>born in america
>racial realist
>voted trump
>dating a family oriented traditional woman
> hispanic
Where does my mix breed race fit in Sup Forums's ideal world?
Born in america
gas chamber
As a civic nationalist, this really turns me on.
Stop being racist, these are just two Americans.
You're me, except I'm white and dating a hispanic woman.
So many of them are quite conservative, and genuinely have 'family values', it's quite fantastic.
Neither of you will be spared on the Day of the Rope.
>Know about the dangers of race mixing
>Race mix anyway
Younare part of the problem
Nice one mate
Thanks for the term, I guess that works out. Im all for preserving racial identity though. But my ancestry is all the way fucked up, cant identify as european or african american. Or native. Just a chimera of some sort
Yeah ive been with my gf for 6 years. She doesnt have much friends because of how liberal woman are now a days.
>she gets shamed for only have been with one partner
Not even racemixing- we are both dominican.
But what race are you m8?.
I'm Puerto Rican but my bloodline is straight Spanish (ie my family did not mix with blacks or the natives). I'm white, wavy brown hair, brown eyes.
What up spainiard boriquen brother.
Half dominican half puerto rican. My puerto rican side is very fair skined straight dark hair brown-green eyed.
Dominican side is very low iq copper skinned. I say low iq because im the first in the family to attend college let alone graduate highschool
Up to me, you'd pass. You are American, seem decent, are educated, have a job etc etc.
I don't know about the Aryans though, they are getting uppity these days.
Do you get along with other puerto ricans. I live in nyc. Puerto ricans here are shit tier.
Hispanic isn't a race...
That's not necessarily attributed to having a low IQ. The average wage for the common worker in the Dominican Republic is 3,000 to 6,000 pesos a month. 1 Dominican Peso = 0.022 US Dollar.
The average household income in Puerto Rico is $19,518.
When comparing the two, one side has much more money. I wouldn't say it is because of low IQ, but due to lack of money. If you didn't have a lot of money, you would drop out of highschool to provide for the family.
Identify yourself as American first and you're good
So you're saying your Hispanic gf is Mexican?
Identify as American m8
>inb4 "hes a quadroon shill sent by da chews!" Im 80% german and the rest english/irish with not a single heretical phenotype.
>Spanish blood
Dont worry user, Some of the most redpilled people ive ever met were cubans in south Florida. Even if you have mexican disent you can still trace your lineage to europe.
>mfw America is literally the only country that considers Spanish people nonwhite but Italians which are dark because of Moorish conquest completely fine
My family yes, on my dad's side they are humble, honest country folk On my mom's, highly educated (most of them engineers and doctors)
Other Puerto Ricans, no. They are loud and liberal. I live in TX though so I don't have to deal.
It's funny seeing all the edgy stormcunts on pol thinking all hispanics are indios. I was born and raised in Mexico and both sides of my family are tall white skinned with green eyes. Only way you'd knew is my beaner name.
>Where does my mix breed race fit in Sup Forums's ideal world?
Somewhere else.
only libtards and stormcucks on here care about race. if you call yourself American first, and want to protect western values, you belong.
Thats exactly what happened to my grandma. How did you know all this?
Always have always will.
Lol nah, but most mexican woman are extremely conservative.
Yeah we know its a blanket term
Behind the wall.
hello white brothers
first post best post
Just statistics.
Also, it was pretty common for people to drop out of highschool when money is scarce.
Yeah, Mexico had way more Spanish colonization and has a higher percentage of whites than PR.
I literally have this family. Wife mexican/ Irish. Of course she looks mexican. 2 kids. Little girl looks like her mom. beautiful skin. My son is identical to me. White AF. Anyways my wife fucking hates liberals. Her side of family is extremely conservative. Her grandparents received amnesty under Reagan and fucking hate the illegals here. They call them ungrateful freeloaders. Her grandpa served in korean war.
>your grand kid
thanks civic nationalists, you fucking cucks
I dont have family or ancestry beyond the wall. My bloodline were of the taino natives in the caribean islands and the spanish conquistadors.
Try again
In the country you came from. It's certainly not here.
Hispanic is not a race, do you mean that you are a mestizo?
This, America is the homeland for redpilled mutts
My family actually leans more to French ancestry thanks to Napoleon III.
What does your ancestry say about you? Because if we are playing by those rules. Spaniards,the dutch and the french were colonizing america hard. I have mostly spanish blood so I guess ill stay right here senpai
I can get behind that. Libtards and blue pills need to get the fuck out.
America is a country for Europeans, not shitskins like yourself. If you have the colors white and brown and mix them together, the new color isn't white. It's just a lighter brown.
If its a country for europeans...then why are the jews running it?
I fucked outside my race many times. But if you are white, why the fuck can't you breed with your own race? I don't give a shit about other races miscegenation, but everyone wants white people genes. Why can't you just make more white people you stupid bastards? Do you hate yourself that much?
This is your choice, but your bloodline is fucked and I and my progeny most likely won't fuck your mix breed babies.
>I am not alone in this.
>I'm white
you sure about that? you'd be surprised how varied cultures can be about this. like in brazil, they consider mixed people white, even though that is 100% not how the USA thinks
Hispanics get the border states
You are fine, just learn as much as you can. The smart Mexicans will stay.
You're cool, it's a culture war with some groups largely divided along the lines of race we are engaging in, not a true race war.
(((Civic nationalist))) = Cultural Marxist
jajaja just if your country is named Israel my dear shill
Don't breed with white women and there won't be any problems.
We don't need shitskins at all. Or low iq people
Two strikes and you're out
I wouldnt want to
Heres your you
What the fuck are you me? White skinned Hispanic traditional conservative Christian qt he. It really is the good life, enjoy it man
On the other side of the wall
Trips have confirmed whities in America are dumbass puppets
Can I come in legally
>pure Croatian
>will always be bordeline white
>As a civic nationalist
As a cuck*
This guy get it