What is the worst experience you've had with a black?
What is the worst experience you've had with a black?
One of them maintained eye contact with me for longer than is polite
I fought one
When I was 9 a few blacks stormed my house and stole a lot of my shit while holding me hostage. Wasn't fun.
There was one that become president, and basically acted like a politician.
So many to choose from
>working at Pizza Hut, black with a bandanna on his face walked in and robbed the cash register
>had a black manager at a fast food restaurant I worked at, she only promoted other blacks, ghetto trash who spoke ebonics, one time told me homosexuality was a white man's sickness given to blacks
>had a black coworker when I worked security who would walk off to talk on her phone, was bossy and loud, often late
There is more but I really don't want to have to write it all
one guy sucker punched me in the street
when I turned around he was running away
i got slapped for saying that i freed his ancestors, while dressed as abe lincoln for halloween. i went to the party with him.
he's dead now, fell off a longboard during a rain storm.
A rude as fuck nigger landwhale Aduana agent at Dallas Airport
Besides that I guess most American blacks have been bro tier with me
white guy living in a black neighborhood here. i work in retail.
black customer called me a peckerwood once. i had to look up what that meant.
had a black employee who smoked weed before work every day and was super fucking slow and made a lot of mistakes.
besides that no big issues, also black chicks are fucking hot.
6 years old, two followed me off the school bus, grabbed me from behind, dropped me from 6 feet to the pavement and broke my arm and collarbone. Laughed and mocked me while I cried.
jumped and beaten while working Cape Town
they got my dummy wallet with equiv. of less than 20 bucks in it. i got a black eye/pretty sure i gave as good as i got.
>worst part was my buddy saw it go down and took off running instead of getting involved
>had a couple cuts afterwards, was unsure if an edged weapon was involved...kinda unchill to have to take an HIV test bc of a mugging...
A little niglet in high school mouthed off to everyone, I had the audacity to tell him to go fuck himself when he did to me so the next day I got beat up by 4 big nigs.
i saw a feral one eat a piece of shit off the sidewalk and proceed to (walk?) down the street. pretty disturbing
Stole a copy of Skyrim from me.
Working in juvenile hall
10 years ago this black guy at work came at me with an ethnic hand gesture. I tried to fist bump but he turned it into something more complex and I fucked it up.
Probably this 150cm 40-50 y/o African who works in the local grocery store. He dresses like a 16 y/o hiphop/rapper, hits on all the obese Swedish ""women""(they seem to love it) and sings to them. he also scans the items incredibly slowly and gets most items without a barcode wrong so I have to correct him every time(he gets upset).
what's the meaning of that bunny pic in 12th century ? I want to know
no joke no memes pls
One stole my headphones in high school. Told him I knew it was him and that he would be in deep shit if he didn't return em. Two days later he gave them back claiming he didn't take mine but I could have his identical ones..
Also, in middle school one black boy offered to download some songs onto my iPod for me. This was one of the first days of school and I'd just moved from private to public so I didn't understand them. Gave me back a broken ass cheap knockoff with different earbuds than they came with. That guy was later kicked out of school for stealing from lockers
When I was 13 I called a mixed kid a nigger and he poured his drink on my head.
Live in NYC. Not any to be honest
Defrauded me of my money
>in high school
>Walking to bathroom
>Group of nigs starts laughing, then approach me
>'Hey man, that girl over there thinks you're hot'
>I say 'okay' and keep walking
Other than that, just standard stupid retail shit, but I get shit on by all races at work
Sounds rough
Were you alone at the time?
Stole my bike, really.
please bless us with more .za stories bro. i'm so curious about that place.
When I was little my mom did daycare in between jobs and there was this niglet, first he sat on my baby sister, then he put play dough in my fish tank and killed my fish. Ducking hated that kid.
when I was in highschool walking downtown with my friend we got robbed at gunpoint by two black guys. We ran and used a payphone and the guys got arrested as they were a block away. I had to go to court and they got charged with arm robbery and drug possession. It actually freaked me out since it was pretty fucking scary.
Ironically one of the guys died in prison from poor healthcare and an infected tooth or something petty.
