Redpill on Moloch.
What is the origin of his worshipers, and who worships him today? Why he is commonly associated with the (((elites))) of society?
Redpill on Moloch.
What is the origin of his worshipers, and who worships him today? Why he is commonly associated with the (((elites))) of society?
made up ancient deity that Sup Forums LARPs over in jest.
pls no smite
One of the oldest gods, kinda evil, very powerful. I believe he is from the Canaanites and people have been sacrificing children to him for success in life. Not sure why the jews still worship him.
The other key figure here is Minerva, who is even more powerful. I don't know much about her because there is so much different folk lore in many different cultures
>literally a bull prepping cult
I believe it was thing that Dark Enlightenment made up.
Basically because having tyanny kids is such a "status enhancing" thing with liberals, we compared it to Moloch, where you sacrifice your children to get status with other elites.
Now you chop off their dicks, but once you oven roasted them. Either way, you're following Moloch, a god which sacrifices your children so you can be more "holy."
It seems like some of the elites unironically worship him.
It is an evil god revered by the Canaanites. (bull god obviously).
What is REALLY fucked up is that apparently one of the ceremonies where people would worship Moloch involved taking newly born babies and placing it on the brass figures hands and literally "Sear" the flesh off of the infant - the result would be the skin stretched over the babies face, causing a grin like smile which ancient peoples saw as a sign of favor.
He's Nimrod who started god-king worship. He and his wife started the Mystery religion which is the basis for all occult groups.
This series explains everything.
>Redpill on Moloch.
Some imaginary shit tier 3rd rate wannabe deity worshipped by retarded """elite""" and """celebrities""".
Such false idols are powerless before KEK.
fetus eaters
Probably some kool-aid cult shit
a giant faggot
Jews basically telling the one true god and his son to go fuck themselves and instead worshiping this Canaanite deity who takes offerings in the form of holocausting babies. Also, look up about blood libel. They practically do this for gaining spiritual power, long lasting youth and stuff like that. Basically occultism and demon worshipping.
Kek is the one true god , ignore moloch
>One of the oldest gods,
not even close, but pretty old, Chinese culture is way older, Moloch is late Egypt
MOLOCH was the mighty, gluttonous god. He bestowed his bounty upon mankind, but he wished a taste of all that he gave. Moloch gave only to be gifted in return. There was no altruistic hypocrisy in his little divine circle. He was not saving the world; he was not serving mankind. He cared for neither the praise nor the glory that others might give him.
Moloch was a fierce, self-satisfied, masculine god. He defied the weaker sex even in love. He had no women himself, nor did he wish his worshipers coming to his temple to trail their women along. He wanted none of their weakness, gentleness, delicacy, or romanticism. He was the god of muscle and belly. If cannibals were looking for a god, none could please them so much as Moloch, and Moloch could wish himself no better class of worshiper.
His temple was out in the open, far from city or village with their polished ways of living. It was an immense, low structure with an enormous figure of Moloch at its end. Like the modern industrial plant with its towering chimney rising to the clouds,. the god himself appeared before his worshippers—a colossal giant of a man with a bull's head and tremendous virile power. His arms he held outstretched as if he were forever demanding sacrifices. There were seven huge mouths to his belly, all appropriate receptacles for the offerings that might be brought to him.
>He and his wife started the Mystery religion which is the basis for all occult groups.
no not even close, other gods and mystery religion cultures going on way before he ever showed up
The figure of Moloch was cast in bronze and merged with a large furnace that served as its pedestal. Whatever was fed to the god immediately landed in the fiery oven. Moloch the glutton would take no chances with his priests who might put away a sacrifice for themselves or share with him the fat of the land.
As the sun was setting, the worshipers left their homes and wives, and, loaded with sacrifices, they betook themselves to the warm abode of their god. While they were on their way, a huge fire was being prepared in the pit of the furnace, and as they entered the temple, flames reflected through the bronze figure of the divinity. Cold, cruel, and metallic Moloch had become incandescent, aflame with the fire of life. Moloch was the fire that does burn the bush and everything else; he was the fire that devours.
