Okay, I'm freaking out. The holocaust is looking less and less likely... Can anyone redpill me on this? Preferably with logic or sources?
Okay, I'm freaking out. The holocaust is looking less and less likely... Can anyone redpill me on this...
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checkin those quads
>you will never be an innocent questioning teenager again
As much as I hate to say it as I was always a firm believer in the holocaust, looking at some of the real information about cremation times of a human body, im pretty sure the Germans couldn't have honestly gassed and cremated 6 million jews. Which I guess makes me a revisionist now
They claim 12 million died total if you include Slavs and gays.
>be you
>be a newfag
>start an entire thread on the premise that you want us to do your research for you
>too lazy to lurk in a thread
Gas yourself JIDF
>be calculating, efficient Germans
>want to kill a group of people
>round them all up
In the middle of an extremely costly war on 3 fronts (east, west, north Africa), do you...
>Build camps for the group that you want to kill with swimming pools, movie theaters, soccer fields, and other entertainment while slowly and secretly bringing subgroups of the prisoners into a large homicidal gas chamber with unsealed wooden doors for killing by highly skilled (and highly paid) chemists. Provide food, water, and clothing for millions for months on end, only to kill them when their turn comes.
>simply shoot the people that you rounded up with .22lr rounds, approximately $0.08 per round. Stop providing for them entirely.
The entire story makes no sense.
The people whose killings were planned were shot by Einsattzgruppen. The people that died in camps were being relocated when food supply lines were destroyed. They died of typhus and exposure.
The notion of "efficient German mass extermination" is laughable. Why house and feed your prisoners? Why use such absurd techniques? JUST. SHOOT. THEM.
That's a very good point...
czeched and watch this
No one in their right mind will tell you the Nazis didnt mess the Jews shit up and wanted them gone from Germany, but wasting time and resources rounding up and killing 6 gorillian people when you're at war with half the world is too ridiculous for words.
Just wanted to say, so far, appreciate the folks who are actually responding!
gas was definitely used at some point.
watch the movie Shoah
typhoid was spreading through europe art the time the concentration camps had been made. fact. google typhoid WW2
zyklonB was used to clean contaminated clothing fact. gas chambers marked on tours of concentration camps have been put under scrutiny because they are not air tight and in 1 case has a door that divided top and bottom with a square hole in it and no alterations made according to the people who work there meaning you would gas the jews in a room that would have the gas flooding out into adjacent rooms some of which were for people who worked there cataloging possessions of the jews and cleaning the clothing
many of the alleged concentration camps that used "ovens" have nothing even remotely resembling a incinerator and allegedly they havent been altered since the end of WW2
Read through all of it friend.
You mean the 24 Gorillion guys right?
>Gas chamber is a long room with one door
>Herd all Jews in single file
>Gas dozens of them at once
>Grab a body
>Take it up the elevator
>Put it in the crematorium
>Go back down the elevator
>Repeat a hundred times
>Have to carry the Jews in the back the entire length of the room
That's the power of German engineering.
Well put
Most of the Jews were not gassed, instead, many starved to death, were shot, or were beat to death.
I've seen this picture before, is there a "credible" source for it? Not that I'm challenging it, I just want to see it written by a non-Holocaust denier.
>00 55 77 66
Also, top quality post. It's amazing how few people question the practicality of such a system.
>Holocaust happened
>Not in numbers people think due to nazis burning documents and such
>Probably less than 1 million
>Historians try to check in to it, but then get arrested for Holocaust denial
>So many years of so much drama and fake accounts of survivors
>Hard to tell what exactly happened now because of so much dramatization
Holocaust doesn't hate anything to do with the camps, its about the mass shootings in occupied eastern territories, stormfront hasn't found an answer to those
>The people whose killings were planned were shot by Einsattzgruppen.
And there was a lot of them, lots of people were shot. That's the big hole in the theory that it didn't happen, everyone focuses on the camps and not people like Ohlendorf
>I've read only an abridge version of Churchill's six volume history of the war. There are a few things omitted; for national security reasons he doesn't mention ULTRA or MAGIC, Colossus and the work of Bletchley Park. But I've also heard that in the full six volumes he doesn't dedicate a single sentence to the Holocaust.
>I recall reading a mention of Jews in comparison to the Greeks, Googling reveals a word that could be in reference to the Nazi goal of wiping them out; "Personally I have always been on the side of both,and believed in their invincible power to survive internal strife and the world tides threatening their extinction."
COL. AMEN: How many Einsatz groups were there, and who were their respective leaders?
OHLENDORF: There were four Einsatzgruppen, Groups A, B, C, and D. Chief of Einsatzgruppe A was Stahlecker; chief of Einsatzgruppe B was Nebe; chief of Einsatzgruppe C, Dr. Rasche, and later, Dr.Thomas; chief of Einsatzgruppe D I myself, and later Bierkamp.
