Is there a chance for any place in this continent to be first world by 2030?
Is there a chance for any place in this continent to be first world by 2030?
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Not while black people are there
If the white masters move in, then progress might actually be made. At least until another civil rights movement...
chile seems to be doing okay, but first world in 13 years would take a miracle
I don't see why not for pieces of it, like Chile. Maybe south Brazil if it balkanized. Stranger things have happened, post roman empire, Britain was the deepest darkest backwater of Europe.
maybe the southern cone
Only Chile and Argentina, maybe.
Not while Brazil is still there shitting up the place for everyone else.
>What is Chile?
>What is French Guiana?
Southern Argentina, literally Nazis live there
When we annex it to become one America
Then beaners will drop the "you can't call yourself Americans, the Americas are continents not a country"
We'll show you
With fascism, anything is possible.
>post roman empire, Britain was the deepest darkest backwater of Europe.
Then Ireland reconverted it to Christianity and education/literacy.
>Le chile meme
if chile is so good, why they keep electing lefties cucks
That right there is your problem user, the masses always vote for an easy life filled with stuff they can't afford. A nation needs discipline, frugality, and an iron will, tempered only with a Christian heart.
Well Argentina's a white country so anything's possible.
Blacks are minority
Maybe in 2030 A.T. (after Trump)
They'd just become part of the electorate and cuck us all
>Then beaners will drop the "you can't call yourself Americans, the Americas are continents not a country"
This is actually an argument put forward by libtards trying to destroy a sense of American identity. Very few central and south americans identify themselves as "Americanos"
Chile is being filled with commies like our useless president Bachelet :(
She's has less than 20% aproval rate
2030? Not a chance
Some small areas inside specific countries maybe able to do it, but not in large scale
Yes, they can. Even Venezuela can become first world country by that time. But not Brazil, Brazil is trash.
We have leftist on steroids down here. It is infuriating, frustrating.
Chile, Argentina, Uruguay and parts of Brazil have a decent shot.
The only place that white people are found frequently in Latin America is southern Brazil
The seapratists movements only grows in the south of Brazil. I live in São Paulo and I'm in favor.
If Venezuela ever abandons the thing that's destroying it, then I could seen them aging first world the fastest. Well before 2030.
Is Chile trash? I might move there but I don't know a single thing about it. Well, expect for homicide rate, that's the first thing I check about America countries.
everywhere without oil/gas/minerals/metals will be a better country than the USA by 2030
>The only place that white people are found frequently in Latin America is southern Brazil
not true
middle class chileans live in properly called houses, russians live in apartments shared by another 1000 persons
Chile is like Eastern Europe (Ukraine)
Protestant America #1 in practice and theory.
The problem is corruption (see Acemoglu and Robinson)
The elites control everything. They have too much political power, mostly banks and natural resource industries. Even cab companies have too much control over cities (they are at war with Uber). There's little room for innovation and there aren't incentives to start a business since the government will cripple you out with taxes that they are going to take for personal and special interests.
Fuck this hell hole.
Stay out of black urban areas and the US crime rate drops dramatically.
MAYBE Chile.
you mean poland
Why not? Where is the data? Want to know more than a native? Just warning that more than 90% of the population lives outside the capitals
Having mestizos does not mean that do not have whites.
I do not care about this race thing, but it's easier to find whites in southern Brazil than in Uruguay and Argentina. At least where I walked.
only if they become white
Weak bait.
Brazil will only get worse.
French Guyana
All these whites walking around in the South.
South Africa maybe.
If you come to the better parts of Santiago you will live like a king.
Southern Chile is pretty based too, you'd like it.
Only whites in SP too.
Do you want to compare a capital? It's the same thing as I take a street in central London and say that it represents the UK
Mute the video before watching.
Chile could
Looks like Santiago is Bizarro Bogotá.
This place is a piece of shit
Santiago is Bizarro Chile
>burger education
South America has a problem with education
It's Universities don't rank high at all and alot of it's citizens don't see the value in education...yet
It has time and abundant resources. They need to protect the amazon though (hippie fag here)
you're literally retarded the main problems are a shitty gene pool and the drug war, institute a eugenic policy and legalize drugs and you'll make remarkable progress in 50 years.
Protect the Amazon? Why has Europe not protected native forests? Why the US cleared native forests?
We must not protect the Amazon. The protection of the Amazon is financed by world powers, along with indigenous demarcations. The areas demarcated in Brazil pass the size of Germany.
The northern areas of the country are poor precisely because the government is prohibited from building highways, railway lines and farmers can not plant.
Tell me how to build a railway line in the north of the country?