Yeah, I conceal carry now. Thanks Obama (though this happened in 2006)
I was born, and there were black people living free. It suuuuccks.
Did you learn anything through this experience or do you still trust blacks blindly?
honestly stupid black kid in my bio class
>bad day, tuesday
>stupid class but hot teacher
>would bang
>hanging out with my friend doing stupid shit
>70 iq nigger comes up from behind me and starts shoving me
>I get up and mind you this is SoCal so everyone is short as fuck
>6'2" and he is starting to look pretty short right about now
>I start shoving him and "you better back off" autism
>he leaves
He must have gotten scared because of that and so he left me alone for the rest of high school.
fucking niggers
I live in a rather upscale neighborhood in a "good community", and attend a very well renowned private school. My parents have always placed a high priority on my education. All three of us actually (I have 2 sisters), have always been pushed by our parents to try to do our best in school. They are active in school functions and meetings and are always there with the answers when we need help.
This past summer my cousin, who grew up in what you could call an "inner-city urban environment", came in to visit us for a while... then his visit transformed into a prolonged stay. Apparently he is going to be staying with us for some time, so my parents decided to enroll him in my school and we have been going there together for the past two months.
In this relatively short amount of time I've noticed his overall attitude towards education is so backwards. He thinks if anyone tries to teach him anything they are somehow the enemy. He is always trying to get out of hard work any way he can. Half the time the teachers and administrators at my school can't even do their jobs because my cousin is so busy singing and dancing like a fool in class. Worst of all if I try to say something about his behavior, he just goofs on me for trying to "act white". As much as my parents and I try we just can't seem to get through to him.
Sometimes I wish they would just send his princely ass back to Philly.
honestly, no idea. its just a funny image to me
Well, I've had them steal my shit, break my shit, assault my family members, and I've had to fight them multiple times.
Can't really pick out one that I thought was worse than the others to be honest.
Never relax
dwele is the shit
find a way great tune. sketches of a man great album
For real dude? That's so incredibly messed up. Any race or color, what the fuck.
They try to escalate everything. Just sitting in queue for a parking permit. Nog asks if I'm in line, I say yes and get up to make sure my spot isn't taken. He shoves his way in front of me and says something about lying to him. The woman at the desk says he needs to fill out a form and he heads back and glares at me like I was suppose to fill it out for him.
>spring 2002
>high school in southern california
>new kid but have a few friends
>no one likes niggers at the school
>decide to try to impress my new friends
>throw a piece of american cheese like a ninja star across the quad/common area
>hits a nigger in the face
>the cheese is stuck to his cheek
>nigger is pissed
>no one knew who threw the cheese
>few days later
>friends and i walking through same area
>about 3 niggers are walking straight at us
>they assume that we will move
>we dont
>walk through the niggers
>the nigs are in shock
>ringleader nigger manages to speak
>think we are about to fight
>one of my friends speaks up
>i did, he says
>each friend also says this
>niggers tell us to watch our backs
>come to school the next day
>all have some type of nigger-beater
>nigs never retaliated
>never graduated either
>be 19 working at a convinence store
>instruct nigress coworker (same age as me at the time) to put pizzas in the oven
>says she doesnt know how to do that
>"something wrong? Pizzas are in the fridge at the end"
>"i dont know"
>show her step by step how to open a box of frozen pizza, toss in a pizza in the oven
>she still didnt get it
>first grader child walks into the store
>shouts "MOMMY!" As she runs to my coworker
>"user, this is my daughter"
i've got tons...worked as a journalist for a while in SA...off the top of my head...got a gun pointed at my head by a 28er/pollsmoor cape colored gangster (my photographer talked his way out of it in afrikaans with smiles and cigarettes...I'm american, speak no languages other than restaurant spanish...)
what else...got trapped in a labor riot and saw someone get their head split open with a "knob kerrie" (sp?) club thing everyone has....
wrote an article for my american hometown paper about the "passion gap" thing and was accused of racism/lying...idk ask me anything i guess.
I worked with one who would constantly whine that forcing them to do their job was racist.
