Do you guys work in the private or public sector? What is the level of your education? Just Curious
I attend and work at college.
Mid-30s and never held a job above entry-level or "junior"
Private sector that does a bit of business with the public sector. BS holder.
I'm the president
Government job in the trade sector
the delegates dahnald...
im jewish
hola seƱor Trump, please no wall
Hi trump
ethnically, religiously, or both?
Dual bachelors.
Teaching in private sector.
President Elect*
Otherwise I could almost believe it.
Reply to your dad's post, Baron. We know you're here
Dual bachelors in what?
NASA engineer.
Education & Psych
Final year of my MPA program, on path to become city manager. Doing its for the fun and money. Fuck the citizens.
>have government job
>everyone around me is a drooling retard
>can't get a decent job in the private sector without indebting myself to a bank to pay inflated tuition rates and letting leftist professors shit on me and try to indoctrinate me for 4 years so I can get a piece of paper on it that says "degree"
Such is life in the CURRENT YEAR.
Maybe I'll learn a trade.
>mfw Barron is on Sup Forums
where do you work? HR?
haha nice try FBI
Not for long, Fuck you Obama
Grad student on nip government shekels