup Forums?
bump for interest
of course it's true
money is the root of all evil
the real reason we have immigration is for cheap labour that can be threatened with deportation if they don't do exactly as they're told.
That's just a side benefit desu
All posts above this point are true.
Migrants = free workers, consumers and debters who you haven't had to raise as dependents (their childhoods were spent elsewhere) and will likely not have to care for as senior dependents (as they'll more likely go home or die rather that live long and old retirements like your native population keeps doing)
Sweden is fucking stupid, arabs aren't going to take loans from the jew.
It always amazes me how stupid Sup Forums-lacks are. Look up immigrant debt and guess what, they don't en-dept themselves since banks refuse to loan out to them.
But hey i guess its to much to expect some fat Sup Forumstards still living in their basements to do even 2 seconds of research.
>Inb4 le epic meme-master gets buttrustled and starts parroting me me's at me from some fake newssites
>he actually took the time to make this image instead of discussing the topic
ok this true Sup Forums?
Why am I not surprised by your reaction Sverige
Yes it's true and should be obvious. The question is why unceasing growth is good or necessary. The answer is it isnt and the Jews are pushing it for both personal profit and political reasons
Oh no the meme-master is already here not refuting my points but rather hinting at meme's!
The humanity!
into the trash it goes
It's true found out that nugget in the documentary death by china...if I recall
what is there to refute? you live in fucking cuckistan. end of discussion. your damage control is obvious to literally everyone
I figured someone less tired of the endless recruitment shilling would than I would address the points. I figured correctly, Sweden dropped the obvious facts on you in Also my fellow Amerifat brings up some helpful info in
To expand on that: when you see immigration policies that allow people to enter only if you already have a job offer, and that don't allow people to seek other work once they're in the country, that means the objective is captive labour - see Dubai or the US H1-B program.
>I see you didn't master a second language and I'm to stupid to understand that you meant indebted so hahahha jokes on you I can just ignore your argument.
Damn 2 meme-masters in one thread? I'm really getten BTFO here from all the dank memes!
OMG 3 meme-master??? This is insane! How ever will I recover from 3 people getting mad at being so wrong?
>everyone that disagrees with me is a MEMER!
You learned well from Hillary.
If this was true, why can't Europeans or Americans immigrate to the other side of the pond with ease?
>refuting my points
I had none because you have none. Its not like every waking moment of lefty society is spent hunting and creating injustices for the poor foreign brown people.
You can damn well bet your ass banks will hand out loans if Muhammad's balls are backed by the state and various bullshit inclusion funds paid by white-guilt ridden cucks and taxpayers.
But Envy is the demon itself.
Nothing to argue with there
>Well you see I come from america where you can just "disagree" with factual statements proven by 3rd grade statistics
>Again you see I can also just ignore factual statements and just say you have no points cause then I actually win.
Holy shit this is so smart because its not like anyone could just look up these statistics themselves and now that you wrote a long post about how you will ignore facts nobody will bother to!
But for those with a speck of actual interest: No its not true since in Sweden banks don't loan to immigrants because its very rarely beneficial even in the long run, especially now that they are leaving at 7000 a day.
No it's more to do with the fact that our native birthrates are low. If the population doesn't continuously grow, neither does the economy. Economists are scared to death of a deflationary monetary policy, and it would be necessary if the population really declined.
Population growth means growing consumer purchases; new houses, cars, gasoline, food, clothes, baby wipes, etc. etc. It's Capitalism 101.
Not true senpai
It's not about debt, sven, native swedes have a low birth-rate and if the population declines sales of basic consumer goods will decline to and your economy will be in a recession.
>le ebin cripplechan post
No it isn't true.
Why are they low?
What the fuck? Yes they do you tard. How do they get houses without mortgaging? Or the new cars? You think they buy these out right?
We talked about this shit specifically in third year macro-econ when I was studying.
You don't need to be this upset friend. I mean, if it's so easy to provide stats why don't you do it? I mean I'm sure it's going to be way lower effort and way more productive than playing that dumb game you're trying to play at the moment.
Generally it's kind of a perfect storm of changing societal values, economic pressure, and government policies.
Those immigrants don't have money though. They go there to gain money and potentially send it back to their family(if they didn't come with them).
why are you so fucking cringeworthy?
Agree, but that was not what I argued against.
If someone here is actually proficient in economy: Sweden export a ton of goods, why is it important that the internal market grows if exports could increase?
