Daily reminder that all it takes for a girl to be a millionaire is be a 9/10 IG model
Daily reminder that all it takes for a girl to be a millionaire is be a 9/10 IG model
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so what?
I'd do the same thing if I were her.
To live a millionaire lifestyle before her beauty dries up, yes
To literally have over $1M, ayy lmao
I don't even know who that is.
all it takes for an /pol user to be an Autist is
a keyboard and proxy.
Why do you want a girl who is 9/10 looks, wealthy, can get any man she wants even without anything that makes her remotely interesting about her personality, and ends up getting herself surgery due to her insecurity about her looks. Why you can get a ~4_6/10 average girl, who isn't a dead body in bed, tries her hardest to please you, and performs wifely duties and stays loyal scared you can replace her if you wanted to?
Implying i dont type with my dick no proxy
>attractive people can make money easier
>not pretending to be into the 9/10 girl so you can fuck her until you're bored of her
i know this girl personally. Her name is sierra egan and she lives in malibu. She attends CSUCI university
this is not a daily reminder
you did not remind us of this yesterday
or the day before
and you wont remind us of this tomorrow
Friend, the best sex you will have is when you know you are in full control of her, mind and body.
That sounds creepy as shit man. Dunno who you've been fucking but your arab whores are probably a bit different to Aussie chicks.
because the 4-6/10 girl demands a 10/10 guy and completely ignores men at her level. even getting with superman or whoever would leave her wondering "is this the best i can do and should i settle".
fuck "settling" mentality - it's incredibly demeaning to men.
Woman's only value is her looks and those fade fast. Women are fuckholes, nothing
More, nothing less
Yeah they get the money but they also know why and that they contribute less than nothing to the betterment of society and will likely an hero later on in life we just haven't gotten a full generation through yet but once the pioneers loose their sex appeal it will be kys central, or they are to dumb to be logical and due that in which case I hold no envy as being a brainlet is punishment despite your wealth
>These girls
>Actually rich
It's all an illusion user. How do you think these girls make money? Instagram product sponsorship? That doesn't pay much at all.
No, the truth is behind the camera is a fat rich old dude, and she's sucking his wrinkled cock to fund her lifestyle.
And that's if she's lucky. If she's unlucky, she's getting shit on by old Saudi guys who like putting hummus up her ass.
Here's a fun site where rich dudes on instagram see what these girls will agree to for money.
>A sponsor is a wealthy male, that typically falls into one of three categories: Larry, the hedge fund CEO ; Mohammed, the sheik: or Jamal, the basketball player. Sadly, the glitz and glamour of a sponserettes lifestyle comes with a price tag. Whether it’s being flown to Dubai by Mohammed to be shat on by him and his fellow sheiks, or flying to Vegas with Larry the CEO, these women are being paid for pussy. These sponsorettes are glorified prostitutes with malnourished brains and nothing to offer but two holes and a large derrière
she just wants lunch user
Daily reminder that all of these Instagram """"""""""models"""""""""" are literal prostitutes who get shit (actually defecated on) on by rich Arab men for designer bags. Dozens of famous Instagram models have been exposed by tagthesponsor, in addition to a number of other sites. Just google "Dubai porta potty" and read what you find if you want to be completely redpilled on rich Arab culture, western women, social media and low-level fame. This shit is basically the pizzagate for adult women. This is who the average western high school/college aged girl is looking up to these days.
Surely, the world needs to be reminded daily. How else will they know?
My cousin is a professional model and she told me she gets between $600 and $1200 for one instagram photo advertising a product
>*locked up cousins screaming in the background
>Limited to western woman
Asian and Russian woman included
have you fucked her?
Why is the assumption that she's bad in bed if she's hot? lol jealous fatties
You would know a lot about that, wouldn't you Prince Abdul Mohammed Achmed bin Jafar al Saud?
vintage boner
She probably got a couple grand for this
Havent seen any posting like that from angie varona or helen owen
why do men consume this """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""content""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" whats the point if you can't touch it?
dont mean to go full mgtow but seriously, are mens minds this warped? They actually want to see more of what they can't have.
Pierce may have fallen for the female jew, but we shall not
Who is she? 9/10?????
That is a 10/10 if I've ever seen one
poor pierce. bond deserves only the best waifus.
He went the safe route, get her fat and still remain attractive so she doesn't cheat
Sierra Skye if anyone's interested.
Great plan, when he could just stay single and bang >8/10 forever. and he already had a son
Do you have any idea how competitive modelling is?
And it's not just looks and controlling your weight, or being willing to sexually service the right people (and yes, there are many wannabe models who will do that, and you're competing with them), it's fighting your way into an agency, it's always showing up when they want you, it's always being ready to set your personal plans aside and travel, it's knowing when to get along with people and knowing when to possibly cost them a job because their incompetence is going to ruin your performance, it's being able to make convincing, genuine facial expressions for hours, etc.
It's hard work, and the likely outcome is to get fucked by a few sleazeballs who lied to you and end up working as a waitress forever.
butthurt and bitter 3/10 fat roastie detected
If I were her, I'd sniff my own butt all the time.
i have trouble with this method because my large penis presses multiple keys at once.
He'd have given up most of his fortune
I wonder if Angie Had a bad experience with modeling, he's pretty well known online yet he doesn't seem to know to how capitalize on her looks
Used to have a folder full of her but I lost it in a HDD crash
idk, she's like 7/10 for me, nothing stunning about her.
This is all new stuff?
Man that's a 10/10 body
It's all her stuff
Is that Stacy
Daily reminder that it's your fault women can become famous by not being fat and ugly and you should get off your ass to improve yourself if you ever want to get one to love you
Nice boyfriend she has there
Yeah, lemme lose 5 lbs and get some IG models number