I think Donald Trump knows something we don't know... something like that the election can be really stolen... we have to help him to stop the kikes.
The madman is trying to tell us something
Wow, our President-elect gets his information from FAKE NEWS. Drumpfers are so dumb.
So dumb that we won.
As a civic nationalist, this really turns me on.
Stop being racist, these are just two Americans.
Is there any rational explanation for this other than he has some sort of evidence? I mean he can't just be pulling this out of his ass, can he?
He has a lot of dirt that he set aside because he won. I'm starting to think his graciousness towards his fallen opponents was a huge mistake.
I know you were being a smart guy, but what you just said could LITERALLY be the truth. Takes a dumb person to win the votes of dumb people appearantly
I honestly just want to have a civil war already. enough of this bitchy drama. It's literally like watching two females fight eachother over twitter, we have bigger problems that need to be solved.
>Cuckden calling anyone dumb
Go prep the bull, Sven
>tfw too intelligent to outwit stupid people
You realize we're talking about DONALD TRUMP, right? The guy is fucking stupid.
There should be an audit :^)
Lol. I feel sorry for you burgers. It must be awful to not live in a beautiful, natural and stable country like us. c:
I'd like to see you become an international superstar billionaire.
Actually, I fucking dare you to try.
A FUCKING LEAF couldn't get 1% of Trumps returns even if he did get a small loan.
I would probably do the same as him and go bankrupt.
I millions is quite literally a small loan when you are born into a billionaire family.
In case you can't into math; A billion is one million millions.
You wouldn't even get the first 100k even if you tried your entire life time. And this is why you will forever be a failure of a human bean.
T. self-made millionaire entrepreneur
A deal was made on election night prior to Hillary's concession. Hillary has now broken the contract by joining the Stein recount. Trump is fucking pissed and is going to nail her to the wall after the inauguration. This week could be huge though brace yourself.
>cashing 900 million dollar debt
>hurr durr guise the guy went bankrupt
No you cunt, the guy DIDN'T declear bankruptsy when 99.999% of people would have...
You don't belong here, fag
>You don't belong here, fag.
Said the Swede.
The same could be said for the "computer experts". They haven't come forward with any evidence, and even one of the states explained the "anomaly" disappears when you take into account demographics.
Takes one to know one, leafcuck. Sven's gaydar sees no borders, not even the ones on the internet.
>A billion is one million millions
pls be b8
go divide a billion by a thousand and tell me what you get
a billion is a thousand millions
>swedish flag
You're posting on Sup Forums using a canadian VPN, he is president elect.
You aren't on strong ground here bro.
You're a boob.
>he is president elect
Is he though? He sounds increasingly unsure to me. We're in the middle of something and NO ONE knows how this shit is going to turn out.
>Being born rich is an accomplishment
Wow, american propaganda has a really long reach with stupid people.
He knows the truth about the election steal
do you?
This is all about timing.
If these electorates from the states of MI, PA and WI are not certified by 12-13, that would hold Trump at 260 electorates.
Shillary's new BFF, {{{Stein}}} filed the recount papers literally under 2 hours from the deadline, and while she requests the ballots be hand counted, it is going to make it very difficult to meet the deadline before the electorates meet on 12-19.
This is actually worse than people think, but it is still unlikely the election is overturned, Congress gets the final say.
>(((congress))) gets the final say
It must be hard being a Canadian in Canada. A country full of cucks with no bulls.
tell me how how the alternative was better
>inb4 pic
>your face when recounts prove he won 400 EV
Loans in the USA to start a small business go from 300k to 5 millions... oh but that's right, liberals have trouble keeping 1k in their bank accounts.
New Hampshire and Virginia have already certified their vote. There literally cannot be a recount there
I was for trump but idk anymoar. Maybe she did win
It was a trap. Just like he trapped Republicans, when his dirty video came out. They abandoned him, so he went officially rogue.
They think he'll play nice, wait til January.
gtfo ahmed
Nobody in America uses Long Count
It's a thousand millions, user.
The evil liberal fucks are like a zombie that just won't die. It's time to really put them down once and for all.
Smart people act stupid, stupid people act smart
>international superstar billionaire
and president. don't forget president.
I think he's trying to tell us about the serious voter fraud in Virginia, New Hampshire, and California while also bringing attention to the fact that the media isn't reporting on it because of their bias towards Hillary and the DNC.
Relax. Even the (((media))) isn't taking the Recount seriously. MI is a shoe in for Trump because it was paper ballots. There's only a Recount in WI. None of the other states. It was a green party scam to grab shekels further dividing the left. Trump will be inaugurated on 1/20 or there'll be civil war
Also don't forget,
Hillary needs to win all 3 (three) recounts to change the result and be President.
If Trump wins just 1 (one) recount, he remains the rightful victor.
Of course they will steal the election the media can only be considered as entertainment. They don't report on what is happening they tell you what is happening. Like how apparently everyone was voting for Hillary, that's literally what they were saying but that's not what was actually happening. Or how everyone accepts gays more now - that has only started happening since they been saying it. The world seriously needs to stop listening to these faggots. That might be what Trump meant when he said the media was rigged. What about Syria? They tell you it's a civil war because the people are sick of this big bad Bashar nigger, that's not what is actually happening. What about the anti Trump protesters? There's about couple of teenagers not even old enough to vote on some lost their mind shit and the media tells you "it's happening" and it wasn't. What about ISIS? Apparently they aren't even Muslims just extremists bullshit! The Islamic state is a real thing and it existed for over a thousand years until recently, like circa 1930 and those militants are part of an effort to bring it back believe me.
Actually can someone start a thread on the medias lies? In honour of the greatly antisipated Trump TV.
>Trump will be inaugurated on 1/20 or there'll be civil war
This is what the recount is about. It's what Trump is about. It might not be the recount that does it but they use it as a part of a package so when the civil war breaks out everyone already knows why. Well at least they think they do....
Either Trump is part of a false flag. Or your country is so broke that you need more nationalistic government or ya doomed and nobody wants to admit it so they can continue to preach about globalization and plunder the 3rd world.
Whatever is the case you can guarantee those Jews are up to something. I could be wrong but it's better to be cautious.
Jesus Trump, just stop.