Yep, during the summer while my parents were working. Never relax around blacks was brought to a whole new level for me. I wish my doggo wasn't a fucking chihuahua so he could've tore the shit out of them.
I have so many it all amounts to "Being around niggers for any timeframe whatsoever"
I grew up in Europe before it was entirely cucked so I never saw a black until I moved here.
I've basically never been in immediate contact with them because I have a good job and live in a place with so few non-whites.
>When I was a kid niggers broke into my parents home when we were sleeping stealing all our valuables (they got caught)
>24 tried to steal my car
>Fought one for trying to steal from a old lady
>longboard during a rain storm
Like a surfboard, or a skateboard? Give details.
I went on vacation to south africa when I was 19 with my gf and her friend. They ended up leaving me alone in a club full of black people. I was beaten pretty good that night. They broke my cheekbone and I had to spend 2 weeks in a south african hospital. The dumb nurse didnt wear gloves when she was cleaning my face up and she gave me a terrible infection. My wife left me 2 months later for a black guy named fuckin abdul. Fuck em
HAHAHA, I was stuck in a labor riot once when the metal workers union was on strike, they smashed our buckie up quite good. I am quite sure my supervisor sent a few of them to the hospital when he put foot.
Collar bones never heal right. It screams at me whenever I pump iron or shoulder my AR-15. No-one messes with me again. Especially niggers.
>On community college campus last year
>hear 2 melanin-enriched gentlemen yelling about BLM and other Dindu shit
That was my worst experience with blacks. There aren't very many in central CA and most of the ones here don't act like niggers.
Beaners are the real problem around here.
You motherfucker
that would be make me lose faith in humanity.
Not many, but when i was in high school i punched some black dude a couple of times because he tried taking my friends backpack and he ended up running away across the street.
when I was like 10 our shitty drug dealer beaner neighbors (lots of adjectives there)
stole my fucking bike the week I got it.
>be me 22
>living in an apartment alone
>get awoken at 3am by banging noises
>reach into my drawer and get my Magnum
>sneak out of my room and discover 2 nigs trying to figure out how to take my tv off the wall and 1 in my fridge
>get closer and fire off a couple rounds into the fridge nigger
>other two get startled and turn around
>by that time a hot .45 is entering the skull of one of the tv coons
>the other one charges at me and I finish off the clip into him
>call the police and file reports
>go back to bed
>didn't lose a millisecond of sleep over it
One tried to mug me intimidating me with his fingers as if they were a gun on my back and pushing me to a wall.
Told him to fuck off pushed him off me, some guys asked what was going on so he ran scared.
I swear , some of them are nice and all ,but most of my friends have had some sort of encounter with haitians that came over this year.
nigger stopped our car in the middle of the street and started to jump on it.
shoulda drove off and let the nigger fall down and break something
A girl and guy tried to rob me when after I got of the hospital. I was homeless and walking back to a place to sleep in the middle of the night. The long and short of it is that they tried to get up on me and I pulled a knife. Said if they got within arms length I'd kill them. I'd have run after them but I was really hurting. Could hardly walk or move my hands. They did monkey things for awhile until I got closer to a more populated area. They ended up fucking off somewhere. I'd of killed those chucklefucks if only I weren't so messed up.
lemme fuck ur sisters
A black man killed me.
>lying on the internet
I've lived in mostly groid free communities, despite being an urban Chicagoan
When I was 16 I got into a fight with one, we were "friends" for almost a year and playing basketball at the park, and after I beat him I joshed that he was poor in skill, he literally just started fucking swinging at me.
He caught me in the nose and made it bleed, I kinda' snapped and the next thing I remembered was my friend pulling me off of him, his face and my hands covered in blood
I had a strange vibe from him from the start, but I didn't figure he was violent.
I was maybe 19 when I took that red pill. Despite having "friends" of all races and creeds, the only ones that didn't end up fucking me over were white or mostly white and Christian.
Whites being scared of the blacks
Their existence.
top jej
They would've just murdered the dog I'm sure. Most have even less compassion for animals than fellow humans.
When I was like 10 years old, before I got blue pilled, I had this little dirt bike. I rode it all around the neighborhood and often let my friends around the neighborhood ride it if their parents were okay with it (it was a 100% white neighborhood).
