In light of Trump and Brexit, will the left re-evaluate itself or carry on as usual?
In light of Trump and Brexit, will the left re-evaluate itself or carry on as usual?
since you obviously haven't been paying attention, they have been carrying on
I haven't been. Current events have taken a back seat to improving my personal life user.
They have gotten worse, during the bush campaign there were protests and complaints from the left, but this time, Trump hasn't even taken seat at the oval office and they are acting like if the holocaust is gonna happen.
There's been some 'dissenters' have tried to bring light to their failure but on the whole they have kept their heads firmly in the sand if not out right cannibalizing those theirs who try to adapt.
2020 ought to be easy.
Why does somebody have a poop sign?
>2020 ought to be easy.
I agree, they are acting the same way, that made them lose in the first place, and they are too blind, to see it
you have to realize how brainwashed these people are. the average leftist has ~8+ years of nonstop uncritical ideology pumped into their soft fucking heads. They can't mentally deal with reality that doesn't fit their narrative. So no they won't change. The time of the left is dead. We rise now
I wish the US still had people like J. Edgar Hoover, he'd clear up the current shitty attitudes stemming from the left no problem.
Bush was well liked in his first term
Please relearn when using commas are appropriate.
The left will double down. They already started.
There are some who realize where they've gone wrong, but they're being shouted down and called racists and sexists.
Right now the left is devouring itself. It seems like they're going to double down on the identity politics and push more of their own number to the right.
That was because of 9/11 people were salty at the beginning because "muh popular vote"
they've already doubled down on the screaming fits
Carry on as usual. If they do reevaluate themselves, they would be conservatives by now
rev up those planes
Is this for or against the protestors?
Don't you know about shit-gender rights?
>The left will double down
LOL at pic. Barron in the blue hoodie.
This is 1968 and 72... Left does stupid thing, loses, goes even more militant and loses in landslide. Media always hated Nixon too(like Trump).
Oh fuck, can you feel it?
A supermajority Senate and House?
Fuck no. They won't stop until France and Germany have an anti-immigration government. And they'll keep pushing their agenda even then.