As the tongues of flame shot through the monstrous figure, the worshipers yelled for joy. They danced about it, emitting terrific cries and, in frenzy, hurled whatever they had into the mouths of the fiery god. There may have been products of the soil, fruits of the farm, a calf or a sheep, even a cat or a dog. One may have thrown his own cloak into the gaping mouth when he had nothing else to give.
When the signal was given, the eunuch priests of Moloch marched into the temple and about the radiant figure. They came to serve this cruel, relentless god, as the priestesses paid homage to a goddess more loving and generous.
While the fair sex was excluded, sexual passion persisted and seemed all the more fired because of the absence of women; and beautiful, beardless young men, their bodies soft and fragrant from the use of oils and perfumes, sold themselves to the adorers of their god, depositing on the altar of the idol the money thus earned. Within the temple, too, there were dogs trained for the same purpose and the coins received from the rental or sale of these animals, called the "price of a dog," went to the priests of Moloch.
Let sleeping gods lie user.
Especially hoary angry middle eastern gods.
While the fair sex was excluded, sexual passion persisted and seemed all the more fired because of the absence of women; and beautiful, beardless young men, their bodies soft and fragrant from the use of oils and perfumes, sold themselves to the adorers of their god, depositing on the altar of the idol the money thus earned. Within the temple, too, there were dogs trained for the same purpose and the coins received from the rental or sale of these animals, called the "price of a dog," went to the priests of Moloch.
The eunuch priests constituted a caste or sect with their own rites of initiation. These were held at night in the depths of the forest. There, in the heat of frenzy and stirred by wild music, they gashed their own bodies and ran about with blood streaming from their wounds, falling over each other as they did so.
Women were excluded from this sheer masculine world of Moloch and his tribe. But the wives of the Molochites clamored for a god and for Moloch. The husbands would have none of it, but the high priest of Moloch knew better. He saw additional revenue for the temple with a sect of women doing for themselves what the men had been doing alone.
Thus women, too, came to serve Moloch. They had their priestesses, who prostituted themselves to the women worshipers as the eunuch priests did to the males. The priestesses dwelled in gay colored tents about the temple of Moloch, burning incense, playing soothing music, and preparing love charms and potions.
Both men and women danced about the blazing Moloch, two human races with no direct emotional contact, yet not without some influence upon each other. For the frenzied desire of the women for their priestesses reflexively aroused the passions of the men for the objects of their love.
checked, praise kek
Such as? Nimrod is pretty early.
When the women came to offer their sacrifices, they cast into the devouring belly of Moloch whatever there was upon them or within their arms. The greater the sacrifice, the more exaltation the devotee derived. In the heat of her ever-increasing passion, she brought the greatest sacrifice a mother could offer. It was then that Moloch first tasted the flesh and blood of the infants thrown within him by mothers gone mad with desire.
Moloch was the contrary god. he was contrary to all the refinements that human society had developed in its march of civilization. He was contrary to human nature in love and sex. In Moloch, man revolted against his better self. In Moloch, he turned his face on his own humanity. He quickly ran down the ladder up which he had struggled so hard to ascend.
Now, he's back.
This is interesting indeed.
As I understand another name is Baal, this means bonefire in börk.
Now they holocausted children goyim children there. The gold calf thing you remember?
But it's ages ago. They considered this a form of bloting.
The strange thing it appears we have a link to this up here, other than the word there. We used to blot too. Both by blood and fire as here. I won't larp the blood part again, you find that in easter with kikes and in shitslam one time a year too.
Anyways we considered this bloting, but here it was all about
>women and children out, men stay inside and burn alive or come and fight
when we set their houses on fire and surrounded it yelling that up there. The ones burned up where considered holcausted and went to valhalla.
One king did this to him self, as he had been calling in for meeting and trapping people like this to gain turf. Many kings then. So they all came for him, and he had no choice, he holocaust him self and his wyfu to avoid being carved eagle on.
He did not want this.....
