Trump Stumped

People seem to have forgotten that America is a democracy. That means the person with the most votes should be the one who wins.

But for some fucked reason we have an electoral college. It's like whoever came up with this shit was like:

>hey, shouldn't we just allow everybody to have one vote?
>nah, let's make sure uneducated rural people have more of a say in politics than people in real cities who actually understand the world

Also, has anybody ever noticed that every time a candidate has won the electoral vote but not the popular vote, they were a Republican? Somebody should look into this...

Other urls found in this thread:

America has never been a democracy though


Dude, america IS NOT a democracy. America is a REPUBLIC.

Keep throwing your buzzwords around, your delusion is hilarious to me.

Don't worry, I have inside knowledge that at least half of the electors will not be faithful and vote for Hillary instead.
Cheer up, fellow Hilldawg! The day we let that racist sexist cheeto near the White House is the day Hillary isn't a cutie :3

This thread again

american heritage that based on low literacy rate

how the fuck is 'representative republic' a buzzword?

CTR in full effect.

Not understanding anything and wanting to change rules as they go along, as is the case with deranged leftists

>people in real cities who actually understand the world

tell me please, what sitting in a starbucks ever taught you? except how to not get caught when you look at some bitches ass while you fat fuck dying from diabetes


you're just throwing around phrases that all you Drumpftards love to spew on every thread. Words have actual meanings and you can't just make them up or change them whenever you please. Keep in mind, America is a democratic republic, which means we're a democracy that has a president.

I think it's YOU who doesn't understand the rule.

Fuckin hell, lets just have a direct democracy in a giant country with many different sub cultures. It will work right guys? Right?


Obvious trolling. No one except liberals are so uneducated as to have never learned the united states is a republic, "democracy" isn't even used anywhere in the DoI, BoR or fed/anti-fed papers except to cite that democracy is historically used by despots to vote away rights.

>democratic republic

The USA is not nor has ever been a democratic republic. It is a representative republic

Holy fuck, you must be trolling because nobody is this fucking stupid.

These phrases only mean anything to non-traitors of the U.S. They have been used since the Constitution was written, but I don't expect a Demonrat to understand what the Constitution is.

We were never a democracy you dumb ass, we're a republic. It's in the fucking pledge of allegiance!

>People seem to have forgotten that America is a democracy

People think that this is a democracy, and parrot that misconception over and over.

USA is a Constitutional Republic. The differences are minor, but now that you know this you can use your Opera Search browser on your apple device and educate yourself on the same level as any other 7th grader.

Tell your 3 friends at the lunch table, and tell them to tell all 4 of their friends. By the homeroom the next day, everyone will finally know the truth.

Nice meme OP, Have a (you)

You need to go and retake social studies if you think we are a Democracy. You have failed to understand basic civics and the method of governance this country runs on.

OP, you are an uneducated political illiterate.
Learn more about the country you live in before spouting your stupidity.

Liberals quit saying the pledge of allegiance in school.

nice proxy flag, Pedro


>Trump claims

How about Trump and the 60 million plus who voted for him, and millions around the world. All know those savage spics voted so they wouldn't get sent back to the shithole they ran away like cowards from.

America is a better place because it was built by the white man. Spics need the white man obviously, just like every other non white race

3 million illegals voted along with several million dead people. Trump won more states, without counting california trump wins popular vote. Cry more and SAGE

>America is a democracy

It's a constitutional republic.

1. Read your constitution, both Article II, Section 1, Clause 3 and Amendment XII
2. Fucking try again.

Learn2Republic fucker!

you sicken me

EC votes are proportional to population.
Or rather each state gets 2 freebies + in proportion to population.

>America has never been a democracy though
Mostly true. It's a constitutional republic with an executive president.

It's kinda a democracy. kinda.


50 countries
trump won 30 plus a piece of maine
not even obamas landslide carried more states
he CRUSHED her

>you sicken me

That's probably a good thing for both of us.

I was taught that the U.S. was a mixed type of government, and a democracy at the state level.

>I have absolutely no idea what a constitutional republic is.

You should read some Jefferson, or your high school history book. Because you sound like an idiot.

United States of America

Federal presidential constitutional republic

>People seem to have forgotten that America is a democracy

About that...

Last time I checked, America was a republic. Lmao, burgers don't even know how their own political system works. Oh, my damn sides. This is too much.

