Why doesn't Sup Forums like feminists, aside from the fact they're physically unattractive?
Why doesn't Sup Forums like feminists, aside from the fact they're physically unattractive?
they're ok desu, it's mostly the pro-immigration that bothers me
or anti-nativism is perhaps a better way to put it
I'm gay so I believe women should just be eradicated and straight men become sex slaves of the gay man.
Women are not my equal
men and women are already equal, they are wasting time on a non issue and taking focus away from things that actually matter, like deporting the browns
Name one good thing that came out of feminism. It's not even good for women considering voting away all responsibilities made the value of pussy plummet.
If you cannot figure out the reason yourself, then it's obvious something is hampering your thoughts and logic processes and it's not even possible to explain it to you. Good luck.
Cause that hate men, are sexist hypocrites and are working hard to destroy society.
They push absurd ideas like the wage gap being a symptom of sexism/racism.
She is purdy.
Possibly the gayest thing I have read today.
The movement made women generally more inaccessible for most of us, made all of the rules taught to us by our parents nonsensical, and ruined a heck lot of dreams for us. It also seems to have made a lot of women unhappy.
Seems to be a glorious "everyone loses" change.
Just kill yourself
Because feminism makes women miserable.
Women and Men naturally have different talents and roles that are different yet equally important they compliment each other and allow our society, famlies and children to prosper in harmony
Feminists try to do away with the unique roles women and men have in life and instead thrust us into a gender less and inevitably disordered future that will undermine the social institutions which prop up our nation
best reason to be anti-feminism I have seen yet. I salute you, fagbro.
Feminism destroys society. This is true from both a moral and mathematical standpoint, but I'll talk about math because it's more convincing. If any of you have studied populations, you'll know that as women get more liberties, such as education, the right to vote, to right to get jobs, sexual liberation, ect, they have less kids. This is why European birthrates are so low, and american birthrates are on the way down. Women don't want to have families until late in their lives, and then when they do, they only have 1-2. This leads to the government importing in 3rd worlders to compensate for the low birthrate, but displacing the native population at the same time. If feminism didn't exist then there would be no need for European governments to destroy white populations in Europe because women would have kids.
TLDR feminism will kill the west with birthrates.
>It's not even good for women considering voting away all responsibilities
That has less to do with welfare and more to do with the invention of washing machines, refrigerators, and microwave ovens. Also don't forget that before the New Deal most of rural America didn't have electric power or telephones, these are things the government built through spending. Same for the WPA water projects that made socal inhabitable.
You haven't been here long enough.
>made the value of pussy plummet.
[citation needed]
>If you cannot figure out the reason yourself
I personally feel my life was made better because of feminism. I'm here to hear what Sup Forums has to say.
>compares niggers and spics dumb whores to white men instead of asian women who make even more than white men
all the problems you're describing come from jews, not women
The hard core of lesbians are conquerors, but intellectually dishonest.
The fat, shrill, asexual ones are possibly mentally ill and deserve help.
A good many are simply ignorant and don't care to educate themselves (the eternal Normie).
A sizeable subset (those who grind my gears a little) are actually hyper-feminine, submissive-at-heart women signaling hard because they want a man to ignore/see through it and take them. It's an erotic experience for them. I've seen this many times.
>If feminism didn't exist then there would be no need for European governments to destroy white populations in Europe because women would have kids.
There's no need for it regardless. See Japan.
Every day I wonder how Japan has still not developed a huge establishment party full of insane liberals like every other 1st world country
women don't chip in their share.
it comes back around
Sure Jews can be blamed for this moral degeneracy and the bringing in of non-whites, but the low birthrates caused by feminism give governments and leftist a justification for these actions.
It's not just the kikes user.
This sounds like Foucault's private position.
He was probably chessing the women when he propelled the third wave with misinterpretable ideas that only the gay elite would get.
To elaborate on this: Laci Green explicitly mentions that she used to have great sex with a guy whose views she found abhorent. Lol and lol.
Well, you have it. Feminism has successfully ruined or made my life harder in just about every single aspect. All I ever wanted was to study hard, work hard, get a girlfriend, and lead a traditional family. Instead, almost everything got shat on. I did get what I wanted, but only because I found places where the feminism cancer hadn't yet infected.
No surprise I would be against this infection.
On top of that, I was nearly fired because a feminist SJW tried to witch-hunt me through my friends.
Thanks, I didn't know that I couldn't even disagree with how things are.
>made the value of pussy plummet
I guess all the club sluts are just figment of my imagination.
Japan has held off from going full retard on immigration due to xenophobia and actually giving a fuck about their culture, which is a good thing.
However they are still experiencing problems due to their declining population. Japan would be far more successful without feminism as they wouldn't have the constant issue of a declining population.
Japan has a generally weaker feminist movement. Peter Thiel mentions that they've been rejecting Western ideas as of late except for technology.
>However they are still experiencing problems due to their declining population.
They are not. Their GDP per capita actually rises every year last I checked. The actual GDP falls, but the population falls even faster, resulting in more people having more money.