As a Swede: Its just culture, having 2 kids is really comfortable for most people, 3 takes a lot of time and with a dying cultural identity most people see no point in it. But its worth mentioning that the latest generation is the most conservative in 40 years, so they might very well increase again in 5-10 years.
I'm talking about Sweden mate, they live in literal containers and go by bike or public transport. Read my post.
Here ya go mate:
>HAHA See now I attack your meme-ing as if it was more cringeworthy than mine so that I again can dodge your points kek nobody will notice this
Because you brought the discussion to that level.
What am I looking at?
Please spend more effort with your points. You're here to convince Sup Forums.
We're gonna start thinking you don't actually have anything to support your thesis.
>I'm talking about Sweden mate
Oh I see. Here one of the first things business do is hit them for all they're worth creditwise. Or at least as far as regulation will allow.
>the average person is between 40-70k in debt
jesus is this for real? is this because of all the student loan fags?
If the discussion was on a higher level I would.
Press the "In english" button and you'd know you where on the Swedish Statistical Database.
Then you can search for whatever you are wondering, here is statistics of things like debt (in english)
Replied to the wrong post.
Also, we don't allow that amount of predatory business here, its a very very different culture (for better and worse).
>you brought the discussion to that level
hmmm interesting because i remember it was you who burst into this thread in immediate damage control mode. no one was even talking about or caring about your precious sweden. you started talking about 'meme-masters' or whatever the fuck straight off the bat. how about next time you just present your arguments without immediately going full retard.
Dude. A Mortgage is generally over 200k and it's not a bad thing to have.
For a Bacchelor's degree you'd generally have ~50k in USA which is an investment (generally).
Debt is merely a problem is it can't be paid off, otherwise it's sign of a healthy economy.
Just for fun have a look at a business quarter statement's debt.
>implying (((they))) would ever deport beautiful multicultural immigrants
Its almost like "you" has multiple meanings in English, like I could have meant "you" as in Sup Forums in general. But hey I know English is hard mate I just expected you who speak it as their first language would have at least a basic grip of it.
Thank you sir, good first step. Now, how do I have access to amounts and number of loans denied in function with people of swede descent vs immigrants?
You come from a controlled country and go to a controlled country.
Banks can follow you. Can't escape.
Amass a mountain of debt in the US and then try to live in Australia - and even if you've got citizenship your debtors are going to find you and make life hell.
So no matter where you are in western civilization, once you accrue debt you're fucked for life.
The immigrants come from shitholes with inconsistent / inept / decentralized governments and banking systems. Their debts are local at best and it's easy enough to just move away from them.
>What the fuck? Yes they do you tard. How do they get houses without mortgaging? Or the new cars? You think they buy these out right?
How many immigrants do you know who own houses or new cars?
Fuck, I can't even get a business BANK ACCOUNT because I'm from the wrong country, you think they'd loan to me? (Emigrating to the EU.)
Mortgages, credit cards and cars.
>Being 200k in debt isn't a bad thing
(Yeah, I know there are arguments in favour of mortgages, but still.)
>>How many immigrants do you know who own houses or new cars?
Well all of them if we exclude current post-secondary students. Which would mean 5. But even among the students, they all have multiple credit cards.
I just looked, exports are 45% of GDP in Sweden. It makes sense, but your Internal markets are still larger than Exports.
Additionally there are problems with exports, they fall at the whim of changing political tides and a greater macro-economic ocean that Sweden doesn't have any major influence over, unlike the USA. Shoring up domestic markets is an insurance policy.
I mean this is the purely economic discussion centered around it ignoring consumer culture, and modern idealism revolving around multi-culturalism. Or if you want to be more extreme, a policy of European genocide.
The love of money, you mean.
>replies directly to my post
>says 'you'
>i have the audacity to assume you were talking to me since all the other posts were direct responses to individual posts
oh my god you fucking genius im so sorry i didn't discern your implied meaning that broke the rules established in your same fucking post. sorry next time i will read your mind across the globe and realize what you actually meant you smug entitled piece of shit.
mostly true, yeah
Its really interesting to hear this actually, its not at all like that here. We don't even really use credit cards here (just debit cards). And its very very unusual to buy a new car before 30, usually you make due with second hand for about max 4000 american dollarinos.
Gotcha, thanks mate
>svenska tries to out shitpost an aussie
It isn't especially if you manage to repay capital faster than the time you took up the mortgage for, since it's interest you won't have to pay for. And that capital belongs to you once repaid, you're not Mr. Block owner's bitch at that point.
