Will America collapse within the next 5-7 years?

Will America collapse within the next 5-7 years?


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russian proxy thread

this map makes zero sense

beginning to think this professor watches too much TV

I can totally see Kentucky joining the EU. Totally.

>Atlantic America
>may join Europe

just kill me now

Map don't make a lick of sense why in the fuck would Mexico have the ability to take over the south?

New England joining EU? Yeah, we're liberal faggots, but we have too much pride in our history for that shit.

>thinking Alaskans would be okay with being under Russian control
>thinking Texas will be okay under Mexican control
>implying that if the US balkanizes they will be okay with being controlled by some government that isn't originally part of the US


>under canadian influence

top kek

americlaps BTFO


I give it 6 months. Out of dem ashes doe

Texas is more likely to take over Mexico than the other way around.

Wouldnt Canada be under CNAR influence?
More people and probably more money than the leafs.

>Wyoming under Canadian influence
>Kentucky/Tennessee/WV joining the EU
>Lumping NC and other parts of the Deep South in with the North
>California and Utah together

If these are the type of guys influencing Trump, maybe the liberals are right

>Canada's underpants

>Texas Republic
>Belongs to Mexico
Doubt it. Texas on its own could hold off Mexico, not to mention all the other states adding on

>under Mexican influence
I will nuke Mexico during the civil war to prevent the further bastardization of the south.

I want a hit of the crack this professor is smoking
>a nation with fewer citizens than California taking the midwest and rustbelt
>Dixie going to Mexico
Yeah no

No. 50-70

About 10 years. Then Cascadia can eject all the fucking Calis back to their true home.

So fucking tired of being lumped in, when it was the people arriving here that brought the shit.

I'm actually okay with this.

Bring on the plastic money and dope-ass space robot arms, boys!

This is fucking stupid.
>Alaska not becoming their own country
>Canadians taking over anything
>MEXICANTS taking over anything
>East Coast joining the EU
How is he a professor? This map looks like a game of risk


>tfw no one ever responds to your map, even to insult it

Central north america has more population than all of Canada. theyd be (continue) influencing them if anything

tfw your entire nation state already exists as a satellite for chin-e interests and you don't get to look at goofy info-graphics that pertain to the future not yet realized.

>russian intellectuals

What a dumbass.
Is he a professor of fucking math, or something?

>Taking that much land
They can barely keep control of Alberta. Not to mention the added economic pressure those large cities will add.

Getting rid of California and making it its own country makes sense and I think it will happen within the next 15 years. It's a win-win for liberals and GOPer.

The loss of 55 electoral votes practically ensures the rest of America will stay RED forever.

California would become a liberal "paradise" where liberals, gays, SJWs, hippies, immigrants, Mexicans, etc, etc would flocks to.


If the United States didn't collapse in the four years under the neocon warmonger Bush 41, or in the eight years under the China-loving, cowardly, corrupt pervert Clinton, or in the eight years under the bumbling buffoonish neocon Bush 43, or in the eight years under the worst president in U.S. history Obama, if the U.S. hasn't collapsed in spite of the horrible presidents of the last 28 years, why would you think it would collapse now that a man who is likely to become one of the greatest presidents in U.S. history is about take hold of the levers of power?

>...and I'll look down and whisper "MAGA".

Fuck I'm moving to TX if that really happened

literally the dumbest secessionist map I've ever seen. Why the hell would all the spics in the southwest join up with the blacks in the south east?

Why would blue New England the MidAtlantic team-up with the rednecks of KY and TN?

And you can forget about white Oregon and Washington joining Mexifornia. They hate those fuckers.

Here's a better one.

>Will America collapse within the next 5-7 years?

Not in the next eight years, but perhaps in the next 12-16 years after someone else replaces the God Emperor.

Don't forget to build a wall and a moat around it. It will fail in a year or two and there will be refugies.


The federal government will exist to some level as long as communication systems exist. Even then it's hard to find a way for them to lose control of a situation where hundreds of army bases, national guard armories, naval bases, airfields and marine camps are within five minutes of the major interstates.

Russian Professors are no better than ours.

At least ours are a lot better at bullshitting than this crap.