Then, some niggers moved in. But I was still indoctrinated by school so I thought we were all equal. I let the black kid ride it and he took off and tried stealing it.
Luckily my dad suspected the little nigger would try that and was waiting nearby with his truck. So he hit the little nigger with his truck and his nigger mom came out and started bitching about da evil white man and my dad basically just called her a stupid nigger and told her to take her little baboon and go back inside and she did.
That day, I realized two things. I really love my dad and I really hate niggers.
nice dream.
>reach into my drawer and get my Magnum
>the other one charges at me and I finish off the clip into him
>I finish off the clip into him
ja boet. your country is fucked haha
Do you know what Easter is?
A longboard is just a long skateboard
paid the toll
lived in a shitty ass town, nignog came over to me and my roomies while we were out having a smoke. he said something about someone asking for weed
, he looked like he was tripping balls. fast forward 10 minites, fucker is threatening to gut us in our sleep. we had no idea what he was talking about. everyone had their phones at the ready to dial 911, except the stupid white girls who thought he was "entertaining". he finaly stumbled away after we assured him he had the wrong place.
>Be me at 14
>Walking through small, White town with friends after school
>Have expensive laptop in bag from school work
>Get to park to hang out
>3 niggers walk up, one with gun
>try to take our bags with stuff
>all of us have knives
>gun nigger gets stabbed twice in his side
>other 2 niggers run off
>police arrested other 2 niggers after they tried to rob house in our town a week later
>Hated niggers ever since
Where the fuck did you go to school? I was in SoCal in elementary school in the late 90s and everything was already ultra-PC regarding nogs and other undesirables
My father is a fire chief and one day his car was broken into and they stole his fucking fire equipment. They literally stole his fire retardant suit and boots as well as his chief's helmet, the fucking savages. Who steals from a firefighter? Who steals fire equipment?
Luckily the story has a happy ending because a few days later they pulled into a gas station and tried to sell a watch to this other guy who was there pumping gas. The other guy noticed the fire helmet in the car so he told the nigger he was interested in it and the dumb fuck pulls out the entire suit and tries to sell it for a few hundred. The guy turns out to be a college professor and he tells him he knows the suit is stolen and that if he doesn't give him the suit he'll call the cops. The nigger knew he was fucked so he gave over the suit, the guy waited for the darkie to leave and he called the cops anyway, found my dad's address and personally delivered it back to us. My dad had his suit and helmet back within the week.
That event made me love white people even more and feel even more revulsion for the fucking darkies
All throughout middle school and high school the most violent and disruptive retards were black, and the more of them you shoved into a single classroom; the less was taught.
I had two science classes, an English class, and a history class (from different grades) that were absolutely pointless to attend because of how loud, disrespectful, disruptive, and childish the black kids were.
Random theft and violence throughout lunch, PE, on the bus, etc - all related to blacks. And the worst part of it all was the impact it had on the entire social structure of the school. It was "cool" to be like them, it was "cool" to sound like a fucking moron, act tough/'hard', dress like a clown, and chimp out over disagreements.
One kid finally fucking snapped and called one of them a nigger and got suspended for it, only to return and get shunned by everyone in the entire school.
>things that didn't happen
I got shot through the hip a couple years ago during a bne that went awry. They tried robbing the scum dealer that lived next door to me but got the wrong apartment. Bullet nicked my bladder so couldn't get my hip replaced due to the ecoli I had from it. Probably won't walk again
>before I got blue pilled
before I got red pilled*
The manager sounds redpilled
I've been super racist since I was a little kid so I've never really given them a chance to cause me any harm.
Plenty of my friends are cucks though, and I've seen blacks constantly do shit to other people.
>Watched a black guy steal a bike on campus. Used bolt cutters on the lock.
Yeah, I called the campus police. They didn't do anything.
