Why do Americans use so much laxatives? I've just heard another laxative commercial on fox. Why do you get so fat? Even our fattest people look healthy compared to monsters found in USA. Is your food poison? What's the cause of your food related health problems? Burgers look unhealthy even if they claim to only eat vegetables. You also get cancer all the time. There is something wrong with your food. I need to know what to avoid before I visit USA.
US food quality
It's because there are a bunch of poor people who only eat debbie cakes and taco bell, so the stupid shits get fat. You're fine if you have common sense.
here are all the symbols to look for on the food packaging. avoid them
what is that?
How cay get fat while being poor? In a normal country like ours poor people eat veggies or starve. They never go to fast food restaurants or buy candy. They are expensive compared to healthy food.
Apparently onions covered in barbeque sauce.
In addition to all of the fat American fucks... We also have a fuck ton of people on opioid painkillers.. Like 20%+ of the population is on them and they make you constipated as shit. But mostly it's the horrible American diet
What does the "K" stand for?
Avoid everything processed. Cook your own food. Buy organic.
Duh, duh, duh...
Just be thankful you aren't in China.
Potassium maybe?
The laxative is for buttblasted Euros who feel compelled to post about us 24/7
Onions and potatoes boiled in tumeric with salt and ketchup.
All food is processed unless youre eating it straight from the ground, stupid
The average age of a news show on television is older, so you see old people products like laxatives
they are generally poor because they make dumb financial decisions, like spend all their money on junk food, cigarettes and soda to get fat
Fast food and junk food are expensive compared to vegetables here too, but a lot of people haven't figured that out. The expensive "organic" trend doesn't help the cause either.
we dont value be stik thin and are bigger strong smarter people than you
we lift weights and play basketball and fotoball
we dont like slender with with no tits and ass
thats a 1 to us
hope this helps
we are also #1 standard of living by far
Hey it's genuine question. American food is what we Europeans fear most.
The fuck is wrong with you?
high fructose corn syrup makes Americans fat and (((they))) unnecessarily pump that shit into literally everything
You need potasium to keep your body healthy. Is there some retarded conspiracy theory that tells people to avoid potasium and damage their brains by doing so?
ahh, the turmeric gave them such a weird colour I didn't know if I was looking at some kind of shallot I;ve never seen before
>lack of fiber
>excessive dairy
>too much white flour
>not enough physical activity (lots of movement helps you poo)
These are meme answers, not real answers.
This is also true.
Murricans consume a lot of processed cheese so in turn they have to take laxatives to not be constipated. Burger holes smell disgusting. And all American girls smell like processed cheese.
>Buy organic.
It's a meme created to boost prices. Just buy shit directly from a farmer and you will be fine.
>Why do Americans use so much laxatives?
They don't eat enough fiber.
>Why do you get so fat?
They eat too much sugar.
>Burgers look unhealthy even if they claim to only eat vegetables.
Eating only vegetables is unhealthy. You need meat too.
>There is something wrong with your food. I need to know what to avoid before I visit USA.
Just avoid processed food and low-quality restaurants. Buy all your food at the grocery and cook it yourself. Cook everything from scratch.
youve never been near an american girl so you dont know what they smell like
fuck off leaf
Americans believe in quantity over quality when it comes to food in general. Think of the recurring joke in American media of the guy going to a fancy, French restaurant, paying $50, and having the waiter present a steak the size of a quarter with a single stalk of asparagus. We, as a culture, don't understand that when we have the amout of wealth we do, we should care more about the quality of what we eat as opposed to how much we eat.
Instead, we just think we're being smart by saving a buck when we buy that combo with increasingly large portion sizes.
Then there's the lack of physical activity and the tendency for people to get fatter as they get older as people don't change their eating habits as they age.
Finally, and most horrifically, is that fat people reproduce and pass on their disgusting habits to their children.
Looks good user. Got a baked ziti in the oven. I appreciate the Sup Forumserludes on Sup Forums.
We don't have kosher food in polish shops, ok?
Hey, if you're too stupid to find a supermarket and prepare a basic meal, I can't help you.
Too few dietary fibres, their diet consists of probably 70% carbohydrates, 20% meat and 10% vegetables, even the bread they eat is just literally white flour and sugar.
Eat foods high in dietary fibres, like beans, rye bread and oatmeal and you dont need laxatives.
I can smell you fat greasy faggots from here.
>white flour
I avoid anything made out of flour. These products give you extra energy but no nutritional value.
>Why do Americans use so much laxatives? I've just heard another laxative commercial on fox.
People like you are retards. Here is a picture for you to drool at.
>Why do Americans use so much laxatives?
Fox News is for people 60-80 who eat like shit and generally are dehydrated and dont move around. We have no laws banning direct pharma adds to consumers.
