utter tranny degeneracy
>le trannies are degenerate meme
people are entitled to what gender they want and feel like
>that deep voice
reported, stop giving it attention. it's a mental disease.
i identify as an A-10
I'm out of my mind
out of my mind
out of my mind
I'm out of my mind
out of my mind
out of my fucking mind
what the fuck
Friendly reminder that SOYLENT is the product that destroyed this young man's life and turned him into a tranny.
It is literally poison, engineered to tank your testosterone and pump your body with estrogen.
Spread the word and don't let your friends touch this vile fucking filth.
As a civic nationalist, this really turns me on.
Stop being racist, these are just two Americans.
I drank a bottle of this shit at a hackathon
how fucked am I?
love this girl
Eat some red meat and go shoot a gun to restore your masculinity before it's too late.
Poor Cosmowright
No fucking idea why he would ever transition into a freak, he was already ugly enough.
>giving someone named NARCISSA attention...
>Your body, pressed tightly against mine, my arms around you, as I absorb your body heat
That sounds sincere enough for any person who wants to be loved theeeeeeeeeen the oxytocin bit and the rest of the typing...nope.
bump. What's up with this niggers teeth?
He needs to curl those sidelocks to go full Jewmode, he's already got the nose for it
Is there even any hope to saving Cosmo?
Who is this cute girl?
He doesn't even try to fake a tranny voice like Chris Chan, he just keeps a deep masculine voice. Fuck Cosmo, he need to learn how to cope a defeat in a tourny. Really really need to learn how to lose.
I'm sorry to be the one to tell you, but you're a faggot now.
You better go get fitted for a bra and start dating niggers.
>"transition" to a female
>try as hard as possible to look like a miserable pile of NEET shit
Why bother living if you have no respect for your own life