Are trades and blue collar jobs Sup Forums approved?
Are trades and blue collar jobs Sup Forums approved?
Obviously. If niggers could do them, their neighborhoods wouldn't look like shit.
Fuck niggers. Lazy dumb monkeys.
yeah, being a low level, unskill minimum wage cuck is the job of /pol
Yes, especially working with electricity. You will rake in at LEAST 80k a year if you are good at it
Don't fret Pepe, blue collar work looks great on any resume for office positions.
t. gravedigger for 6 yrs. before transferring to finance
>refrigeration mechanic
>diesel mechanic
>regular mechanic
>panel beater
>Went to school for a few months to get a TIG welding certificate
>Get hired at rich sheet metal shop
>Start with shitty work, mig welding for a few weeks.
>Get to do TIG
>Bosses are impressed, hire me as a permanent employee. Lots of perks and benefits
>Already making more than everybody in my shop except for one welder who's been there for decades.
Yeah trades blow.
>yeah, being a low level, unskill minimum wage cuck is the job of /pol
Trades jobs are not low level. They are certainly not minimum wage. I am a skilled journeyman tradesman, and I am paid just over $35 an hour in a "slower" area of the country. I could make $5-10 more an hour if I was to move.
I have an annuity, pension, vacation fund and benefits....My benefits alone are paid by the company @ more than $9/hour. Wrap your brain around that.....Ill spell it out in a nice way...
My company pays more for the benefits for me and my family than most people make working at any fast food joint.
Granted, I spent 5 years in an apprenticeship program. It is literally the amount of time it takes for the state to allow the journeyman license test in my particular field.
>Obviously. If niggers could do them, their neighborhoods wouldn't look like shit.
We have a very very low occurrence of minorities. Of them, only a very small percentage are contributors on a job. We try to be "diverse" but it bites us in the ass almost every time.
Currently, we are experiencing an influx of millenials.....Most of them are as worthless as minorities. They can't seem to function without their phone....They all seem to be high functioning autists who don't understand simple things.
My job is hard. I get up early and work late. Most of America's youth is not cut out for this type of work. It is work, and you get dirty and sweaty. The term PPE is scary to millenials, because it means that they are forced to wear things that are not fashion statements. I have never seen a Hard-hat Fedora.
>trade job = unskilled
>minimum wage
Wew lad
>yeah, being a low level, unskill minimum wage cuck is the job of /pol
Maintenance Tech here. I laugh at your college degree. Also have a CDL. Have had my suburban, bedroom community house on an acre of land paid off now for 8 years. Managed to keep a wife an 2 daughters on my salary, as well as my hobbies of guns, antique vehicles, and motorcycles. You go enjoy your Jew entertainment.
What do you do user?
What about divers?
skilled tradesmen make more on a per hour basis than most engineers. salary is for chumps.
>not including miner
You need to get out to queensland more
Tradesmen take more math and science curriculum than your average college cuck that isn't getting a STEM degree and earn more money to boot
>low level, unskill minimum wage
>tfw tradies earn a fortune here while uni grads bitch and moan about being broke and debt
Although tradies spend longer in training here then people with Bachelors.
Guess I'm INSANE TIER feels good
I was looking at underwater welding. Six figure salary, but chances are you're going to have to fight a few sharks in your career. Luckily you get some defensive equipment, such as a harpoon gun, spiked knuckles, and chain mail.
Trade jobs are the only reason white collar jobs even exist.
They are the backbone of everything.
Seriously though, they off themselves at an alarming rate.
Add pipe fitters to god tier and take electrician down a tier and you'd be right
>tfw gonna do Carpentry and building instead of being a sparkie because I'm gonna sell out my country to the Chinese and retire early like a boomer
Feels good man
thats the stupidest shit Ive ever heard (about the sharks)
Sounds fucking awesome
>skilled tradesmen make more on a per hour basis than most engineers. salary is for chumps.
>Tradesmen take more math and science curriculum than your average college cuck that isn't getting a STEM degree and earn more money to boot
yeah, engineers will make six figures 4-5 years after college, and wont have a broken down body.
If you count salary+benefits, its well over what any tradesmen make
Of course. Just don't drink the fermented jew, or waste your money on the gambling.
