Anarcho-Capitalism is:
Anarcho-Capitalism is:
for fags
do you think it would work?
Pretty fucking stupid but I welcome its discussion to offset all the communists out there.
Fun as long as you have the upper hand.
No. It would lead to feudalism almost instantly
Most people are willing to sacrifice some freedom and wealth for security and leadership.
"he who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither"
-Ben Franklin
>all these slide threads
How does it feel to live on filthy pedo money? Kill yourselves.
No one said roads so I knew I had to, but it was a shitpost
it's a nice quote but it doesn't change human nature
real anarchism.
tell me how fascism is better and how every single jew did it wrong
Sup Forums was declared ancap so.....
yeah no cuck feudalism requires slavery and in ancapism slavery doesn't exist.
The national SOCIALIST party was funded by big banks and before ww2 they were allies with Russia.
Well, the nordic countries of today are basically economically fascist. They just forgot to implement the nationalism and authoritarianism, which is clearly screwing them over with their refugee crisis.
Nice bait but i'll take it,long story short no literally everything can be provided by the free market. i.e roads
all im saying is they have good uniforms im not natsoc.
you cant demolish my ideology.
is 'chimp out' damage control form of society trought an hyper contractual system of voluntary cooperation and defense against conflicts
> literally out of reach for low iq chimps
herp derp easements
Market capitalism aims to
1. demolish debt slavery
2. free us from the state us from consumerism
4. equalize the people.
Perfection that has never been tried, because it's too perfect.
>When you skin doctor kikesburg with your army of coke-addicted child slaves because tolerance is white genocide and genocide violates the NAP but it's okay because he started it
hell yeah user!
You violated our trade agreement by posting an off colored meme. Hand over you land or I will be forced to hire serbian militia to take it by force. That or give me your xbox and a bag of weed
Don't ever talk to me or my property again.
violation of the nap by using force.
You tell me which one looks more like gold.
plus your not trading.
We agreed upon in our trade deal that threaten force in times where our trade agreements breaks down isn't a violation of the NAP
Should've read the deal. Now hand over your xbox or I nuke
what agreement? when did you agree?
what would marx say
you would instantly get nuked if you nuked him.
marx is a traitor.
>Sup Forums was declared ancap
it was in a thread awhile back it was voluntarily agreed upon.
Those colors are mine and they're gold and black. Fuck off with your pale yellow faggotry. Come at me with your McNukes, bruh.
>living in oligarchy, who are using state for their own interest
Seems legit.
I personally think all sects of anarchism should join together temporarily in order to end the state.
I'm an ancap you fucking faggot, never reply to memes
oh my bad user I'm on my cell so i cant see the caps i just put it into my browser.
So Ancap people on Sup Forums are just trolls right?
I usually come to these threads for laughs but Im just making sure
no user were not.
i'm an actual ancap, a lot of people on Sup Forums are actually fascist or stasserist
same the fascists are actually trolls.
Technically, I'm a left-libertarian market anarchist, but it's fun to watch the degeneracy that Sup Forums has become.
Yeah ancaps on Sup Forums are just memeing
DNCs playbook
I haven't seen left leaning ancaps before, tell me, why aren't you right wing?
no we're not.
Yeah you are lol
That's a good goy.
I'm an actual ancap you fucking autist
No. We realize it is almost impossible to actually put into practice though.
sod off statist asswipe.
so you're black
i disagree.
Libertarianism is historically left; that is until Marxists infiltrated it and spurred an alliance with the old right. Ancaps hate this fact because they are so used to the old labels that they can't see the forest for the trees.
I believe it isn't impossible, as long as we have the right amount of time I think it could be pulled off
is this some kind of crypto-jew ctr trolling?
My dick is huge.
I think we need a black revolution now. not a 100 years in the future.
>calls me an autist
>is an ancap
Right time, right place, right happenings, maybe it's possible. I want to believe.
CTR has been dead for a while now, the site hasn't been updated since Trump won the election (fuck presidents and rulers but I think trump will make it easier for us to transition into a freer anarcho-capitalist society and hillary will breed cultural marxists)
Guys, GUYS! I have an idea - come on guys!
What we're gonna do see, is we're gonna make some of us, GUYS LISTEN! We're gonna make some of us allowed to do stuff that others can't, like hurt them if they don't comply. Then, GUYS COME ON LISTEN! Then if they don't comply we do sick shit to them, and if we don't do this it's gonna be really REALLY bad.
oh, so you're a fucking newfag numbskull retarded faggot idiot. got it,
In today's political spectrum you are on right though.
Stop trying to be hipster faggot and accept you fate.
It's just the fact of the matter. It's hard to see through the bullshit to understand the intricacies of market anarchism, especially when many of those that espouse it don't understand it. Also, we get a lot of hate, so the trolls come out and disparage our great ideology with disingenuous propaganda.
The only faggots who believe in anarcho-capitalism are edgy faggots who think "I'm only being held back by the rules. If the MAN wasn't keeping me down, I'd be ruling all these sheep"
Anarchists believe in equality.
Capitalism inevitable leads to the inequality of wealth.
They're incompatible and so, naturally the only adherents are retards
so you want to be owned by a statist got it.
t. ancommie
>real anarchism
>not Proudhonian
Pick one
Well, not really. The furthest left is anarchism and the furthest right is authoritarianism. My ideology is the most anarchist there is, so it's my job to inform people of that. You're just an ignorant fuck that doesn't know any better.
> Anarchists believe in equality.
[Citation Needed]
capitalism gives everyone a EQUAL chance to rise to ancapism is anarchism
Good on paper not in the real world
holy shit. Lurk moar you fucking lamer.