Old opiate thread pruned right when i joined

old opiate thread pruned right when i joined

>comfypills are the key to a semi-successful life if you have anxiety/depression/etc

>prove me wrong / protipucant

Other urls found in this thread:


lot of junkies on Sup Forums
>I am shocked


>falling for the OpiateJew

beg to diffs

drugs are by definition political and idealogical

>yes goyim, feeling dejected is a mental illness
>take this pill, only 60 dollars each! Don't worry, your healtcare will cover 90% of it.

Is there anything that would actually give me a bit of drive or pep? Just so I am not sitting around feeling so ambivalent all the time?

I think I am at the point where I would prefer a chemical solution since all the feel good shit just isn't working. But for some reason they are really against any of that stuff here so I would have to fight for it.

Just getting Sudafed for a block nose is a fucking song and dance because of MUH ADDICTION.

might consider the wide world of online Rx / bitcoin / S.Road

caffeine, exercise, and a good circadian rhythm
stop jerking off so much

ambien used to stimulate me

Don't really want to go down the illegal route.

My sleep is fucked, but I'm not even jerking off anywhere near as much as I used too. Can't even get sleeping tablets over here without more or less having to fellate a doctor. It is always "Here is this print out of bullshit that didn't do shit last time again". Even with a debilitating cough or something they rarely are willing to prescribe the stuff.

But yeah I probably could do with more exercise. Of course summer just had to roll around so I'll either melt or combust.

Might have to ask about that next time I see the doctor. But it sounds like it could actually work so fat fucking chance they will give it to me.

I smoke weed because I like my liver (and I'm a pussy)

can an opiate abuser describe to me in detail how to buy drugs?

i want to buy fentanyl and kill myself but I've never bought drugs and i don't have friends

i got prescribed stimulants without really wanting them per se in order to be able to say they were keeping me up so i could ask for sleeping pills the next time.

low dose of amphetamine

>Indian Tramadol

dude a fentanyl overdose is going to suck. take a trip to dignitas or something.

Implying tramadol slow release is a hard drug....

I took hydromorphone about 45 mins ago

Overdosed on fentanyl in Sept. Sucked what happened after but the actual overdose was just painlessly falling asleep.


>going to buy xanax from someone I know
>99 percent odds it's some pressed trash
>who knows what the fuck is in it
>might have god knows what in it that could kill me

I really don't think it's even fucking worth it. Drugs being illegal is fucking stupid.

how do i get opiates if i have no drug connections? how expensive are they typically

>using opiates to treat anxiety

Dumbest idea I have ever fucking heard. Try L-Theanine instead. You're putting incredibly stupid ideas in the minds of desperate people, you piece of shit.


This shit will fuck you up son.

In a bad way.

They are utterly and completely paranoid about that sort of stuff over here. I have to show ID and get logged on a registry if I need to buy anything with actual sudo in it. Which I do because I am one of those poor cunts that doesn't metabolise the shit they put in to replace the sudo.

I wish we still have based Tones in power. He would know were to get some pingas and then I could at least have some fun.


>Of course summer just had to roll around so I'll either melt or combust

its winter time you retard

Go to /adv/

l-theanine has had a mild affect at most for me

>american education

uh no it won't. are you retarded?

Dignitas only kills people with terminal illnesses regardless

One of the first results in Google.


Fuck this country. I should move back to the US.

>mu opioid agonists are opiates
Do real /opi/ faggot, upgrade to real drugs

This OP is a faggot

Damn I forgot completely that it was banned there. Give it 5-10 years and it'll be banned in the US too.

Have some ducking respect for yourself. Typical OP, always a faggot

I thought it was becoming illegal in December

opiates are for niggers


>are you retarded
says the guy who can't find fentanyl or any of its analogues anywhere online.

I'll take the minor victory that he was at least able to read what I wrote. Baby steps.

tramadol never did anything for me

being high on opiates makes shit jobs tolerable... time really flies

I can get by on just hydrocodone, despite using this stuff for years, I've thankfully never developed much of a tolerance and still get nauseous really easily

fentanyl is amazing btw

is there a good site i can get this from

i can't buy drugs online without a credit card, can i?

google.com. it's unregulated

fug, i'll try some thanks m8

Not too sure. I know its legal in Florida right now so I'm not too concerned.

You name it, it is banned. Even shit that hadn't had any proper research or known negative effects yet. Everything here even slightly fun or beneficial is either taxed into oblivion or banned.

Which is probably why we still have all this bloody Muslim immigration and refugees because they are neither of those.

what's wrong with tramadol?

