He's right you know.
He's right you know
can we just stop acting like that word has any power
ok kid
I love seeing stuff like this. It's why they lost 2016 and why they're going to lose harder in 2018.
They really are clueless.
>Majority of trump voters voted for Obama
really made me think
wtf I hate weird al now
>it's why they lost
But they won the popular vote.
No, because I fell for the lie and voted for him.
>playing the race card
I mean, it's what you do when you know you aren't winning.
They still don't realize conservatives hated Obama because liberals hated Bush.
i voted for obama and then i voted for trump. he didn't do a bad job. not a great job either, but not a bad job.
hillary was a fucking shitshow
Holy shit... he's right...
Not an argument.
>an anonymous person on twitter said his opinion so it must be a fact
At least the republicans waited until Obama actually achieved things that they disagreed with.
Trump hasn't even actually been sworn in yet, let alone tried anything, let alone achieved anything
>another slide thread
Kill yourself pedo enabler.
but they lost
Obama is black?
Now I'm a sexist, antisemitic, homophobic, racist. Guess how many fucks I give.
fuck weird al
Jew-Shill threads everywhere
so the fuck what if i'm racist? what am i supposed to feel bad now?
jesus fucking christ.
these faggots think "bigot" is an insult too
No, I didn't hate Obama until he reneged on a fair bit of his promises like closing Gitmo and stopping Middle East conflicts. He also prevented from collecting my tax returns unless I got insurance.
I voted for Obama because I wanted change. I voted for Trump because I wanted change.
sage race-baiting threads
ignore race-baiting posters
>sage race-baiting threads
>ignore race-baiting posters
sage race-baiting threads
ignore race-baiting posters
>sage race-baiting threads
>ignore race-baiting posters
sage race-baiting threads
ignore race-baiting posters
>sage race-baiting threads
>ignore race-baiting posters
sage race-baiting threads
ignore race-baiting posters
>sage race-baiting threads
>ignore race-baiting posters
Him and the millions of others like him are why Donald Trump won the election, you know.
We like Donald Trump like you liked President Obama.
However, we like trump because he isn't antiwhite, you liked Obama because you're antiwhite.
I hate Obama because he promised change that never came
I hate Obama because he's a filthy imperialist who ruined a perfectly good nation and helped terrorists in Syria against a democratically elected president
I hate Obama because he spied on everyone and because he gave more power to the big banks and corporations
I hate him based on his actions,not his race.