COL. AMEN: To which army was Group D attached?
OHLENDORF: Group D was not attached to any army group but was attached directly to the 11th Army.
COL. AMEN: Where did Group D operate?
OHLENDORF: Group D operated in the southern Ukraine.
COL. AMEN: Will you describe in more detail the nature and extent of the area in which Group D originally operated, naming the cities or territories?
OHLENDORF: The northernmost city was Cernauti; then southward through Mohilev-Podolsk, Yampol, then eastward Zuvalje, Czervind, Melitopol, Mariopol, Taganrog, Rostov, and the Crimea.
COL. AMEN: What was the ultimate objective of Group D?
OHLENDORF: Group D was held in reserve for the Caucasus, for an army group which was to operate in the Caucasus.
COL. AMEN: When did Grooup D commence to move into Soviet Russia?
OHLENDORF: Group D left Duegen on 21 June and reached Pietra Namsk in Romania in three days. There the first Einsatzkommandos were already being demanded by the army, and they immediately set off for the destinations named by the army. The entire Einsatzgruppe was put into operation at the beginning of July.
COL. AMEN: Do you know whether the mission and the agreement were known to Kaltenbrunner?
OHLENDORF: After his assumption of office Kaltenbrunner had to deal with these questions and consequently must have known details of the Einsatzgruppen which were offices of his.
COL. AMEN: Who was the commanding officer of the 11th Army?
OHLENDORF: At first, Riter von Schober; later Von Manstein.
COL. AMEN: Will you tell the Tribunal in what way or ways the command officer of the 11th Army directed or supervised Einsatz Group D in carrying out its liquidation activities?
OHLENDORF: An order from the 11th Army was sent to Nikolaiev that liquidations were to take place only at a distance of not less than two hundred kilometeres from the headquarters of the commanding general.
COL. AMEN: Do you recall any other occasions?
OHLENDORF: In Simferopol the army command requested the Einsatzkommandos in its area to hasten liquidations, because famine was threatening and there was a great housing shortage.
COL. AMEN: Do you know how many persons were liquidated by Einsatz Group D under your command?
OHLENDORF: In the year between June 1941 to June 1942 the Einsatzkommandos reported ninety thousand people liquidated.
COL. AMEN: Did that include men, women, and children?
ive manually checked camp by camp a month ago and the locations + the ''death camp'' label are correctly placed.
i havent verified who actually checked them though
I have checked into the argument about cremating speed. It is true that modern ovens don't cremate as fast as german ones, but thats because modern ovens are not allowed to cremate more than 1 body at time. I don't know about the rest though
>Holocaust doesn't hate anything to do with the camps,
Extermination camps are absolutely essential to the Holocaust story.
No one said Jews werent killed, just that 6 million werent exterminated in the way people would have us believe.
Didn't happen. Both the US and Germany had internment camps in WW2. The winner writes the history. The Jews won, using allied soldiers lives. Many many millions. I wish he did gas them, instead he moved them all to Palestine and now we have Israel. Fuck Hitler for losing, he doomed white people for ever.
dat get tho
does your average (((jew))) know the real story?
I wouldnt think so. A lot of them have shit tons of guilt linked to it.
I dont really care if the holocaust happened or not. Theres a problem and it needs solving and the world has run out of excuse cards.
The holocaust is irrelevant. That's what they are afraid of more than anything so just forget about it.
I wonder who's behind this post
David Cole's name really needs to be on this. It's been something like 30 years now and no holocaust historian has ever answered these.
Monica schaffer, the leaf youtube hippie chick, is great for introducing normies to the holohoax. Start your groundgame with her.
00 55 99 44
Yes, the entire State of Israel is founded on the holocaust. If it were revealed to be a lie... well what then?
I'd imagine most would say at this point 'they were born there, so eh?' I don't think they NEED the holocaust anymore for that purpose. It seems now to just be so that we can't question them.
Guise....we're in trouble. The Jew york times told me its up to 20 septagorillion now.
wouldn't it be a good thing if the holocaust didn't happen? are you saying you want millions of jews to be murdered?
that number is supposed to be like, every jew who died under the nazis since they were in power.
Volksdeutsche is the plural of Volksdeutscher
Partially true. Hitler needed money, and he'd already demonized jews, and noone would take them, and they'd shipped their money to out of country banks. Brilliant idea, get the identities of the rich jews from the catholics, stamp #s on their arms so you wont lose track of them, then cut a deal with Switzerland. Give Germoney half, you Swiss keep the other half, and the rich ones and their families disappear. Get money, kill certain jews (the actually guilty ones that came to Germany to exploit everyone and made a bundle off it), use the rest as valuable slave labor and deport them after Germoney rules the world. Win-win, until the fucking allies bombed so hard that the jews couldn't be fed properly and they all starved and got typhus and shit.