> Is the food poison?
That depends, avoid soya and corn maize while you are here
This. They need HFCS sales to prop up corn prices.
I think it has to do with fox having mostly seniors as their customers
Just avoid carbs, and and processed shit. It's not that hard.
But I love carbs! Plus they are cheap and filling.
how to avoid hfcs?
I will try to survive on potatoes, onions, beans and fish. Are fish expensive in the mainland?
The US is one of the most over medicated nations.
ouch buddy
don't drink soda, and examine the ingredients list of foods you buy.
if you eat fast food or at 99% of restaurants you won't avoid it, you have to cook at home from scratch using ingredients you diligently examine the labels for to avoid it completely
stop subsidizing corn that's processed into it
anything other than feed corn shouldn't be cheap
The more you eat the faster you will die. Energy production produces free readicals that damage your DNA. To live over 100 you need to feel a little hungry all the time. Eat exaclty how much you eat and avoid storing fat. Cumming also makes you die faster. Don't matrurbate.
>Are fish expensive in the mainland?
depends on where you go
Anyone got any simple Sup Forums approved recipes for a single NEET?
nigger what the fuck is in that pan?
the problem is that you like most eurofags have a caricature of an american the media has built up in your head. when you come here you'll see most of us are not constipated land whales inhaling spray cheeze.
we have dank food, some ppl can't handle themselves, that's all.
>some ppl can't handle themselves
Maybe you are paying too much money to people who can't control themselves?
You see commercials for laxatives and other disgusting shit because you watch a news channel targeted at old people who have fucked-up bowels.
Our food as other Anons have said is largely H.F.C.S., because the corn lobby has control of our agricultural policy and therefore we pay farmers to grow a thousand cubic fucktons more corn than the world needs. As a result HFCS blows every other kind of carb out of the water from an economic standpoint because they practically give the stuff away. Anything that can be made with HFCS will be made with HFCS. This is why everything kind of sort of tastes like everything else, and why hipsters pay so much money for food without HFCS as a delicacy.
This also contributes to the poverty culture in the Turd World because the natives stand in line for all our extra food rather than learning to farm.
Cancer epidemic is a myth. Cancer rates go through the roof in parallel with life expectancy (and smoking).
He's saying people lack self control, and eat junk food everyday instead of in moderation.
Our food really is shit here. Nasty processed meats and milk with growth hormones. Buy everything you can from local farm markets and don't drink soda.
>Why do Americans use so much laxatives?
I'd be willing to bet it's related to the amount of people on prescription painkillers, they clog up your shit factory.
the amount of money spent on ads for indigestion, heart burn, antacids, general digestive issues is pretty crazy
It's become totally normal to ignore your body.
Your body is giving you every sign that says "STOP EATING THIS TERRIBLE FOOD", but hey,,just take this pill and force it through XD
Get a crock pot senpai. Look for simple crock pot recipes, rice, beans, chicken, potatoes, very basic simple seasonings you can buy in bulk, also your local meat market will have daily deals for meat that must be eaten that day.
Tourist here, thread gave a lot of good answer but I'll add.
>hard to find decent food markets if you're in an average/poor city, good luck buying any vegetables without using your car and go to specific places
>you get triple ration for a few cents in fast foods, or there's always a special offer
>desserts are oversized, the smallest you can take is like 3 times bigger than in Europe
>you can eat hot meals from 6am to 2am in restaurants or self buffets
>bacon for breakfast
Pic related is like 800 calories and so tasty you'll come back everyday.
>Cast iron skillet seared steak
>Brown rice and black beans with steak juice
>Greens of your choice
>1 serving bourbon, vodka or gin. Neat, like a fucking adult
>Ice water with lemon
>I've just heard another laxative commercial on fox.
Why are you watching our TV?
>>bacon for breakfast
Is this uncommon for European countries? Not even bacon specifically, but a meat like ham?
Also we don't have bacon on a normal day for breakfast, it's usually yogurt or cereal or toast.
you can make a mountain of food easily. freeze what you can't eat within a few days.
Hey, I have a deep pot for steaming.
Can I use rain water / snow in it or will the toxins somehow get into my food above?
>Why are you watching our TV?
Because 99% of youtube videos on Trump are shit?
Do you live in place with acid rain like china?
The brits do it but they're fat too, I think their women are close to americans.
Also in eastern Europe but they're active with their bodies and walk more.
Why is the whole world so fascinated with us Americans?
I guess it's because we're the most fascinating and important country in the world. Hurrah for us!
That girl in the middle if probably a fucking monster. I would beg her to marry me even though she works turn me down
Not really, but I live in a city.
I want to recycle water in this pot to save money.