The drug war is not a problem faggot. We could develop our economy even with ilegal drugs and guerrillas. The problem is corruption.
Fucking Canadians.
40 years ago we were a safe 80% white and drug war was non-existent. We were still shit so your theory is shit
>the government will cripple you out with taxes that they are going to take for personal and special interests.
Here we just flat out don't pay it.
In fact, only 30% of the population pays any kind of taxes.
For all intended propursed, we are pic related
Why does not the government prohibit the planting of drugs?
The production of marijuana and cocaine in Brazil is practically nil, we only receive.
>2030 is less than 15years away
>we are closer to 2030 than 2000
Chile/Argentina MAYBE by 2050
You voted for politicians from the Foro de Sao Paulo who support drug trafficking and criminality
1980 Japan was of the same level as the current Brazil in terms of income and HDI
Chile, Argentina and Uruguay are going to be better places to live than Europe by 2030, if that's what you're asking.
This proves my point. Perú and Colombia are the exact same country by every metric and index.
Still taxes in Perú are way lower.
None. With the exception of Argentina and Chile the entire fucking continent needs to be systematically exterminated of its "human" population for our own living space. Such a waste of nice fertile and precious land
Is there any chance that the USA will become a first world country by 2030?
>income and HDI
yeah but the nips have a middle class (also class in general)
Or not?
Prove it please.
I hope that Brazil will get better in the future.
It's easy to be already born in a developed country like USA, Canada or any western european country.
If you are born in South America, you started life in Hard mode.
I'm talking about the past, you idiot.
This. We need incorruptible, anti-corruption death squads, so yeah... : /
hit the nail on the head
Could be. But japan is not full of brazilians.
It would be difficult in Africa. It would be in the medium difficulty, would not?
I guess you can do that, but i guess you dont have electricity, warm water, spring water you can drink from, trash removal Company and widespred poverty..
Mayne ancap isnt what its cracked up to be
it wont. You peaked in the 19th century
Yeah, in addition to no middle class you have shit-tier infrastructure and social discipline. The japs had a middle class before the 1980s
Uruguay and Chile seems decent right?
There is if we manifest destiny
It is easy to generalize a country. Uruguay was part of Brazil. I wanted to see how you would be today, idiot.
No user, here we have lots of innovations since the goverment doesn't try to enforce shit. FOr fuck sake, we don't even have an actual PUBLIC transportation system.
All private companies
Totally fucked for sure.
Yes, my country had 3 chances, we will get 2 more but:
Southern Chile is an Utopìa
Welcome to the memeverse google your kidneys.
If they import millions of vials of genius sperm, yes.
Not on 2030, but nearly 2050 Brazil, and maybe Chile, Argentina and Uruguay.
South America has GREAT potencial, and was so rich as the US in the 19th century.
European commie immigrants, soviet subversion and cultural marxism started to destroy our continent in the 20th century, and things get all fucked off in 21st century.
Incredbly, people are starting to revolt against the marxist statist culture and call for free market.
A lot of south american leftist presidents are being deposed and loosing elections, including Rousseff on Brazil.
The most popular guy in Brazil in the moment is a conservative, very similar on Trump on his opinions, Jair Bolsonaro, called the myth and the king of memes.
This mothefucka will be our next president and MAKE BRAZIL GREAT AGAIN.
ps: tell to that russian mothafucka that said brazil's trash that his motha is a fat old communist slut.
Colombia and Peru will be well advanced as well. And I think Paraguay will have a very high per capita GDP if it continues with liberalism
Brazil is hopeless, just immigrate to Argentina at this point.
If you americans let the democrats still having so much influence on culture, in some years America is gonna be a new Venezuela (not so fucked)
It's gonna be pretty similar Brazil's now.
We were GREAT. Lefties destroyed our pretty country.
This warning serves to Europeans too.
My south american friends, why do you give access to computers with dota 2 installed on them to your jungle monkeys? Did we wrong you in some way?
no zika will destroy the population within 5 years. zika has been found to knock out adult stem cells in the brains of lab rats. if the same happens in humans then south america will forever be uninhabitable after a few years
humans have a 7 year cycle for replacing every cell in the body. some tards think the brain magically never changes after birth and you have as many brain cells as you will ever have that moment you are born
this isnt true. you have adult stem cells in your brain and as you grow your head grows and the brain grows. but with no adult stem cells after 3-5 years your going to be suffering from sever impairments since brain cells wont be replaced
We NEED to put Ossandon in charge this year.
I'm not confident though, most of Sup Forums's effort will be aimed at France so we're on our own.