Almost every tradesman type I know from my generation is either addicted to drugs, an alcoholic, or has a gambling problem.
The few that aren't own their own homes and have beautiful blue-eyed children.
were you the lad in a thread a few days back talking about how he was studying to be an underwater welder?
Blame the special snowflake culture that tells children they have to go to college
nope, I rarely post on Sup Forums I mostly lurk.
>Almost every tradesman type I know from my generation is either addicted to drugs, an alcoholic, or has a gambling problem.
That's because we know to have fun, cuck.
At least as a truck driver I dont have to talk to people
Also, U/W Welding is a very small part of commercial diving as a whole. Theres a lot of other shit that's done as divers its not just welding.
Just dropped out of college because it was shit. What trade should I learn?
you have to worry about groupers user
theyre the ones that want to kill you
No engineer makes good money out of school, that takes years and after multiple exams and certifications so I know you don't have a clue what you're talking about and trades are anything but back breaking, at best, you'll bend your knees more often than you'd like but you're retarded if you think we're working hard
Pilot here
do I count as a trade?
Stationary engineer reporting
>tfw nobody knows or cares about what you do
>that takes years and after multiple exams and certifications so I know you don't have a clue what you're talking about
Im a petroleum engineer so I sorta know, maybe not as much as you though
Anyone here a cop? Thinking about becoming one, in 2nd year of college rn and need to decide what I wanna do by the end of this school year.
What do you do?
Question for those that have a trade. What do you think about unions? Good or bad?
speak for yourself m8
good, obviously
Depends on the company.
Frontier has an incredible union. If you're a vet and don't know what to do, apply at Frontier.
Unions aren't what they used to be but there's still good ones around, just keep in mind not every union is worthwhile.
>He thinks blue collar jobs are hard work
They require a certain aptitude, but this isn't 1940. Unless you're working as a spic day laborer, your company typically prefers you don't rape them for worker's comp.
How'd you pull that off?
You are my role model. I wanna be like you.
my version:
>realize around 14 i'm decent navigating computer systems
>after i get out of military go to a 5 month VA-paid IT trade school to lean network engineering (windows ad, cisco, linux).
>immediately after get hired by a top tier IT company, making >$20/hr plus stock, benefits
>after 2 years go to a smaller but successful company and now make >$35/hr, full benefits, stock, 401k contr
>i'm only 3 years into my career which tops out around $180k/yr for senior network engineer/director position
>oh, where i live is bottom 20% cost of living, if you were thinking i was in CA or NY, nope
Public sector unions should be abolished.
Trade unions are where its at if you are talented. Some engineer in the thread babbling about how they make more an hour than hourly package is around $75 an hour. Not all unions are created equal and most of the power structure is ran like the DNC....but I get paid.
While you're having fun, Hajbir is pinching every penny to buy grandpa's old store. Mohammed is having six kids while your drunken sperm make one sickly pale daughter who seeks out black cock. Jamal fucks your daughter. Benjamin loans her the money to buy the heroin from Juan, and Petya collects the debt.
Giving your money to the consumable jew, really?
You can make your own booze. You can grow your own smokeables. You can have poker games in your own home.
Stop giving your money to the enemy you idiot.
How old are you my man?
>What do you do user?
I am a pipefitter. I work in heavy industrial situations. Essentially I am the strong back of classically educated engineers when dealing with large scale tube shaped metals.
Some jobs are less impressive than others, but I don't do it for the glory. I do it for the paycheck.
I know that I am just a cog in the machine. I am happy with my pay and benefits, and command a high rate because I have become overqualified to do simple things. I don't do "plumbing" because it is really a dumb thing that a monkey can do.
It is hard to explain any better than that in the short space that Sup Forums allows per post.
All the STEM and NEETS look down on me, but I don't care. I laugh all the way to the bank. I work overtime regularly...but get this, after 8 hours in a day I get paid 1.5X my rate. Funnier yet, is after 10 hours in a single day I make 2.0 times my rate. Saturdays are 1.5x...Sundays 2.0x.....I worked 8 hours today. I took a 10 minute paid break to take a shit....I got paid a bit over $12 usd to take a shit. That is some expensive shit.