Educate yourself

Your feels don't equal truth

It's bait you idiots

>I was taught that the U.S. was a mixed type of government, and a democracy at the state level.

That's pretty accurate.


I never expected to get this many victory laps in. The salt mine is VERY deep

Just like a woman to welch on a bet.

Go take civics classes for a few years then come back and post when you actually KNOW something.

>People seem to have forgotten that America is a democracy

This is exactly why the founders did not trust the population to be a direct democracy.

Retards don't even know the type of government we have.

>Dude, america IS NOT a democracy. America is a REPUBLIC.
Which is why the USA has so many elections. Clear hallmark of not having democracy: elections.

Which means the USA has a constitution that all legal authority comes from and no monarchy.

>The USA is not nor has ever been a democratic republic. It is a representative republic
Representation by means of democratically elected representatives.

>We were never a democracy you dumb ass, we're a republic.
Democracy and republic are not exclusive terms. Republic mean their is no monarchy. Democracy means you have voting the is legally meaningful.

>People think that this is a democracy, and parrot that misconception over and over.
>USA is a Constitutional Republic.

A democratic constitutional republic. Or did you forget the whole voting thing?

>You need to go and retake social studies if you think we are a Democracy.
Yet another victim of the US education system. So sad.

>Learn2Republic fucker!
Yeah no Kings no Queens. Woo republic!

>It's kinda a democracy. kinda.
If you vote and that vote is meaningful it's a democracy.

this this this
Unless you want the midwest to be populated by an underclass responsible for feeding the rest of the country, you need to fuck off with your one person one vote bullshit.

>there weren't riots when Obama was elected

It's actually more like "the place you live can have a major impact on your social leaning and large cities full of rich liberals shouldn't have a monopoly on the country."

>I was taught that the U.S. was a mixed type of government, and a democracy at the state level.

Actually, having seen it in action I would say at the local level, American democracy is excellent. The further up the food chain you go though (City Legislature->State Legislature->Congress->Senate->White House) the worse it gets.

A real crook would be soon booted out of town...out of the Whitehouse, not so much.

When we get voter ID laws then, and only then, should we even consider going off the popular vote.

Clear hallmark of a republic- the leader is not decided with popular vote

>>there weren't riots when Obama was elected

That's because we accepted the verdict of the election that Obama was to be president. You can't riot about a free and fair election, which Obama's was.

Now if (((Jill Stein))) manages to fuck over WI, MI and PA we might have a disagreement. I don't think it will be a riot though as only libtard idiots do that.

>People seem to have forgotten that America is a democracy.
Stopped reading after the first sentence. America is a Republic.

>People seem to have forgotten that America is a democracy

America was never a democracy. People have forgotten that it was supposed to be a republic. Most of the problems we have today stem from the fact that dumbshits like you think that we are supposed to constantly move our republic towards the retarded goal of direct democracy.

>People seem to have forgotten that America is a democracy.

It's a republic tho

>people in real cities who actually understand the world
City folk are the most deluded and self-aggrandising motherfuckers one can encounter. Rural people at least know they aren't very smart. That makes them far more qualified to make decisions than liberal arts faggots.

People seem to have forgotten that America is a democracy.
No it isn't, nor a direct democracy and has NEVER been a direct democracy

>Reading Vice and so people can tell you how to have good taste and the correct opinions means you 'understand the world'

>Clear hallmark of a republic- the leader is not decided with popular vote
No by any definition or common understanding of the word.

This is not a democracy kiddo. It's a federal republic. Wake up.

>people in cities
>actually understand the world

Sure OP. So when would you like to discuss how to implement the voter ID law system?

stopped reading your shill thread there

>But for some fucked reason we have an electoral college.

As a final hedge against tyranny. It's been working well since it was last substantially tested in 1800. I don't see that it should be replaced.

If we had a meaningful 3-way split that ended up being decided in congress every 4-years then it might need to be changed, but we haven't. Not since 1824 in fact (John Quincy Adams...the useless fuck)

>That means the person with the most votes should be the one who wins.

No it shouldn't.

That means that if the votes are 26%, 25%, 25%, 24%, then the candidate with 26% should become president.

Representative democracies are also democracies.

If you want a popular democracy, then if no candidate gets over 50%, people who voted for someone who got excluded must have a chance to vote for the remaining candidates. A process of elimination.

Hillary didn't get over 50%. Libertarian Johnson voters would probably have preferred Trump.