While it's scary as fuck to even think about when you're a neet or a low-wage worker as soon as you got a minimal ~30k$ yearly salary and someone to share that mortgage with it's easily paid off without much stress.
Svenska would imply female fyi which very well could be the intention (or just Swedish as in the language). Svensk is male/neutral.
Yeah the problem with this idea is when the migrants are to fucking stupid for anything above menial labor, and almost all menial labor has been moved to country's with lower labor costs already..
They try and foist debt and credit cards on everyone they can find. With some regularity we have banks setting up booths on campus to push credit cards in a rather aggressive manner. It's gross really. Although I have made a promise to myself to never get a credit card. Maybe a charge card though.
You have working affordable public transportation systems.
We're in fucking Canada.
You have a point.
OP also has a point but he missed that it's actually more to do with sovereign debt than personal debt though.
Not just debt, but capitalism.
New people with nothing that have to buy everything.
There's certain jobs that have to be done in place, constuction, maintenance, cooking, various soft-skill services.
Hiring an illegal drops your cost of labor by avoiding all the employer taxes involved with an employee.
Realistically though, it doesn't matter, large scale economic think-tanks have created population goals that maintain certain levels of consumer spending, because paco is going to be buying food, clothes, and shelter. The native birth-rate is below replacement, and they've decided to take the easy way out.
Yeah that would be insane to have here. But we also get taught household economy/cooking/cleaning etc IN SCHOOL grade 4-6 (not sure if those are equivalent, but around those ages).
"Working". They are good enough to put up with, but trains here are notoriously unreliable (but run often so you often "just" loose 2 hours when they fail). Fun fact: this is because we bought trains from italy, which where not built for the cold.
Which is part of the reason immigration isn't working.
Rich idiots thought they could fuck us all over by importing cheap labour, and then it turns out their precious cheap labour is too fucking retarded to do any of the jobs and now they've got asspiles of dumbfucks itching to destroy the stability of the state.
But it's not like these people really care anymore. They're all 60+ years old by this point. Even if SHTF tomorrow they'll be able to retire to some island resort for their last 10-20 years of life.
Jag pratar lite svenska, I was just shitposting laddo. I didn't know that.
The market is suppose to go up and down, that is the market correcting itself when the investments don't result in net capital gain. You can't continue to reward bad investments indefinitely even if you wanted, and the only reason people prolong the suffering is to delay the inevitable dip during their lifetimes. This is also why we go to war, it is the greatest profit generating tool and it is essentially temporary emergency Communist burst of resources towards key businesses, a risk of going bust before the war ends, and the reward of victory spoils.
Without a credit rating, you'll never be allowed a mortgage, and without a mortgage you have no hope of owning your own home unless you inherit or have lots of your own money.
Credit cards are also necessary to do lots of other things like rent cars.
Yeah got that, was just an interesting note.
We don't have feminine/masculine usually, but when it comes to nationalities its usually like that:
Danska = danish language/ danish female
Dansk = danish person / danish male
But its usually just in spoken language, unsure if i have ever seen it written down before
Here in Sweden you can easily build your own house for around 70 000 dollarinos if you discount the land (which can often be cheap) and good internet which is expensive to dig/lay.
(which in Sweden is GOOD, my student apartment I pay 800 dollars for with my partner which include 100mb down and 10 mb up + water and heating included).
It's more about national debt, not personal debt. Refugees aren't given loans. Bankers aren't stupid; they won't lend money to people so unlikely to pay it back. They will, however, lend mass amounts of money to governments who have to borrow to pay for refugees.
This. The premise is so retarded and illogical I can't even bother to refute it because those who are dumb enough to believe it will never, ever see just how stupid this theory is through their retard-filter.
>Press the "In english" button and you'd know you where on the Swedish Statistical Database.
Case in point. You link a retard to statistical database and he can't even find the "in english" button. It would be an uphill battle to wean these retards of their 6000 calories a day/shart diets, nevermind forcing them to absorb substance through something other than their fat mouths.
I've come to terms with that. I've come to terms that I will lead a relatively simple life to avoid carrying debt. I really don't care as I don't desire much material wealth.
That being said, I do have enough money to buy a rural property that I've been eyeing for a while, and I have a plan for a modest income out there.
I really don't like the modern urban life. I really hate it.