Alaska is straight up dependent on outside resources coming in.

Go ahead be innawoods Alaskan bushman, literally nobody will know or care.

If they tried, they could probably be independent.
They have more than enough resources, like metal, timber, and fish, to trade for stuff they don't have.

I bet California will one day be independent if anything else. It's probably the one state that truly does not fit.


Unless most of the army supports the uprising

As a proud citizen of the United States, and a citizen of the State of Illinois, I promise you we will NEVER be ruled by the fucking Canadians. Even if balkanization happens, we would never allow ourselves to fall under the Commonwealth's sphere of influence. We would be totally isolationist, even anything, completely conservative save Chicago. And fuck Chicago.

I got you senpai
>Florida not being Dixie, at the very least down near Tampa in the mainland
>independent Texas
>Kentucky, WV, Oklahoma, and southern Missouri NOT Dixie
>New York-Pennsylvania
Not even touching that shit
>Mormon theocracy not being called Deseret and spreading beyond Utah
>DC is for some reason the only city-state
Try again when you finish 9th grade history, friendo.

Amen. Canada will not rule me. I have guns. They can have chicago.

> Land of Mountain and Desert
I can at least approve of that, or a strategic alliance with the Oregon Territory to crush the socialists.

it doesn't right now because the demographics haven't shifted enough yet. look at the new births though, half of US children are non-white. 30-50 years from now many southern states will be completely the opposite of what they are now. blacks will dominate south-east, the west is dominated by hispanics, the mid-west and north by whites.

its basically just cutting up the US according to demographics. it will take some more decades though, and it will need a major event to trigger it (such as 1930's style financial disaster that puts millions on the streets). we're definitely going there judging by the ever increasing wealth gap between rich and poor (and the dying middle class).

No, there's less than a million residents, almost half the population lives in Anchorage city limits.

Without federal assets even a country like the Philippines could conquer them.

Blacks are not increasing that fast

We'll have that tongue out and you'll be shipped off to the syrup mines mr bigmouth.

that map is trash and if the hegemony collapses it will either be with an explosion or a sigh-ie everyone will die with it or it'll fade and simply become one of many world powers.

If and only if Jefferson managed to break away to stay in the Union.
> keep 50 states
> excise the worst

Russians always have the most retarded "divided America" maps, they have no understanding of modern America. Just look at OP's map
>Mormon Utah joining coastal faggots
>New Mexico joining Texas
>the Carolinas, Kentucky, and Tennessee being with the Yankees
>Atlantic America joins European Union
>the most conservative part of the country joining fucking Canada
>California joining the Chinese

But they have so much military equipment up there.

Trump will fix this. R-right?

Blacks have trouble breeding here surprisingly. You'd think they would breed rampantly. Probably has to do with black girls and the fact there's white girls around who are mostly out of reach.

You gotta be kidding me if you think TN would not be part of the Texas Republic. We fucking hate Euros here

Go lick your queen's cunt you leaf bastard

It will balkanize when Texas and Florida get the California treatment.

AZ, siding with Cali, as an AZ Civilian I would kill every Cali person I know of if this possibility happened

Retarded map, especially the Canadian influence part. American Midwest has higher population than all of Canada by a factor of at least 2.

Quick sum puts it at like 70 million people.

What the fuck are you talking about? How would racial majorities determine what other country/countries control a divided America?

This map is hilarious because the EU won't exist in 10 years (ESPECIALLY in a scenario where the U.S. no longer exists to prop it up.) The idea of Canada controlling anything is fucking balls to the wall crazy.

Also, the U.S. failing as a country would lead to global instability the likes of which we've never seen. Our current political order is very fragile and predicated entirely on the U.S. toppling governments and invading countries. I'd expect a world war for sure and many political lines to be redrawn but to claim somethin as nebulous as the European Union would outlast such instability is the height of insanity.

Waging a war in Alaska would be like Afghanistan encrusted in ice.

> such as 1930's style financial disaster that puts millions on the streets
But if we have killbots by then we can just have an "accident" of genocidal proportions. How terrible.

Work your way up the coast, you'll get plenty of support from the central valley.