>They broke your ribs like this
>You where hung up so your lungs fell out the back side
>Slowly passing away, greasing for air
few could do this.
To carve eagle or "orneklaffer" how the hell I can anglo that I dunno. Blood eagle too might be possible as image says, but I don't remember. IT had several names. Rewritings, they loved that. Like calling a boat a sea horse etc
one must know their enemy
passing through the fire
Nimrod is literally right after the flood. It's pretty fucking old.
Planned parenthood clinics are shrines to moloch
The Talmud gives instructions on sacrificing kids to Moloch you can't sacrifice your own you have to sacrifice someone else's child but others can sacrifice your child for moloch
Worshipped by the canaanites and edomites. Also by the very early Israelis, until god told Abraham that human sacrifice (especially bby) was total shit and that his people don't do it.
King Solomon allowed it to continue for his wives because LOL multicultural acceptance
Planned parenthood is the temple of moloch, johnathon Soros funds the abortion lobby in the u.s.
God specifically commanded to Not sacrifice or worship to him
Someone please Photoshop the planned parenthood logo on this pic.
But Moloch is the same as Baal right?
Incidentally Tyr here also means ox, but is not connected to this. Another sacrifice we did early on in the bronce age, which we do not have written accouts for is these people that were bogged, and you find like in mint condition lol
Like in one case in denmark a farmer was clear a bog for "torv" then he uncovered what he believed was the corpse of a new murder, got panic and called the police.
>They started wondering about the clothing and coloring
turned out to be thousands of years old
>Just sliding an example, we do not much about this. Some of these scholars talk about spring. And they all had certain seeds and stuff in their belly.
All over norther europe, uk here and esp dk
dunno if predates Odin or not, if it was a vanic custom that was broken... zzszszzzs.. you can find this called bogmen or something, lit thousands of em sacrificed all over
>There were seven huge mouths to his belly, all appropriate receptacles for the offerings that might be brought to him.
That explains this picture.
Snow nuggets worshipping nature because they are ignorant is forgivable.
Moloch and those Aztec gods demanded child sacrifice, sad!
And modern (((humans))) continue this abominable practice. They are literally sacrificing to old testement demons
Cant you feel us, fellow cow worshiper?
more tits for grabbing i guess
Kek is real, Moloch has no power over the eldritch God of primordial chaos
Reporting In.
DISCLAIMER: This is a roleplaying post. OP is a LARPer. All posts made under this username are for entertainment purposes only.
A clever person will see this and make some connections.
Spread the word dude.
>the spider on the US dollar, which has only been in circulation sense 1965, proves that the swedes invaded Italy
My god it all makes sense
Not swedes, it's the flag of Verona. It is Italian, you have it backwards. The Italians invaded the Swedes perhaps. I see this as a family flag, a provincial flag. People move. Especially given hundreds of years and massive land wars.
A brief history of Moloch with Professor Racist (KJV).
Late Bronze Age: Exodus of Moses and Jews from Egypt proceeding slowly because of degeneracy. God has to tell basic kike not to sacrifice his children like a heathen.
Leviticus 18:21 “And thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Molech, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God: I am the LORD.”
Exodus intensifies. Jews still in desert. Basic kike continues to kill his children for the glory of satan. God has to tell Moses that you are dead to him unless you put down any degenerate who messes with a kid.
Leviticus 20:2-5 [Too long to post. Look it up] Also to kill witches, faggots, etc. etc.
Iron Age Kingdom of Judah: King Solomon engages in basic kike faggotry and allows the Sand Niggers to build in Jerusalem.
1 Kings 11:7 “Then did Solomon build an high place for Chemosh, the abomination of Moab, in the hill that is before Jerusalem, and for Molech, the abomination of the children of Ammon.”
The Ammonites and Moabites were sand nigger achmeds that worshipped everything that scared them. Because they were basic sand niggers who are useless at everything their idols were rocks. MLK (Moloch) is goatfucker for Kang. The Kang of the Rock collection at Mecca was the only one they didn’t throw out when Prophet Achmed made his deal with Moloch. So these fucking degenerates still march around it. A lunar deity originally, and these dumb cunts still fetishise the moon.
