in before some storm fag preaches about race mixing.
>muh genocide
in before some storm fag preaches about race mixing.
>muh genocide
Who fucking cares
Arabs are not, no. Some Middle-Easterns could qualify though, such as Armenians and Yazidis.
White means different things in different places. They are Caucasian.
no arabs are not white
t. Sand-American
They are caucassoid arabic/semitic. I do consider some to be white, but many don't.
>People who live in the desert
fucking retarded go salvage yourself
no, they just have white genetics because of the slave trade they carried out, enslaving white women and stealing them from constantinople and raiding ships
They are sandniggers.
Don't forget good old Macedonian enrichment.
No, they aren't European. Now get off of Sup Forums.
Some are,but they are very rare.
Well if they're White then they're White. But if you are asking if they are Europeans then no, but some are Mediterranean.
>Tfw spanish, looks chart, phew Sup Forums
They are our cousins
absolutely haram.
If Islam didn't exist the levantine and north african Arabs would be considered white so long as you considered Italians white. Same goes for turkey. The actual gulf Arabs probably not though.
I'm from Alabama
arabs are not white, but they're caucasian.
SOME (!) north africans/levantine people are white, though.
>Are Arabs white Sup Forums ?
nobody gives a fuck
no, sage
Exactly, Arab isn't a race, just like Slav isn't a race.
For a example a lot of Syrians and Lebanese can almost be considered white.
However, Arabs from Saudi Arabia or Oman are very far skinned and have Semitic facial structures. Basically gulf Arabs are true Arabs while "Arabs" from Lebanon and Syria are ancient white civilisations that have mixed with Arab invaders.
Is reporting this thread white ?
No, arabs are semites. They conquered everything directly north, east and west so they made everyone darker there too. That's why you have hindus with lighter features than iraqis. You also have ancient christian groups in these areas than never really bred with the muslims(they would have had to become muslim and stayed muslim if they did), so the native lebanese, syrian, egyptian populations have been preserved in these people. Pic is a coptic christian from egypt.
Some are close to being white like pic and others closer, but no.
They are definitely Asian and chose to either mix with either white or higher caste within their ranks.
I know of some UAE princes in person with these traits and roughly why from their knowledge.
When it comes to the high castes it goes from class due to caste to the maximum standards you can expect from a given country.
Women from India tend to be referred to has whores (even the highest class).
North Africans/Levant people are Semitic.
Turks are not white. The Levantine are not white. Jews are not white. North Africans are not white.
Along with genetics, it's also the culture. The bearer of western civilization, the Europeans, are white. It's that simple.