Unions are cancer
Unions at the local level are great, but the higher up you go and the shittier they become.
My union reps have always been bro af, my union boss for the city was also bro af, turning down multiple offers for promotion to management because he felt that his place was with us, not the management side.
But... his higher ups in the union were all Bernie, then Hillary supporters.
kek, how's your retail cashier job lad?
how do I find an apprenticeship?
I wanna be an electrician but it doesn't seem like there's much in my area, seems like any I find won't take me since I don't have state residency yet cause I just moved around October
To put it bluntly, we operate equipment that provides power to a facility. HVAC, refrigeration, electrical, fire alarms, etc. We run machinery that keeps it running by operating engines, boilers, pumps, valves, anything you can think of really.
One wrong move and I could blow up an entire building.
My brother worked as a janitor for a couple of years then went to school for HVAC. Hired locally the week he graduated, doing very well already. Eventually he wants to have his own business.
I think theyre a great option for people who dont want to spend large portions of their young adult life in school or large sums of money. If you take care of yourself, use your safety equipment, and invest your money you can do just fine...ive seen plenty of people retire out of the trades. Most problems happen with people getting bad knees but a $40 pair of kneepads takes care of a lot of that.
Better than ups?
Not sure if bait or just stupid.
>Fuck it, I'll bite.
Trade jobs are specialized skills that pay big money, best part, you tend to get paid to train. So instead of being a cuck; dishing out $100K for a series of gender studies course or some other useless degree, leaving in debt and being unable to find a job so you end up working a true minimum wage job; you get paid decent money to learn a trade that lets you move into a career that allows you to make really good money.
t. Shipyard Welder
Also, god tier roles:
>Crane operator, underwater welding/ diver
>tfw wanted to become a welder when I was younger but for some reason change my mind to language
>realize halfway through my degree I'll never be good enough at it to make it worthwhile
Wish I stuck with my young dream to work with metal. At least I have a decent enough job to take care of myself at a family-owned pharmacy.
How does va pay for trade programs
Well good in a sense. Your company can't just fire you, they usually have steps in place, where you get warnings and suspensions. You basically have to do something criminal to get fired. In short The union is your Jew, that fights against the company which also a Jew
Ask at your local IBEW.
If unions stayed out of national politics I wouldn't care. The UMWA leadership donated to and endorsed Obama twice.
first, go re-read what i posted. DOLLARS MADE ON A PER HOUR BASIS.
second, engineers get rode hard and put up wet. you are high as a kite if you think you are going to be making a really good salary and only working 40 hours a week. its more like 50-60.
engineers only make 6 figures when they move into management or the coveted chief engineer positions, and if you want an apples to apples comparison a union foreman will absolutely BTFO all but the most elite of project managers in terms of $/hr. your run of the mill desk jockey engineer tops out at around 80k$ and any journeyman PLC electrician or diesel mechanic will crush that salary.
>but muh stamp
yeah, go look up how many engineers actually get their PE. its low. super fucking low.
Look up your local electrician's union. If not, look up your local laborer's union. After you're in and working, you go talk up the electricians. If they think you're a hard worker, they might even put in a good word for you. I've already been invited to become a pipefitter several times by several plumbers. I want to be a lineman though.
Overtime is great. I work as a field supervisor for am ambulance service. Overtime is 1.5x, and we work 2 on / 4 off so you get 8 hours OT and some weeks you get 32 on the rotation. Holidays are 2x and call-in pay is 2.5x with a 4 hour guarantee even if you only work 2 hours actual time. Its nuts.
I pull about 65k a year straight pay and I have 4 days off as a normal weekend. Fuck college.
UPS drivers make $100K per year and a pension.
Digits confirm.
When the world goes to shit, odds are you rather have a certified mechanic than the accountant for jew Corp.
>Minimum wage
Blue collar jobs isn't serving lattes at Starbucks idiot.
I made more in the mining industry than I will do once I am finished with my engineering degree.
Job was boring but comfy.
Gonna need a source for this, Im calling bullshit. They get paid decent but not 100K
>How does va pay for trade programs
Really simple.