>my partner
don't use cuck language bro, one thing leftists are right about is that words matter.
We have a word in Swedish called Sambo which is the step above GF level (literally meaning "living together person"), what the fuck is the righ term in english then?
GF sounds so immature to me but that might just be a Swedish thing.
My first instinct was to go WTF that's insane.
On second thought, though - Note To Self: Canadian banking sector is WAY overleveraged.
Reliable sources have assured me (read: some bloke I know) that you (read: he) can't get a fixed-rate mortgage that allows early repayment. This might be a jurisdiction-specific thing though. With a variable APR you can get fucked if whatever the company's allowed to peg it to changes.
>Hiring an illegal drops your cost of labor by avoiding all the employer taxes involved with an employee.
If you care about weaseling out of employer-side tax, you also want to be able to deduct the wages you pay your employees. The usual approach is to pretend your employees are independant contractors and give 'em 1099s, which doesn't actually require you to use illegal workers.
How did people get mortgages before credit cards were invented?
So they're self deporting? Is it having any real impact on anything?
in America, you do that and after 6 months you can apply for common law marriage.
If you want the non-meme truth: No it doesn't affect much because they haven't affected most Swedes (including me).
We had maybe 10% shitskins in our school, most second generation, and most of them where fine. The few obnoxious ones where kept separate and hit hard by the government youth-department thingy-majigy that forces them to check in after school etc.
And the hives that DO affect people, we have one in my town, will stay bad for a long long time because those hives (usually consisting of 5000-6000 immigrants in a couple of apartment blocks) are like that famous meme "just like any arab country).
We have like 2-3 actual "no-go" zones in Sweden, and that only means that police/ambulances/firefighters only go in with protection, which doesn't matter because they are only killing themselves in there.
And the economy is already fucked because as some of the brighter ones pointed out the state has endebted themselves to bring em all here already, so we will have to see.
>Note To Self: Canadian banking sector is WAY overleveraged
Last time I checked we have fallen behind Europe in terms of strength. Certainly a change from the the previous years' rhetoric where we were patting ourselves on the back and boasting about our prudence compared to the US.
Also, in the USA sambo is like an old school way of calling a black guy a nigger.
>holy shit. jewish bankers have fucked us
Are you ne...
>see flag
Yeah we've been together for 4(soon 5) years.
I'm living the marry-a-virgin-swedish-gf meme and will propose in 2-3 years when I have finished my degree. And she's studying medicine as well so we have a pretty good life ahead of us.
Kek. Its like Sam (is short for samm, which means together) and bo (which means "to live in/at") So sambo.
>to defeat the jew all you need to do is not take loans
Partly, but immigrants are also cheap labor that wont strike, or complain.
If you consider that they breed like rabbits, it makes them look even tastier to (((them))). But immigrants (moslems especially) wont follow the new way set, they take the old road, the one there dumb relatives did.
Thia will be the end of europe as we know it today, because most immigrants will just soak up the welfare and contribute nothing.
Breed damn you, breed like your country depends on it, because it does.
>im gonna finish uni, then get a career, then live life for a few years says sven. Meanwhile muhammed is fucking his wife like shes expiring, and he'll have 6 kids before sven has one.
Why are there so many immigrants...durp
Dude after the proposal getting 3+ kids is the priority, no way in hell we are waiting until she's 30 before starting.
You're limited in capacity of early repayment, but on my end I have a 15% yearly total capital repayment cap, roughly 30k on a 200k mortgage. It makes your interest on capital low enough to counteract around a 1% interest raise the following year. Well worth it if you have additional income.
Additionally, people got mortgages before credit cards when they could amass a down payment large enough and be considered a minimal risk.
Plus, during that time, most of the risk ratios calculations weren't as fine tuned as nowday. It was mostly at the discretion of a banker to assume a person would be carry too much or acceptable risk for the loan requested.
Fucking checked
this too intelligent user's numbers confirms the truth
coward, impregnate her now, the old gods will provide.
We are studying right now, getting a kid would kill 2 careers for no reasons seeing as we have plenty of time and if needs be will have more than enough money for fertility treatments.
lots of unis here have daycares m8, get with it, i'm not saying fuck your career, i am saying fuck hers.
No it is not true. I and noone i fucking know is 40k in dept. You daft fucking cuck.
That's the plan already, In 2-3 years I will have established myself in a good market, but she will have 2-3 years left medschool which here is a great place to take a break anyway, so starting to have kids there is ideal.