Why a bull? Next time you look at a crescent moon imagine that you are looking at the horns of a giant fucking sky bull.
Modern day: Spirit cooking intensifies in KSA and trendy liberal social circles…
>absolutely degenerate
no surprise here then
Any connection with Molach and ancient Mesopotamia, specifically the winged god ashur?
>moloch is a giant fag that likes getting facials and won't swallow
someone post that planned parenthood infographic with all the fucked up connections to the occult
i wish i'd saved this other anons text a while back, describing how messed up it is how we talk about abortion. doctors and mothers, sworn to protect life, ripping life out of the womb all in exchange for a few brief moments of vaginal ecstasy
Most pagan gods are based around Nimrod and his family, with Nimrod almost always represented as a sun god and/or chief god. His wife, Semiramis, is almost always the wisest due to her being the main architect of the Babylonian Mystery.
Ashur is also the name of one of Nimrod's relatives but that is likely a coincidence as the deity itself bares more resemblance to Nimrod himself.
im not really down with sacrificing children but how do i go about summoning demons to sell my soul for money n sheeit
This is part 1 of a series of many vids. This is the ultimate redpill.
and why does everyone think gods the top god? i think evil is stronger than good so im gonna side with my nigga moloch
Well neither were most people so that's why about 700 years ago the church changed their ways and instead of outright child sacrifice for harvesting their souls, the clergy decided raping the child served the purpose equally well. This was when the codified and organized rape of children began to take hold in the western churches and persists still to this day.
It is perhaps the most dangerous thing a parent can do today, leave their child in the custody of clergy, specifically cloistered celebrate Catholic priests. the real percentages of abuse would probably boggle the mind and as the cycle of abuse manifests the size and scale of these soul sacrifices does too. Spooky, the world of "religion" since common sense and reason can be thrown into the trash any time some psychopath decides so! And nothing attracts psychopaths like a church.
Inquisition WHEN
>Edgy: the post
I'm sorry that your youth pastor diddled you, but the one true god condemns anyone who harms a child.
Mark 9:42
"If anyone causes one of these little ones--those who believe in me--to stumble, it would be better for them if a large millstone were hung around their neck and they were thrown into the sea.
Hillary med files TCF HRC CTR DNC DCCC SAP wiki leaks bohemian grove guccifer moloch jews illuminati freemasons spirit cooking pizza ring blood spinning keep digging I'm just trying to get information out
Blood eagle is how I've heard it
Aside, that image describes the sensation of heartbreak much more accurately than the phrase "heartbreak" itself. I remember six years ago it felt like my lungs had been pulled out through my back.
The President Elect of the United States may have some different feelings on that.
The "god" (demon) is most likely being appeased today by the massive number of abortions in the US and other nations
i.e. Abortion is child sacrifice
Moloch is a Canaanite/phonetician god that is traditionally associated with child sacrifice. Also was the patron god of Carthage. After the romantic movement, he became very much tied to the idea of ultimate sacrifice for power.
>Who worships him? Why?
Well, the big problem that most people never quite get is that the occult is popular in elite circles because it's a strong form of bonding.
When you're laughably wealthy, the only thing you really absolutely need is loyalty. In essence, you can't really buy loyalty from those who you depend on in cash. So, you trade favors and mutual protection. Likewise, you have rituals and occult ceremonies because it creates a secret between the members and because the more shocking or ostracizing it is, the more it creates a loyalty between them. I.e., we're all in this together.
>Jews and Moloch
Jews don't worship Moloch, but hashem/el/adonai are all titles that can be applied to false gods and idols that were tossed out of canaan.
There really isn't an association, but y'know, when in Sup Forums it's always Jews.
the moon is held between the horns
Something like this its a method of inititation so that trust can be built, kinda like faction grinding in rpgs.
Im not even sure if they actually believe in the gods, but the occulting rituals seem to be kept quite well
Kek cucked moloch that's for sure