My friend in high school invited a black classmate over to his house. I don't know how common this is, but here people commonly keep a secret key in their backyard for getting into their house. Often in a potted plant for some reason. Anyway, my friend grabbed the hidden key in front of this black kid:
>Black kid comes back months later when friend and his family are on vacation
>Uses key to get into their house, steals friend's PS2, family's money, and parents' car keys. Goes on a joyride with their car
My gf used to often work late and walk home
>Blacks would commonly yell at her and harass her.
My mom used to buy houses in shitty neighborhoods (black neighborhoods), fix up the houses, rent them, and eventually sell them
>mom bought a really shitty house
>fixed it up and made it super nice
>sold it to a black woman who seemed fairly respectable
>black woman comes back months later saying my mom lied to her and the house is in shit condition
>mom goes to house to what she's talking about
>it's a complete wreck. Absolutely destroyed
>black woman takes my mom to court
>my mom is about to lose everything
>court discovers black woman has a long history of doing this
>mom manages to escape losing everything.
yes and ?
easter bunny is represent of jesus
it's relic from pagan religion
1. Got beat up when 10 years old with user friend by 30 black kids for being white in MAJ black neighborhood.
2. When 13 black kid got mad backyard football, got in a fight and beat by white kid. Insta " U Raciss" calls shithead brother who pulls out gun and we all run away.
3.Threatened by 3 gangbangers for free food and they tried to rob me when 19 working at pizza place.
Live near Chiraq black people are decent Mogs suck and it's like a 70-30 split shit to bros round here.
I've never been in contact with a black in my entire life, didn't even see one until I was 17, he was walking around with his two wives, they might still be the only black people in town(40k size).
I heard Sweden is worse than everyone else though.
>sitting in house late at night
>wife and kid is already asleep but I am working on a project for work
>hear glass break in kitchen
>get my shotgun out of the cabinet and go out of study
>go into dining room and can see the spook in the living room
>say something so I can get him to face my direction
>pull the trigger
>went upstairs and comforted wife and kid until police arrived
Burned that coal
I'm half black (?) Half portuguese (?). My mother, who is portugese, left my father because of his abuse and alcoholism. When I was around 10 I walked to her friends house (her drug dealer/god knows what) because I knew they had a Sega Genesis. I only had a SNES, and always wanted to try Sega games. So I asked them if I could borrow their sega since they knew my mom so well.
They laughed and pulled me into the house by my wrist. They told me, whIle walking me into their basement, that yeah, they got a Sega I can play. I got really excited at that point and started imagining running around as sonic like I did at my friends house that one time.
We got to the basement and I saw the genesis. But instead of letting me borrow it or play it they took turns viciously spanking me and telling me I was stupid for coming around their house asking for shit. I went home and told my mom, and I know she went over to confrot them, but I don't know what came of it.
Just for peace of mind, my mom is now 20 years clean and a totally changed person now. We're doing ok.
Living next to a family of them who fought, yelled, screamed, had to have police called multiple times, played music loudly, openly used and traded drugs, and had yapping dogs.
And I swear to God that they thought they were Christians, and would go out and do church work.
>do fingerprinting at my work
>vast majority of applicants are doing fingerprints for nursing or immigration
>I'm supposed to manually print them but I don't want to touch niggers so I just show them what to do by demonstrating with my fingers
>supposed to roll finger from one side to the other
>25% of these niggers roll over their nail and off the side of the glass
>they chimp out that the machine isn't working
>I demonstrate again for them, sometimes as many as 10 times before they get it
>about 5% still won't understand after I demonstrate 10 times so I have to do it for them
>these people are now nurses making 40k+ a year
Living with black roommates
>Fucking annoying rap music 16 hours a day
>mysterious niggers sleeping on my couch and slinging drugs
>chimp noises
>underage drinking
>police won't do shit; i called them for a noise complaint, they smelled weed smoke, and said "oh geeeeeez, what's that smell???!! ;-)" and left them with a warning
Fuck nigger roommates. Never again.
One tried to molest me when I was 12. He was 20. I got my Dads shotgun and pointed it at him. Made him cry. Pushed his bike down hill into tree. Fucked his bike up with bat. He called cops for me pointing gun at him and destroying his bike. I told cops he started fight with me and he was old. Too ashamed to mention anything else.
damn my condolences poor leaf