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i don't get it... was it "father"?
I don't understand does the tranny consider women small and weak?
oooooh, the "father" is a man that thinks he's a woman, or some shit. okay, so it's her "mother". pure degeneracy
That grandfather needs to convert to Islam and honor-kill his descendants.
or is the child a boy that thinks it's a girl??
What's wrong with their ears?
The child is a boy that wants to be a girl and the dad supports it. The grandfather was being slick encouraging the child to be a man.
Based grandpa.
Daily reminder transgender appeasers are literal child abusers according to pediatricians
Can someone just kill this fucking faggot already so the rest of society can advance?
That'd be really appreciated, thanks.
"Father" is a gendered noun not a pronoun you fucking illiterate
Alright someone post the unedited one
Grandpa is based as fuck.
pic relevant
many such cases!
Well he's not wrong, and neither are the trips.
>even having a a sick person over
My grandpa would've beat the mental illness out of us in this case.
I don't blame feminazis for being annoyed by these psychotic faggots. That is one potential PC conflict we should be exacerbating.
I wanna fuck that frog.
Is it wrong to hate Trannys but like cute boys in dresses?
Im not talking chicks with dicks here, im talking no supplements either.
The thing is - you can just as say to a girl 'grow big and strong like your father' - because the implication is that you want to grow larger, taller and healthier as you get older.
Fuck SJW bullshit.
I recognize that bulge.
no dumbfuck the comic is called assigned male, the kid is gender confused and the cucked dad is supporting this degenerate lifestyle. the grandpa who probably made everything possible for their family to enjoy wealth is painted as an inconsiderate asshole
Kek's wife is not for sexual.
I'm not sure what this comic is suggesting
Is the grandfather in the right because he didnt imply gender, and that the father is actually in the wrong because hes implying women cant be strong? Or is it saying the grandfather is an asshole and knew exactly what he was saying (implying that women are weak, and can never be as strong as men)
Thank you, I was waiting for someone to post this.
the tranny doesn't think women can be big or strong so he takes it as a misgendering insult, therefore the grandfather is in the wrong. the grandfather is supposed to be dumb and ignorant because he wasn't calling the self-insert a boy explicitly.
"it'll make you grow big and strong" isn't even something just told to boys, it's basically the go-to phrase to encourage your kids to eat something regardless of their gender. trannies are idiots but they internalize and obsess over gender roles even more than some Sup Forumsacks
i feel like there should at least 4 other panels to get there
It's because the boy identifies as a girl
am is god-tier
Why would anyone want lady bones? Those things snap like twigs.
this is a fucking new level of autism.
>[current year], where comic strips are too "woke" to even bother with the funny anymore
Humor is a cisnormative social construct
>Its not schizophrenia guys, this is perfectly normal
Not mentally ill! Just differently mental!
The 90's were full of hope.
>progressive liberal freedom-supporter has fists up and is ready to attack traditional man who doesn't even know what the fuck is going on
checks out
How new?
I lol'd
>He's a big guy......for you
I've seen this before but it's so well done I'm still in awe
You could have a sense of humor in the 90's
Watching shit from back then can be down right depressing
A cis white male is suffering, that's all the entertainment you need in lbgt land.
No, that's just you.
I love these cucked dad comics
Fucking hilarious. You guys don't laugh at this shit?
Sorry OP, I tried reading the cartoon but I don't understand retard-reasoning
Woah what a bitch, remembering his diseased son, the nerve.
I know the meme, but not even I fucking recognized the bulge. Not at that size.
This comic is actually the artist's secret fantasy of passing as a real girl for even a minute.
Ace Ventura, I presume?
I just wanna go on adventures with her. She's pretty chill.
Does anyone send these to the original artist? I want to see it have a meltdown.
I fucking love this one. Their faces
That's hilariously creepy and blatantly perverted that he's writing and drawing about a sexually confused little boy
the goat tranny comic
Jesus is that really him?
I love tranny comic threads
Wh-what do you mean user-kun?
>because draw this shit unironically
Girls can't be big and strong and take after their fathers? Wow. Just wow. The shitlord who wrote that comic needs to check xer fucking privilege.
well the AM guy definitely is fucked up in some other ways given how much he uses children to push his messages and sexualizes them in his comics. the other tranny comics just tend to be sad fantasies of them 'tricking' strawmen and having the exact same origin story of wanting to wear a dress and play with dolls when they were 4 and realizing that's the purest essence of womanhood.
hormonal imbalance, mental illness, and propaganda is one hell of a life-destroying cocktail
>tfw you will never drive M4A3E8s against countless commie T-34-85s. Would we have gotten rid of the left menace if we had won? Or would it have been better to die amongst the blood of the human waves of red?
I skipped to the punchline.
>millions of voters don't give a shit about me wahhhhh
This incredible fucking delusion.
Even if Hillary won (She Didn't -CNN) there would still be 10s of millions of voters who don't give a shit about whoever the fuck this person is.
Thats the only fucking bulge like that there is. How can you not recognize it at this point lmao
the eyes
they steal the soul
i can feel them staring at me even when i look away
So, what pisses me off here, is that we're supposed to think 'wow, isn't it rude how this old lady just makes you feel bad at random by thinking you look like the gender you are' Clearly that old lady is suffering, but fuck her right? Your feelings of mental illness trump her grief of losing a child and it is unacceptable that she ever say something like that.
He is clearly a pedophile that wants little boys to dress up like girls
Because being transgender is a sexual fetish for males that want to be fucked like girl
He wants to normalize this behaviour in little boys
He is 100 percent a pedo
>using a controller
what the fuck is she using an xbox?
This person seems to think that trump has roving right wing death squads that exterminate trannys and muds.
Did that father just imply women can't grow up to be brave and strong?
I'm calling child protective services RIGHT NOW!
the author
I can't even laugh at this one, the sheer delusion this cunt has just pisses me off.
>wanting to drive cannon fodder vs actual tonks
Cattle is cattle.
I think the implication was that the person on the right is the old lady's son.