I believe that re heating tap water for example should not make it less effective. Am I wrong? Is there a chance the water will start emitting some chemicals into the steam if I just let it stand and reheat it everyday for a week?
>it's because we're the most fascinating and important country
Nope, you retards pay the most. That's why we want to get there and send the money to our families.
Why not make your own country a success story instead of leeching off of us?
opiods like painkillers cause constipation.
Yes you could use that, though it's tough to control the temp on your stove, and you can't leave something on your stove without monitoring it throughout the day. You can get a really cheap 2 person crock pot on amazon.
Your bankers keep us down.
Whenever we try to get ahead they fuck our shit up. They just cut our rating for electing the "wrong" party for fucks sake.
pic related, its what i usually eat for breakfast just with more blueberries
That is an outrage.
There is something wrong with their food. When I moved there as a child I got fat. I didn't eat any differently than before. When I moved back to Canada I lost the weight.
Why are we so fat?
For one, we have low physical activity levels. Our cities are designed so that you can only get places by car.
For example, my city has a population of 140k people, but it is 15 miles wide and 7 miles long. The fuck are we supposeed to spend an hour or two walking to work?
What about public transportation? On a city like mine is really poor. There are only 14 buses and as far as I know 4 are under repair.
So we don't walk. We just use the car.
Now, what is on our food?
Corn syrup.
>t's tough to control the temp on your stove
So? I use gas stove. As long as I have some water remaining in my pot I don't give a damn it can boil. I have a sense of how much water evaporates in what time now. I've gained that experienced through experimentation. Of course I will add more water when I get low. The point is to re-use water instead of throwing it out.
That looks dope
these people think that going to maccydees and spending $10 on burger is cheap. They don't realize they could buy a weeks worth of broad beans for $10.
We have plenty of fresh water, you don't need to risk your health by trying to recycle rain water. You're going to get legionella ffs.
>The fuck are we supposeed to spend an hour or two walking to work?
I do that. I walk to my workplace and it takes me around 1,5 hour to get there. I use that time to listen to Stefan Molyneux.
>You're going to get legionella ffs
Bullshit. Legionella can't survive in boiling water.
I already crap four times a day, laxatives are the last thing I need.
I'm sure that there are people who only eat processed filth and plug up, though.
>I already crap four times a day
Not healthy either. Do you drink coffe? Do you smoke? You shouldn't be able to shit so many times if you eat normal portions of food. How do you split 500 of food into 4 shits?
Or let's say it's a 1 kilogram. It takes some time for food to get from your mouth to your asshole.
high processed foods are incredibly cheap here. fresh, healthy food is very expensive. on top of very expensive labor, people who eat the cheaper food because they can't reliably afford better food.
it's unique to the western world, not just the US. the UK and mexico have higher obesity rates, the US tops heart disease from salt intake mostly. there's higher cancer rates is in denmark - it's mostly caused by a combination of sun exposure and water. in order it's Denmark, France, Australia, Belgium, Norway, USA, Ireland, Republic of Korea and The Netherlands. USA, Denmark and Australia is mostly sun exposure, and ROK is from poor overall health. France has high rates from completely contaminated water sources.
Very few Americans walk to work. I drive twenty miles and then sit at a desk for 8 hours. If I didn't force myself to go to the gym for an hour every day I'd look like all the other land whales in my office
portion size you nigger
everything is bigger and better in the USA
>people who eat the cheaper food because they can't reliably afford better food.
Why can't they grow their own food? Raising insects for example is extremely cheap. They can also plant potatoes illegally on some path of land or even on their balcony.
You drive for 32 km just to get to work?
There are no jobs in your home city?
In American society is not as easy. You have to be at work early and leave really late. You will walk unpopulated places and places where is only road no sidewalks. Cars going at 85mph are scary.
It would take me 3 hours to walk to work. I live 10 miles away from my job
That sucks. What about bikes? When I need to go somewhere distant I get on my bike and I'm there in no time. Can people ride bikes on roads in the US safely?
>Why do Americans use so much laxatives?
Because we consume tons of Opiates.
>where is only road no sidewalks
Can't you convince your governor to build bicycle roads or sidewalks next to your existing roads? We have those in Europe. I can't remember the last time when I saw a road with no hardened buffer zone between the ditch and the road.
I've heard it's that since welfare/food stamps only come in once a month, and that's when poor people do their grocery shopping, and that food needs to be able to last the whole month without going bad. The foods that last a month are generally highly processed and full of additives like preservatives, sugars and fats. They also get stuck in a cycle of poor money management where they don't think long term or about the advantages of buying in bulk, so they look at is as "15$ to feed my kids at McDonald's, or 25$ in groceries," without considering how long that 25$ in groceries may last.
Plus, unhealthy processed foods are generally cheaper in the U. S.
don't infest them with our socialism, plox