Why are white women converting to Islam?
Why are white women converting to Islam?
whe people see an strong horse and they see the week one they will say "oh ya that's an EZ choice ya" like me ma used to say
they're fucking retarded
Because white men have become leftist beta cucks.
It is in women's nature to choose the stronger mate. Don't hold it against them, it's your fault for not fighting.
Because Islam has passed women's collective "we want equality" shit test.
White men failed it BTW
Time to start manning up white man. Quit being so goddamned apologetic.
They aren't
Brown skin let's you get away with being dominant and successful.
If you are white and successful it's because you are white in their eyes.
So even though I'm successful with a wife and house I have heard ethnics say it's because I'm white. It has nothing to do with the fact that I spent 10 years working for myself and building a business.
Because the white men surrounding them are cuccbois fapping to traps and playing pokeymans instead of slapping their shit for their insolence which they crave from an Arab wifebeater.
You can't call feminists women
They want to reject degeneracy and accept a better lifestyle that fulfills and empowers them
She's had so much dick in that pussy only osama is brave enough to hide that cave.
heres your precious christchan
Women play for the winning team
Because its lovely jubbly.
Gets more attention when you camwhore.
>converted in her mid 20s
That's just one example m8
Fucking seriously though this is the goddamn answer
How does changing religion change your skin colour?
This is the sad truth.
Do women really want a limp wristed numale, or do they want someone with actual testosterone?
I saw one at McDonnald today while I was eating my chicken nuggets. I had a coupon for a buy one get one free for the 10 piece. She was fat and was with another women not sure if they were lezbos.
Islam makes men into men, and it's untouchable.
Hitler himself said Christianity was proto-Communism, and that Islam's imperialist nature was more suited for the Aryan race.
White men must convert to put women in their place and take over the world again.
The hardcore SJWs do it because they see the west as evil and their motive is basically just to stick it to evil whitey.
Meanwhile there are other women who still want to have traditional gender roles and feel lost in modern western society where those have been almost completely eradicated, so they join a death cult as it seems like the only option.
To dismantle the FUCKING WHITE MALE patriarchy by joining an actual patriarchy.
I think they're just getting sick of feminism desu.
Because they hate feminism, women can't handle the same responsibility over their lives as men, they are biologically not adapted to it, it's why more and more women become depressed and suffer from massive anxiety, they really can't handle the pressure.
Islam offers an easy way out, as long as you find yourself a muslim man to marry, he will be in charge of your entire life, free of any stress, press and responsibility.
>tfw no white muslim waifu
>submit to sandniggers
>submit to degeneracy
Generations of being in the same region acting and reproducing in a certain manner equals race
i've never seeen a white girl wearing hijab
maybe they're wearing burqa?!
what are the white muzzies using to find dates? tinder?
Because women are masochists. 50%+ of women fantasize about rape.
Here is a video about a famous Norwegian radical feminist, which all should see: youtube.com
It's some people from an "arab country" asking her to "progressively" (lul) cover up her western sinful nature:
- cover up her sinful neckline
- put on a hijab
- hide her face
- remove sinful lipstick
- it gets better
>t. mohamed
They're not, fuck off JIDF. You're getting a little too obvious.
I know this feel
Because the ones that are converting are fucking stupid.
>tfw no cute demure muslim waifu
Because they want to be beaten
oh well it's for the best.
whenever i pray as mosque, all the men look at me because i'm the only white guy, ever.
i don't want to marry into a family to be the nigger.
You won't be submitting if you become the sultan. Better than a Christcuck.
They realized womens liberation was a mistake and instead of admitting they were wrong they are going full circle straight to Islam
Just end my life senpai
You could marry an orthodox Christian or somehow find a white virgin and convert her if you want to
if you were to degenerate to be the stupidest person you could ever be, wouldnt it be easiest if you were doing so as a white woman? Especially a somewhat attractive white woman. Think about it. You'd have the most sexual market value that could cut off any need for any other development. You'd go mad with pusi power when you could get anything you want with just a little whoring or teasing.
They only look because its different. They probably think youre from the caucus or something.
In my experience Muslims are more open and inviting to people like us since they want to make converts feel at home.
Ive had like 3 pakistani dudes ask me to meet their daughters because they always see me at fajr and apparently thats all it takes lol
can someone plz make muslims4chan.com and get me a waifu
because Islam is obviously the One True Religion
I wouldnt mind an asian one either desu
Kyrgyzstani women are hot AF
I just came here to post that I hate women in general.