>using drugs

This fucking board sucks dick


I took some oxycodone when I was younger and mixed it with some liquid hydro, pretty good combo and I definitely didn't feel the anxiety and depression I feel every day now.
I can see how people would get addicted to the stuff.

you can buy Phenibut legally in Australia iirc. it would definitely help you with your problems but you can't take it frequently so i don't know how much help that is


>falling for the poppy jew
>any manifestation


It doesn't do anything to get you high

Be very cautious. This will change your life for the best if you use it responsibly.

It is an unscheduled, legal antxiolyctic (along with many other benefits) that is relatively cheap. It is an immediate (15 minutes) mood enhanced with very tangible effects.

Irresponsible use comes with the worst of the worst aspects of opiate abuse and please don't contribute to the banning of useful substances.

drugs are the shit pastor dick

Kratom gives me the same anti-anxiety/pro-social effects but without the addiction risks of opiates.

t. normie chad
us autists are doomed to failure if we don't' find a way to cope

Those side effects sound like the opposite of what I want, but I might check it out. Thanks mate.

it's a sythetic opiod that causes nuron damage in high 'recreational' doses.

>i'm a chemist

What does Sup Forums think of benzos in particular klonopin for long term anxiety. Never wanted to be on medication especially a benzo but in my situation I legitimately think it might be a good idea and beneficial.

>tfw think I actually have legitimate ADD
>did amphetamines once and suddenly understood exactly what I needed to do to fix my life and my mind was insanely clear like never before
>wore off afterwards and was back to my old NEET self that doesn't care about anything

want to try tramadol again but I have to conform with vodka, need prescription

you will get addicted. Only relieves anxiety for a few weeks.

Sucks that it only lasts about 4hrs and needs to be redosed with a milligram scale. Withdrawals are a bitch and are a mix of light SSRI withdrawal and light opiate withdrawal. Liftmode (the vendor) has created a shit ton of addicts, that much is fact.

Takeaway from this thread: drugs are fun but almost every single drug has consequences if not used responsibly. Weed too you fucking potheads.

Drugs are as normalfag as it gets, dumb redditor.

>using benzos long term

i don't know about that bruv.

>While benzodiazepines are highly effective in the short term, adverse effects in some people associated with long-term use including impaired cognitive abilities, memory problems, mood swings, and overdoses when combined with other drugs may make the risk-benefit ratio unfavourable, while others experience no ill effects.

wikipedia says it's pretty risky. they seem like a drug class that should be used acutely


weed and retarded shit like lean are normalfag tier

I guess my question would be can I get effects like this from anything less heavy without the side effects?

Normies use drugs to have fun with friends, we use drugs just to function and nobody knows we take them because we don't use them for fun

I don't even leave the house until I've had at least 6 shots of vodka and nobody knows I drink everyday

Was it Ex?

There are free acid and a sulfate versions which last much longer. You can mix your own capsules with combinations of the sodium for its immediate benefits and sulfates for longevity.

And they haven't necessarily created addict but tianeptine is very addictive but it's benefits are absolutely incredible.

I've been giving up all drugs except weed. I've been trying to stop drinking but it's become so habitual. All of my friends are huge drug addicts now so I have nothing to do on weekends except drink alone unless I want to do coke all weekend with them.

I've been getting into using supplements lately in an attempt to improve my health and help curb the urge to drink and do drugs. I think it's helping, although a lot of what I've been taking might make me grow tits lol
But my anxiety and depression just plummeted and I've finally had the motivation to finish past products.

Yeah ok, I assumed that would just be the case
Long term as in up to a year at most

Well it was supposedly good mdma that my friend got online but I think it had other stuff in it

either way it was fucking amazing. If you've seen the movie limitless it was essentially exactly like that. It felt like my IQ just suddenly got bumped up by 50

look into pulling yourself up by your bootstraps

Really though: regular cardio and lifting, modafinil (wont work forever, doesnt really do much for motivation, only concentration), noopept (probably wont replicate the effects you want), or just straight up dexamphetamine (dexedrine, similar to adderall, but thats a wild ride to hop on!). All drugs have risks nigger and you are better off finding an internal locus of control

dont do it. i used benzo's for 10 years for anxiety management and can confirm addiction / dependency. it's not worth it, in the end i was having attacks that were far worse than when it started do to withdrawal. benzos have a really short half life, not a long term solution.

i take suboxone for depression
it works so good its scary sometimes

apply like pic related for success or what are we talking about

I second this. The only issue I have with kratom is sometimes the nausea, but its a pretty cool "drug"