Join a trade union with an apprenticeship program. VA will send you money for the training WHICH is paid for by the union. In essence they are paying you directly to go to school.....So long as you succeed and "graduate" with the proper credentials, you do not pay back the Union directly. You pay them back by working for the Union and helping your brothers in the trade to be better at their job.
Everything I learned was taught by great union brothers. I will NEVER work non-union. The rats will employ unskilled mexicans, and the craftsmanship sucks.
These clowns create an apples/oranges argument. Sure they provide cheaper services, but you are paying for 3rd world services, what do you expect? (expect shit work that is prone to failure and repeated maintenance)
>all this butthurt over this post
It's obviously not as this guy says, but come on, 90% of blue collar jobs are for retards who can't do anything else.
That being said, there are plenty of white collar jobs that might as well just be blue collar jobs + a desk. Engineers and entrepreneurs are the two top tier jobs.
I turned down the m-f 4-9am preload shift at UPS due to my unknown class schedule in the spring. Did I do wrong?
I've done HVAC for the past 4 years now. It doesn't pay as well as most people think. I'm going to say fuck it and go be a cop. It actually pays more, and I won't work 60+ hours a week anymore. Plus retirement/better benefits.
Where does marine mechanic fall?
I could smell some exaggerations here. Trades pay really well, but all the guys saying $50/hr Journeyman and shit like that is like saying you're a Wendy's cook with a 10 inch penus
No. user was a bullshitter. MAYBE high level management makes that much, but the position you are talking about is grunt level bullshit making maybe $10/hr
What do you guys think about job corps? It helps you get a skill and helps you get a high school diploma if you don't already have it. Honestly it seems too good to be true.
30. I spent almost a decade in the military before going down this path.
>Be me
>Apprentice HVAC/R tech
>Making $17/hour after two months in the field
>Will have all of my journeyman licenses in two years
>Most journeymen at my company are averaging $80k a year
Did I do good Sup Forums ?
Also, many of my friends that went trade are either unemployed or they just can't get their foot in the door (no apprenticeship/union). I think you either have to be lucky or have connections.
Union Sheet metal worker in Alaska
on check 42$ total beni pack....75$
>Protecting his ego because he fell for the college meme and is buried in debt.
Wew lad
Looked into commercial diving, the cost of the schooling is very high and they pay does not make up for it.
I have a masonry union school not far away from me. Always interested in it when watching episodes of this old house with my dad. I'm 32 now. Graduated at 30 with a bachelors with the intention of doing med school but dad got sick and I started doing odd jobs and got caught up in it. Now he's better and I need to get on with life. Found that if I don't include the veteran part on my resumes I get more call backs and interviews. Funny how that works
It starts at $10 an hour as an apprentice. After a year I was making $12, and when I got my journeyman license I got a $2 raise. I make $16 now. But I literally have no life outside of work. There's no balance at all.
When I first started I heard of people making like $25 an hour doing it. I've yet to meet anyone doing it who makes $25 an hour. Even the guys who've been doing it for 30+ years.
Well you're Alaska and guys in Alaska typically make much more
They say they get paid $30 bucks an hour, which I'm assuming is average medium pay for their drivers. Factor the amount of overtime though and it might be possible. But that doesn't come without a price--a work at a publishing warehouse and every day he drops off returns packages that average 110-140 cartons, some being just 1 pound, some being 60, often stacking a pallet 5 feet high--all hand-to-hand with me. Some days it's 220+, and he has that entire brown van-truck just filled with the returns alone that their loaders set aside in the morning, to deliever and unload all by one--and I'm just a single customer on his route. I'm sure I'm one of the worst ones for him in terms of effort unloading, but they probably unload multiple truck fulls a day.
where does pest controller fit?
Some exaggeration, yeah. But journeymen are paid extremely well, its the highest level in a field. The right trade/ company could easily land you $50/hr or more.
Electrician/HVAC here. the pay is alright, i basically put together and build substations(?) my colleges are all 50-60 y/os and ignore me most of the time except this guy who never had a family or kids so he treats me like I'm his son or whatever, I don't mind however I get bummed out because thats obviously my future.
Fuck unions.merit shop all the way. Im living proof that the american dream still exists. Electrician with 14 years in the trade. At this point in my career its 50 percent management/paperwork and 50 percent hands on. I make around 80k