Robowaifus can't come soon enough
and he upheld it to the end. what a statist, lol.
It burns me up how they take the best ones too.
white people on the front wow are the jews behind this race mixing?!?!?!
This. They are fucking idiots. I wonder why they even bitch about women's rights.
>there arent white muslims
Because people who use sites like these are almost entirely men, and the blonde blueeyed white woman is the trophy of the world.
They are marking themselves
People ITT don't realize Indonesia is Asian and has the largest Muslim population in the world.
Instead they base everything on the KKK of Muslims in the form of extremist groups on TV
Thank the Jews for this
I've met one swede woman who converted to Islam and went full sharia.
They are often ugly women with huge mental disorders who never managed to get a white man. She probably saw this mudslim she met as her only way of getting children and a family.
She was highly educated but her man forced her to be a stay at home mom while he drived cab for a living, she had.3 kids and they all had Islamic names. Her man called her all the time to keep track of what she was doing when he was not at home or with him.
Oh and she learned how to speak Arabic for her husband and only spoke Arabic with her children. It was like meeting the ultimate Sup Forums nightmare.
The khans are sandniggers, let's not digress now
lol islam is the religion of the devil
the jews dont need to make islam look bad
The types of Muslims that emigrate are retarded poor people and that's what you get in all these host countries
Not bad
What all 3 of them?
It does make it more simple doesn't it......
Actually, you don't see that the type of Muslims that emigrate are all poor and uneducated.
Educated and rich "Muslims" don't even practice their religion. Just like "Christians" that only go to church every Christmas but that's about it.
If you go around to Malaysia and Indonesia, people smoke weed and drink alcohol but call themselves "Muslims"
What the West is receiving are KKK-tier Wahhabi/Salafi/Sufi Muslims
>while I was eating my chicken nuggets. I had a coupon for a buy one get one free for the 10 piece.
How is ^this^ relevant?
She looks more happy on the left.
indonesia muzzies been AQ 4 decades
deep down they want to be controlled. whats better control then a deity?
> the only Muslims you see are the horrible ones
Well okay, I might even agree with you but how is this supposed to impact my life? What do I care if the Muslims at the North Pole are chill people that love to party when the ones arriving here beat women with hoses for exposing their ankles?
Islam itself is a convoluted degeneracy that lets anyone 'interpret' the word of God and can enable people to act on that. Hitler was weak and did not see the truth of Christianity and the unbridled force of reason and faith.
Because women always want virile barbarian cock
Because OP is a faggot
It's just another form of self-destructive behavior. The core reasons are the same as why some chicks are found shooting heroin in the toilets of a biker bar by the time they're 16, with seventy piercings, tattoos, STDs and teeth missing.
Because they want to be dominated apparently. Women's attitude toward Islam is what made me realize the feminists were lying.
Women will do anything the TV tells them to do.
No shit feminists are lying. Islam is medicine and degeneracy is cancer.
No Muslims should be genocided.
This is why
I'm sick
My aunt is only about 10 years older than I am. She has gone through 3 serious relationships in her life (two kids from two different fathers among them). Every time she's almost effortlessly changed everything about herself to mirror the man she's with.
The first one was a musician so she got into the kind of music he made (very esoteric), becoming like the queen of the scene.
The second was really into bodybuilding (about as far from the first as you can imagine). So she did too. She sounded like she swallowed the misc board at bb.com.
The third was a Bosnian Muslim. She effortlessly transitioned yet again and "converted." It will end like the first two, because nobody really respects someone that agrees with everything you say and mirrors everything you do uncritically. (You'd still fuck them, though.)
I dont get it, is it some white girl dressed up as an arab?
I will reign
I'm sick
They have the cuckette gene
Call me George w Bush
I like how Femen created new pornography (which is even more hardcore than most of what people fap to) just by being arrested.
I think its pretty hot as well
wow. a sample of 1. so persuasive.
>In gay we trust
kek what is this retarded slogan?
If this is how Europeans treat feminists, when Muslims take control it will be....beautiful.
They were protesting the church's stand on homosexuality by attacking priests while nude.
>Islamaphobe for +1 lefty defence
>Still get to do all sorts of actually fucked up shit that lefties hate
Invulnerable when not in presence of Trump
Just another item in a long list of stupid things that white women can be convinced to do. It's like turkeys celebrating thanksgiving.
>They were protesting against freedom
They aren't.
Half of the "white ones" you cuck shills post are bosnian mudshits to begin with.
Kill yourself.