That stinking Ivan "professor" is dead wrong about this horrendously innacurrate (albeit hypothetical & fictitious) map.

Not surprising of foreign professors who operate in the USA, though- they never get anything correct.

Which they won't.
>Hurr let's rebel against the guys paying our checks and allow foreign governments on US soil.

Besides any dissent group gets infiltrated, radicalized, demonized and then destroyed by the alphabet agencies

Texas would most certainly be its own country
There's no reason not to, and in a Balkanized America it would happen

>implying the middle wouldn't vote to nuke Canada
>implying Texas wouldn't singlehandedly annex Mexico
>implying soujthern states like Florida would join the EU

this senpai

Kentucky would never join the EU

Yeah, and the Alaskans would have the advantage.

Why wouldn't Alaska go with Canada?

M8 that map is 10x worse than OPs

>side with yankees
>join the EU

What kind of crack were they smoking?

>canada and mexico getting LITERALLY anything
ooh im laffin


>balkanization of the US

HAHAHAHAHAHA dude why don't slavs understand that it's either we collapse or expand.

As rrayciss as this post is, I think that it's mostly true.

The South and the Midwest would join together, then annex and cleanse the coasts.

The Panhandle of Florida is basically Lower Alabama. Flawed map.

>Russian intellectuals

>norther georgia
>not confederacy


>the California republic
>under commie control

makes to much sense

Under 20,000 personnel across all branches including guard and air guard.

They don't have shit, and what shit they have will be used with diminishing returns.

Logistics you Nigger, maybe you missed the fact how huge and remote Alaska is and how almost half the population lives in one fucking city. Control the ports and a few inland areas and you're golden. There's no Pakistan or Iran to flood you with EFP's, and material and trainers.


What kind of retard thinks the south would split like that. No way TN, SC, NC, KY, and VA wouldn't be in the same republic as the rest of the south

that's not what i meant. blacks aren't increasing at all. their population along with whites is stable. however, non-black people are fleeing the south. whites are moving increasingly northwards every year. entire neighbourhoods and cities are already majority non-white, and overwhelmingly non-white in births (80%+)

when i say blacks will dominate in the south-east, i mean that all other ethnic groups will have moved elsewhere (west for hispanic, north for whites). its called white flight.

>How would racial majorities determine what other country/countries control a divided America?

are you retarded? literally every country that has ever existed is divided along ethnic lines. have you learned nothing from yugoslavia and balkanization? there are no multicultural countries, there's always one major demographic majority that dominates. if there are more than one competing demographic, the country will split - ALWAYS. whenever demographics change, so does culture and thus the balance of power. the splitting up of the soviet union is a good example.

hispanics are loyal to mexico, that is where their heritage lies. they don't give a shit about the USA. the USA is and always has been a 90%+ white country of european heritage. hispanics will not even speak english anymore in the future (they already don't in areas where they are 80%+ of the population). there is no common ground for them. of course there's always exceptions, but they're minorities.

the same thing is true with blacks. their loyalty might not lie with africa (they arrived too long ago and have no connection to it) but they hate white america (95% vote for democrats) and they will never forgive the USA for slavery no matter how much you pander to them. would you as a white person forgive islam for invading the west so many times?

Hope that Russian professor dude's got tenure, because his grasp on American geopolitics and culture is so laughable I'd fire the guy on the spot.

Arizona would NEVER go with California in a Balkanization scenario. Would become independent or merge with Texas. California wouldn't likely be able to take it by force, either, as the state is overall too well-armed.

Idaho, Utah and Arizona wouldn't join California. Washington would split along the Cascades.

>1 post by this ID

>Trudeau visits, talk of annexation

South Carolina and Tennessee would sooner join forces with Texas than with New York, this Russian professor doesn't know shit.

That being said, America will eventually collapse, or morph into something else. It has happened to every other empire before it.

Map of Cascadia

Cascadian government type, culture, economics, etc...

Without seattle/portland this would be great

Well Vancouver has already fallen to the Chinese so it makes sense the rest of the west coast will follow.

Only real future in truth

So long South America

with all these environmentalists, leftists, and socialists it would probably be some horrible social democracy with completely open borders