They nonetheless have a very low birthrate. But again, that isn't actually a problem for them.
I mean there's more supply but it's still far behind the demand. I don't really see how there's been a 'plummet'.
>Well, you have it. Feminism has successfully ruined or made my life harder in just about every single aspect
Everyone wants to make their own lives better. Surely you can relate.
You have one if those w the jews?
Because they are mentally unattractive.
They're fucking retarded and hateful useful idiots for Jews.
You mean besides them trying to turn both men and women into defective men and thus destroying society?
Yeah no reason at all
I also want to make my life better and agitate for my interests, and against movements that make my life harder. Surely you can relate.
The fact that it fundamentally seems to have made a lot of my dreams impossible as well as ruining entire aspects of beauty in this world is as far as I'm concerned, unforgivable.
I'll continue to agitate for tradition as long as possible. For a more beautiful world, and one where my dreams have not yet died in for the selfishness of a minority of women.
'equal individuals' is an oxymoron.
>let's try to live an oxymoron gals!
I didn't mean housework. By responsibilities i meant being a mother and a wife. Women can now divorce for any reason and not have any consequences. In fact in a lot of cases there's even an incentive to divorce.
Do none of you go to college? Literally every girl is a """feminist""" these days. Hot and ugly and everything in-between. It's trendy.
A smaller population is a good thing in the short term, but it's going to catch up with them eventually. Japan won't be able to maintain their position as a regional power in east Asia if nobody lives there. They need to at least maintain a population in order to remain a relevant country.
>equality means sameness
Consider going back to elementary school
well maybe if they were payed the same as men :^)
How do you define "feminist?"
However you define it
Holy shit you're stupid.
That's exactly what it means.
You can mental gymnastics all you want.
Equality and inequality are different states of being.
>far behind the demand
Sluts are even cheaper than whores. And they're everywhere because women and men aren't interested in marriage anymore.
The original ones are okay, I guess.
The third-wave ones...
>reason with emotions
>victim complex
>give me attention!!!
They're basically the histrionic cousins of the original movement.
The labor department doesn't track the earnings of Jews as a group so I'm not sure where to get reliable statistics to include them.
That's funny gay fucker. We would overpower you and hate fuck you with razor bladed dildo.
Before feminism pussy was very expensive, if you wanted non-prostitute pussy the only way you could get it was by marrying a girl and then giving her a house to live in and buying her shit like clothes and food, now all you need to get non-prostitute pussy is a $50 smartphone with Tinder installed
Do you honestly, seriously, unironically believe that it's equally easy to obtain sex as a woman and as a man?
How is that the Jews? The whites brought the slaves here not the Jews.
And this is why Abe is endorsing propaganda anime to make all the NEETs go out and get laid
For real, all he needs to do is incentivize it a bit harder and discourage the salaryman culture for a little while. Give the worker bees an actual chance to get together and have sex after college and once there's enough pregnant women, he can put the men back to work.
Never said equally just much much easier than before.
Skip to :40
Of course it's not all Jews and not everyone behind this is Jewish, but you get the picture.
>The whites brought the slaves here not the Jews
We're talking about modern Europe not America 300 years ago
I dunno about equally easy but it's definitely a lot easier for men to obtain sex in Eastern Europe than it is in New Zealand, although ironically I think this is partially because Slovenia is less feminist than NZ and therefore the local women don't have such ridiculously high standards
Why do women stick their tongues out in pictures?
I guess you're talking about the femonazis? They are bitter women. Usually treated bad by Men sometime in life. Tough, rude, arrogant exterior but paranoid feelings towards all men combined with persecution complex. The only way to deal with them is kill them with kindness. I've done this many times and I'm not saying I fucked them. I'm talking about business dealings. Be fair and nice to them and they will drop their guard and you will see they are just normal sensitive women who long for a kind man to take care of them. Unless of course it's a bull dike. Then your fucked. Only option is fistfight.
>That pic.
>what is first world man hating
>what is unfrair advantage for women I.e. quotas for work, universities, grants and research scholarships, conferences, networking events
>what is being afraid of speaking out against this for fear of being labeled a misogynist, preventing further work or career
And almost nothing of value was lost
Except for Boss and Samuel L. Jackson
They do good shit when they're not being political, but they've lost my respect for doing so.
Women have no value beyond their attractiveness.
Feminists are not attractive .
Therefore, feminists have no value.
>Don't care if you're under 6'2"
Holy shit... statistically speaking, what are these bitches after?
I mean, I have seen them on social media. What is this 6'2" story?
there's no value in that picture
Because we're fucking Nazis and AnCap autistes. It's not that hard to figure out.
>Why doesn't Sup Forums like feminists
their movement was founded by a playboy bunny who worked for the CIA
because they're harmful to women. i like women
>Why doesn't Sup Forums like feminists, aside from the fact they're physically unattractive?
What is a feminist?
I'll tell you what they are, Haters of marriage, children, men, grandparents, industry another bunch of self serving arseholes with an ideology based on what is between their legs.