>and to the republic, for which it stands

>It's like whoever came up with this shit

Why not take 5 minutes and find out?

You're fucking retarded we are a republic. We have never been a democracy.

>America is a democracy.
Pull your head out of your ass.
It's a Republic. (and to the republic, for which it stands)
Founders set up electoral college so big pop centers couldn't unduly influence election results. We're all getting tired of you ignorant libs and your bullshit.

Which is why no one gets a vote!

Guess in which states Hillary won.
Protip: Most of them are not colored.

>Founders set up electoral college so big pop centers couldn't unduly influence election results.
What do you mean?

The EC is directly proportional to population.

You're fucking retarded. America is not nor ever was a pure democracy. Go back to your UCLA worthless education.

Ever notice that the areas with overwhelming gun crime have super liberal gun control policy? Just because you live in an area where minorities breed like rats and have a huge voting bloc doesn't mean you know shit.

governors are voted in based on majority rule: you vote in general elections for your state to "vote" (AKA give electoral votes) based on the results from the inhabitants of the states. You're voting for your state representatives to give your preferred candidates electoral votes, not population votes.

Quit moving the goal posts fag. TBF you are not not the original fag.
The US is not a direct democracy. We are a representative democracy. This is enshrined in the constitution. The House of representatives is a direct democracy on a congressional district level, or close to it. The Senate was intended to be the state governments representatives in congress, sadly no more. The president is elected by the states through the electoral college so that all states have a say, and not a plurality of citizens.
These are important distinctions that in my opinion have served the US well. The biggest threat to our "democracy" would be taking away the electoral college. The biggest hit it has taken is making Senate elections a vote by the people. I believe this ended states rights and has led to the consolidation of power in the Executive.
In summary our government is not strictly a democracy. It is a combination of different voting methods. At its core it is a representative republic.

saved from last thread about this
thanks be to the based user who helped so many see the light

>are not colored

Oh I disagree Germany.....

Not giving OP a free you

I pledge alligence to the flag,to the REPUBLIC for which it stands,one nation under god,it stands for freedom and liberty and justice for all.

>America is a democracy
what did he mean by this?

its not directly proportional its a fair shake. it makes it so polititions have to win over the entire country not just a couple highly populated areas.

You don't vote for your state you vote for an elector who is to go to the capital and hear the debate between candidates. Then cast a vote on your behalf because it's not possible for the whole nation to be able to hear real time communication of the election debates happening in DC.

>Founders set up electoral college so big pop centers couldn't unduly influence election results.

Which is pretty much exactly what this election demonstrates if you look at it on a county by county basis.

The bulk of the country on one side of the scales and the pop centres on the other side of the scales.

actually america is a republic with elements of democracy

but liberals are fucking stupid so it doesn't matter to them.

>United States of America
Pick one and only one.

America is and always has been a Constitutional Republic. If you think the general population vote being ignored now is bad, you would've hated living when the founders were still alive. Peasants couldn't even vote for their senators, that was done by the state Congress.

nigger are you autistic

>The EC is directly proportional to population.

No. It is an approximation. The size of the population versus the number of electoral votes is generally comparable, but not equivalent.

In some areas, you have to win more votes to get a single electoral vote. Kinda. The rules about how electoral votes are allocated is a bit lumpy.

What is an ID

guys please

fuck my imgur links

>The US is not a direct democracy. We are a representative democracy. This is enshrined in the constitution. The House of representatives is a direct democracy on a congressional district level, or close to it. The Senate was intended to be the state governments representatives in congress, sadly no more. The president is elected by the states through the electoral college so that all states have a say, and not a plurality of citizens.
>These are important distinctions that in my opinion have served the US well. The biggest threat to our "democracy" would be taking away the electoral college. The biggest hit it has taken is making Senate elections a vote by the people. I believe this ended states rights and has led to the consolidation of power in the Executive.
>In summary our government is not strictly a democracy. It is a combination of different voting methods. At its core it is a representative republic.

Let me summarize; OMG the only type of democracy is direct democracy!
You are a fucking moron.

The USA has always been a democracy. The core of the USA is that every man has a vote, that their is no monarch that owns all the people and land as his personal property.

That the USA has states that are given 2 votes for the president plus votes in direct proportion to the population doesn't make the USA any less of a democracy or that being a republic (not having a monarch) does either.

Something like this.