Continued from another thread but why not.
"Feminism" has taught them they can actively do the very things they preach against, but as long as you do it to white men it's okay (sexism and racism). They have been led to believe they can shit all over white men for the very reason of them being white and having a penis. That puts me at two strikes against me already.
You can't rationalize or reason with these women because they have also adopted the same mentality as the people they preach against, "it's my way or the highway". They can blanket an entire group of people for being white and male but as soon as you do it to them you're a misogynistic xenophobic cis scum.
As a whole I have given up on western women because of this radicalized crap. They preach against (((alt-right))) but ironically enough they are the farthest left you can go.
Wow guess that must mean asian people are the most privileged and not because they work the hardest
rly maeks u thonk
>What is a feminist?
haha, fag!
I agree with them the majority of the time. They're just so annoying with all the complaining they do
I don't like feminism becuase the entire premise of the feminist movement, that women are analogous or equivalent to men in ANY sense, is objectively false.
Men are better. Women are a counterpart with their own value which may or may not be higher than a man's.
Let's break this down. Humans are a sexually dimorphic species, in fact, one of the most dimorphic species on the planet. Gram for gram, a man is up to 40% stronger than a woman. This physical disparity, how ever it arised hundreds of thousands of years ago, has led to men since the dawn of civiliazation, be the hunters, guardians, and the antagonists. This leads to a dynamic where women want men who can protect and provide for them. A selection bias where the smarter, or stronger, more successful men have more children. A man is better than a women becuase he has to be. A women almost always will choose a man who is better than her, what ever she perceives better to be. Wit, charm, physical appearance, whatever.
Men however do not get their spot on top for free. Men have the burden of performance. In every life decision, men are inspected and compared to other men, living and dead. The chaff is sorted from the wheat and burned. Evolutionary, the Y chromosome changes much more between generations than the X. There is greater variation up or down in any number of traits, when compared to women. Something something bell curves.
Women, on a raw intellectual power level, are similar to men. The problem with women, thanks to evolution, is that they have a very strong solipsistic framework to their thinking. Being the gender that gives birth, women were driven to be very selfish to protect themselves and children. Men love women, women love kids, kids love dogs.
Don't ever expect a women to love you like you love them. A women's love is not like a man's love.
Very quick explanation. TL DR: Femisism is based on a falsehood. Men are better. Source: Biology
A better way to put it maybe is that men and women are better at different things, because that's how they were 'designed' (poor phrasing) to be. Women weren't meant to be the main breadwinners, be leaders in most circumstances, etc. In almost everything but homemaking (an extremely important, if recently reduced role) men tend to be superior
To continue, feminism fails in the real world because women are being given traditionaly male positions, along with male responsbility, and they simply cannot handle it as well as a man, sometimes not at all. They often do not have the mental and physical tools needed to become the 'greatest'. Men have been doing this thing called civilization since day one. Women are amateurs.
When is this feminazi cunt moving to Canada?
They have made being a white man a liability and something you have to defend.
They are irrational and use words like "hypocrite" and "double standard" without caring about their actual meanings.
They're entitled, self-righteous, stuck-up, degenerate bitches. Appearance was never the main issue; it's just a side effect of their abhorrent lifestyles.
They leak nude photos of themselves and then demand websites take them down for attention.
Never. You think those lazy crybully leftie pukes would actually change anything themselves, even something as personal as immigrating? LOL
They ignore racial realities and instead bas white men.
It's not a better way to put it. It is what it is. Men are better, women have their own value. There is no equal but different in biology. We are different and unequal, between each and every person, never mind genders. That doesn't mean that someone who is 'better' has more value than someone who is 'less'. Yin yang motherfucker.
Their theories about violence against women and rape are contradicted by empirical evidence. They completely ignore that empirical evidence does support the views of "racist white men".
For me, they crossed the line when they started attacking video games. Do sexually attractive video game characters really hurt anyone? It doesn't effect me as much but I really feel sorry for the neckbeards. They know they'll probably never get laid in their entire lives and these ape shit feminists are trying to take the one of the few outlets they have for pleasuring themselves away from them. What bitches.
>Why doesn't Sup Forums like feminists, aside from the fact they're physically unattractive?
Their entire movement is founded on the idea that men have too good lives and thus their lives should be made worse in every way possible.
They may prefer to phrase that some other way for propaganda reasons, but that's what their actions boil down to. Just systematically attempting to make life worse for men.
Look at Lindy West's twitter. Explain to me why we shouldn't genocide these cunts.
Have you noticed they never ever raise money for poor women in China or shit like that?
When they do ask for money its always for THEM, like fund my feminist video game or fund my documentary on video games.
That's why they're such scum. They dont give a shit about real "social justice" they just use it to enrich themselves, protect the power structure and put others down to feel good about themselves.
History is littered with these scumbags whether its confucian moralists in ancient Korea or Christians when they had a lot of power.
This, desu. The female mind cares about equality more than success.